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Everything posted by daven

  1. Why would you need to pre-order a digital game? When it comes out you can buy it? It's not as if they are going to run out of stock.
  2. Did you know there are ONLY 2 categories of people in the world. Dirty hippy lefties and nazis. You are either with them or against them... or something.
  3. On a completely unrelated note Boeroer, what was the truth of Sonic's comment that had nothing wrong with it?
  4. Is there anything wrong with the original games? Still perfectly playable to me. In fact Baldur's Gate 1 is fine. The 'Enhanced Edition' actively makes it worse. And now people can't even buy the original game! It's as bad as the Star Wars special edition. Sorry went on a bit of a rant there.
  5. Surely the Watcher should retire after this? How much of a beating can one person go through? Already been killed once by Eothas! He should just appear as a cameo running a Pub or Tavern or whatever with some of the items on display he's accumulated over the years.
  6. Why is it in these kind of games, when you beat the toughest possible opponent you get an item which makes you more powerful? I like that in the Dark Souls expansion when you kill that dragon you get a ring which doubles all damage to your character.
  7. Yeah I'm down for that... but instead of the Eternity universe, let's just do Forgotten Realms and use 5th Edition.
  8. FreeCiv is an open-source crowd-development project, runs on everything, incl. Linux and Android. Has an option to use core Civ 2 rules. Also free. Interesting! I shall definitely check this out when I get home.
  9. This seems to be going nowhere. Just an argument of 'I don't like it', 'Well I do, so you're wrong'.
  10. I used to be obsessed with Civ2 when I was a whipper snapper. Is it even anywhere to buy nowadays? Will it even play on modern systems? Wouldn't mind giving it a bash again for old times sake. I got Civ3 a few years later but I couldn't get into it like 2. And that was the end of that.
  11. Give over. The Baldur's Gate story is DONE! No more, i don't trust Beamdog, Bioware or Obsidian to make it anyway. A new RPG in the forgotten realms not called Baldur's Gate however... Let's see Waterdeep, or Thay or something. KARA TUR
  12. How popular is the Premier League in the US? As far as we know in England, it's basically nothing over there.
  13. Since there was one for NFL, i'll start a REAL sport topic. Liverpool are still at the top at the half way point. Man City just did them on Thursday. My money is on City to win still. Anyone even interested? Probably not.
  14. Yeah, saw quite a few of those. One of the very few ads that I don't skip. Yeah I was pretty shocked. I wonder if MS are actually giving some marketing dosh towards it? Since Deadfire had 0 money on marketing. And yeah I think that and the Google Home Alone advert are the only adverts i haven't skipped all 2018.
  15. Reading this entire topic i've come to the conclusion that... Some people like turn based combat, some people like RTWP and some people like both. I have to say it depends on the game. If they put in turn based combat into POE1 now.... it would take an ETERNITY to finish the damned thing. I like turn based in say... FFX. But even then I wish i could skip animations sometimes so it wasn't wasting my time. Casting double or triple holy's is a slog.
  16. I really enjoyed Dragonfall, and played it again when the directors edition came out. However Hong Kong never really gripped me as much, even though i did enjoy what i played I have never felt motivated to go back to it since. Maybe I should fire it up again soon...
  17. God isn't welcome on this forum!
  18. I have just read Karl Pilkington's 'Happyslapped by a Jellyfish'. I would recommend it.
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