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About DaKatarn

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  1. I hope for new level cap ONLY IF new end-game content will be added like zone, optional and challenging boss and maybe new story.
  2. I want more gloomy and grim athmosphere, a dark european fantasy ambience maybe in Aedyran Empire. I want so much an epic MAIN STORY with twists and A VERY CHARISMATIC VILAIN, a good story is a story with a good vilain.
  3. 1/ Baldur's Gate Serie without any doubts 2/ Witcher Serie 3/ Planescape Torment 4/ Pillars of Eternity 1 5/ Final Fantasy VII et IX 6/ NWN 2 7/ KOTOR 2 8/ Skyrim with a lot of Mods 9/ Dragon age Origin 10/ Deux Ex
  4. i just think it's a tad... tilted to judge the evil/good of a military or a military doctrine using modern measurements when these actions take place in an iron age world. things change, values change. etc. I can see where you're coming from, but the Scarlet Chorus was written with these things with the *intention* that they'd be judged as evil. The Disfavored and the Scarlet Chorus are designed to be the two faces of evil; cold, calculating, pragmatic evil vs wild, chaotic, uninhibited evil. Both also have good sides to them; the Disfavored are disciplined, honorable, and respect the law while the Scarlet Chorus is egalitarian, values freedom, and considers individual achievement to be the best measure of leadership. The choice your supposed to have is "What values are more important to me? What moral compromises will I make for those values?" I'm agree with that, Disfavored is Loyal Evil and Scarlet Chorus is Chaotic Evil. In a way Disfavored is fascism and Scarlet Chorus is bolchevism-leninism. However you're wrong about Waffen-SS, non-german Division are real division like the Viking Division (Scandinavians), Wallonie Division (Belgium) and Charlemagne Division (French).
  5. Post-marxism ideological point of view and studies impose an ideological vision denying any determinism, it is the base of the problem of analysis. Any difference is considered as carrier of a superiority or an inferiority so it's the locked door of any discussion. The templates as well as the hormonal cycles play obviously a key role in the behavior differentiated of the men and the women. And many women themselves is aware about that. Neuroscience tells us the differences of settings between emotion and rationality. There are attitudes and typically male and feminine character traits. Virility is synonymic of enterprising, intrusive, audacious spirit. It doesn't mean that no woman can have virile attitudes. It means that it is a character more quantifiabllye in men. We don't make rules with flying fish. Any sex therapist can confirm that, it's not a good or a bad thing, it's just the reality. It's just human.
  6. The best way to do it by far is in a game with an advantages/disadvantages system, as a perk that triggers certain dialogue options or a small bonus on certain checks, while keeping it totally separate from the core mechanics. Beauty should generally be placed along things like "oh, I have photographic memory," or "oh, I know ALL THE TRIVIA," or, "oh, I'm familiar with military stuff" - miscellaneous character traits that can be independent of combat attributes. I'm agree with you but apparently a fighting penalties for a beautifull woman is a heresy for some. A red alarm is burning their minds and the wild hunt is launched against malefic clichés. In an other hand, we can see an inherent penalty due to the fact that we are going to place points in this characteristic rather than in an other one.
  7. It's a natural and legitim idea. In many RPG (and real life of course) beauty, charisma, social abilities and style are very usefull and the way for special opportunies. IMO it's because beauty is evidence while intelligence must be demonstrated. More social interactions can be a good add for any RPG because it’s new ways to solve a situation. But it’s not only available for women. In Cthulhu RPG the APP (Appearance) stat is only for social interactions. Your suggestion for fighting penalties isn’t mad, to maintain its beauty and its style takes time, lifestyle and ressources. It’s more difficult for a barbarian woman to be pretty after 15 years of battlefield, many scars and punch in her face. In the same way a beautiful woman will use the social game to urge others to do the dirty work for her, like Lahmian vampire in Warhammer for exemple. Even if it’s a realistic way, it’s difficult to do in a CRPG with so many fight situations. It’s a concession of gameplay and it’s fine. I think add only new dialogu option without penalties is sufficient. But I think the real trouble, and some answers here demonstrate it, is an ideological point of view which makes complicated any subject in touch with the physical appearance where the social role of the men and the women. Apparently it is not fashionable at all and the guild of troll's Hunters are hungry.
