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Everything posted by daven

  1. I think it's too easy to enchant weapons and that. Why does our character know how to do it instantly and can do it anywhere? You should have to go out and find a scroll, maybe there's some buried treasure which has the recipe for it. Then you have to take it to some enchanter or have an arcana skill of x to do it. OH WELL it isn't like that so who cares.
  2. Yeah, I think I've become a little disillusioned with open worlds. They're cool in theory, but a lot of games fill them with essentially empty space, or the world feels empty because the amount people that really talk is low and the amount of response to you and your choices is minimal or nonexistent. If Obsidian could pull something off like Fallout:New Vegas without killing themselves, that'd be amazing. I just wouldn't want them to do it because it's "the thing" to do/because other companies do it. I am completely burned out on these types of games. Give me linearity or give me death!
  3. Yeah fair point, guess some of the choices seem at odds with each other.
  4. Eurgh... So anyway, back on topic. I went and read his PoE review after this, it's notquite as scathing as I was expecting. Anddddd I quite agree with most of the stuff he says there too...! Although I still enjoy the game.
  5. That's a bit over the top surely, the review was quite funny. He's just making it a bit entertaining in the way he wrote it. (I have never been on that site until reading this review)
  6. What is the value of rating something out of 10? How can you quantify the experience of playing a game? The sooner reviewers stop doing this the better. Out of curiosity, how much did you back it for?
  7. ' Nearly every companion is a flaming homo who wants a piece of your butt.' Ahahahaha. Okay that really made me crack up. I think it's a reasonably fair review, well I skimmed a lot of it but agree with many of his points.
  8. Yes I find some quite cheesy, they are pretty much all just cracking jokes. Fair enough I guess people really do that. Maybe dialogue containing some more insight into the world or region or whatever could have been interesting. They do this in the Dragon Age games and it's pretty much just cheesy jokes and crap in that. But the voice acting in those games are much higher quality.
  9. Please don't give us Ydwin. No interest in this character at all.
  10. Remember that quiz they put out about DLC's a while back? Apparently most people said they'd prefer less, beefier expansions (Throne of Bhaal). Yet that hasn't seemed to have occurred. Guess they didn't trust their own market research.
  11. I'm not sure what people expect from donating to these crowd funding campaigns. They are not going to give you all £500 worth of your donation back in gifts, otherwise what is the point? But that sucks for you if it's completely shoddy and you want to shift it already.
  12. I like the audio. Attacks in combat feel like they have a lot more weight compared to the first game. The animations are much improved.
  13. Maybe take some of the sidekicks, that hooker dwarf is probably decent for an evil party.
  14. Twitter seem to have everyone by the balls. Is it impossible to do anything now without using that or Facebook? We have the whole internet and all companies are forced to use them 2 terrible websites.
  15. OK the guy is a bit aggressive but calling someone a hater is a comment that holds no value whatsoever. But anyway back on topic, hitting an experience points cap early on is a bit of a motivation killer.
  16. A rucksack would be a good addition. Are there any RPG's where your character actually has a rucksack, with a bedroll and that on it?? I think that would be a good touch, maybe not at all times but in certain areas. When trudging through a mountain pass or whatever.
  17. Hmm.. interesting. Where did you hear this?!
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