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Everything posted by daven

  1. Sorta unrelated, but David Gaider once said, that he originally wanted Anomen to be gay romance, but they decided against it in the end, because they thought the audience wasn't ready. I actually have mixed feelings about this, since I think he's boring, whiny and obnoxious as hell and his romance is no better, but then would that be 4 romances for male characters and 0 for female? I actually agree with both points of view to some extent. I love romances as much as the next person (provided, they are well-written), but I also don't want the writers to feel forced to write them if they don't want to - if anything, it tends to reflect on the quality of said romance. That's quite interesting, I don't think Anomen being gay would suit him. I guess it's difficult to say now after being used to the character being a certain way. One of my favourite David Gaider characters is Dorian, he is a well done homo character.
  2. Look, I have absolutely no issue with being bisexual/gay/australian/whatever but this reminds me of a topic on beamdogs forum. Some people wanted Anomen to be able to be romanced by male characters as well. Why? Just because YOU want him to be gay? His character was heterosexual. I think it undermines the writing, this kind of lazy fan service. For example Isabella in Dragon Age 2, i find completely acceptable to be like that because it's completely part of her character. And on another note, i don't hate romances in games as a rule. I quite like the BG2 ones because they take the entire game to develop and can be quite hard to maintain(Jaheira) if you say the wrong crap. In this it's just ... do you want to flirt? Yes? Okay you're now dating.
  3. Ya know, maybe i'm starting to come round to the idea that maybe my character is just like David Beckham or something. The kind of guy who makes women want him, and men want.. to be women.
  4. At first I couldn't understand the choice of combat music, but i kind of like how understated it is. Most of the music is really appealing, the only part that really bothers me is the level up music. It just seems to drone on when you're levelling up 5 party members in a row, since it stops and starts again. Edit: And also like others say the sound design in general is a massive step up since the first game. I love the Queen's Berth track like other's have said and the sea shanties.
  5. I think my favourite encounter... even though I saw it a mile off is in the Old City when you pick up the sabre and all the undead rise up and attack. However you fight ther exact same enemies throughout the rest of that area. What do you guys think is the best encounter over both games? I would say Raedric and his cronies.
  6. I sort of enjoyed Endless Paths, but it seemed like they rushed the last few floors or ran out of ideas.
  7. I just don't know then, i've had 3 party members want to come back to the captains quarters almost immediately. I feel like the dialogue must be being initiated too quickly or something. I'd had Maia in my party for all of 5 minutes before she wanted my pole. I will accept it is bugged dialogue and hope a patch sorts it. If not, the writing is horribly forced and ham-fisted.
  8. I think there is ONE. Right at the start before character creation.
  9. That's interesting, I think the first game was a bit too much combat. OR that the enemies were uninteresting. I think they may have gone a bit too far this time, because I find the combat more interesting but there is less of it. always leave us wanting more right?
  10. The undercity in Neketaka is alright, but again quite short. I like the design of it, reminds me of New Londo in Dark Souls.
  11. Yeah I kind of figured that out in my first battle. Is that all there is to it?!
  12. Yes this bothers me, only very few specific people should know who you are by face. Not every random joe blow you walk by.
  13. Yes, I will tell you the name when I get home from work. It does random defences throughout the battle like damage reduction/spell resistance/chance to reflect/etc. And looks good to boot. OK, Pearlescent helstone helm. Sorry i forgot where I found it, maybe the old city?
  14. Get Konstanten, he's a hoot with that over-the-top voice of his. Also, his big hands may be his only character trait, but at least he's honest about it. Where does he live? I haven't found any sidekicks.
  15. I like it, why do people go to the beach? To have a good time! Walking on the beaches, looking at the peacheeessss!
  16. Can't think of anything right now but I just want to agree with this. Resting only in an inn is a good one actually. I'm tempted to just try some of these self imposed, since the game is a bit of a joke. I'm on veteran and haven't died once, in the first game I died quite a few times.
  17. I found it very strange that when I get to the smugglers cove at the end of this area, someone say's 'we're watching you don't try anything'(or something along them lines) and then I can just wander about their camp without anyone caring. Surely they would take me hostage immediately or attack me if a complete stranger just waltzed on into their illegal operation???
  18. I've come to the conclusion that this entire system makes no sense whatsoever.
  19. But also compared to contemporary benchmarks, like DoS 2. Torment Tides of Numenera, Shadowrun Dragonfall, Wasteland 2 I guess. I have only played Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall out of them anyway.
  20. It's been on the GOG top sellers for a while now, even before release. It doesn't show numbers though I think?
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