  8. IMO, limited rest is a necessity for the rythm during a game and the feeling of wear and fatigue of the group. A new system of hurt and fatigue after too many fights or travels can be a solution. Add an option for limited rest with the new Magran system and an achievement is a good way too.
  9. You really need help... You seem upset that one of the characters wasn't white - how does that make it an agenda? And which ugly women? The latest star wars Film was great and Rei and fynn (not sure how their names are spelt in the film) are very funny and just what the star wars films needed I'm going to have to disagree with that, but for entirely different reasons. The latest movie changed/altered the lore, and the historical characters. It was a very intentional act to sever star wars from it's ancestory based, monastic, religious and classical thinking underpinnings. The treatment of luke for example, was completely out of character - dude tries to save his dark side dad, and turns around and tries to kill a child because he might get up to no good. To many fans of the series, that's a turn against the prior movies, and a bit of an insult to the fanbase. Personally I could forgive the left leaning narratives if they had not done this. They are distracting when you personally no longer think that way for the most part, but It's hard to find a movie out of hollyweird that doesn't have that bent so you best get used to it. Either than or take up reading I'm totally agree with you, so much negative points in this movie. I talk only about "feminist theme" because it's the first goal of this thread. And I like Star Wars VII and love Rogue One.
  10. You really need help... You seem upset that one of the characters wasn't white - how does that make it an agenda? And which ugly women? The latest star wars Film was great and Rei and fynn (not sure how their names are spelt in the film) are very funny and just what the star wars films needed You need opthalmologic help if you cannot see this big nose Larma d'Acy effect ugly. Not one character, the only new character who is white is a woman Mary Sue as Rey. The latest star wars film was a crual joke, a troll and a real shame but it's not the place to talk about that. Story with non-sens, WTF scenes, a lot of mistakes, zero intensity. It's the worst SW ever and it's an objectif point of view. But I stop talk about SW anymore, it's not the place for that. Maybe you like it, I better understand your point of view now.
  11. So how was star wars ruined by sjw? I think it's about Star Wars VIII, withoutsoul and an agenda of racial quota and ugly women in the Resistance. Rogue One was really better with a true deep of world and a strong woman main character who is not a Mary Sue.
  12. Well done Inquisitor, censorship is your only answer? The stake is smelling? We are all adults here and we can discuss with respect for a positive way I hope. We can be feminist whitout being SJW...It's the deal of the nuance and any intellectual reflection. Why to ignore all my post for quote just one line with an unfounded accusation to demonized me with moral position and censorship for only answer? It's more easy apparently to say "It's not what I want to hear, burn them all!!!". It's not tolerant and it's a pity.
  13. The first pillars was correct on this point: no intense SJW propaganda IMO (maybe just the Sagani' story with her role of hunter and her husband who stay at home for the children but it's light) and I LIKE THAT SO MUCH. Medieval-fantasy and CRPG are historically more traditional universes drawing from the soul of the former European myths and it's what I like, it's the old soul of our civilization like a good walk in a deep ancient forest. I hate every propaganda in any cultural media so the recent wave of SJW forced propaganda in RPG is a really pain in my heart: Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age Inquisition or the add of Enhanced Edition for the great Baldur's Gate. It's ridiculous not a progress. This SJW propaganda dessert its own cause like an agression because it's artificial, often illogical and immersion breacker so much. This propaganda has many consequences which are going to impoverish the whole game for ideological reasons: no too beautifull female NPC (what a shame and irony, the first power of any lady is her feminity...) and an aseptic, smoother universes, without soul, moralizer and forgotten like Dragon Age Inquisition. An empty carcass. SJW propaganda is a fraud because the goal is the permanent crying about oppression or scandal so scandal or opression MUST BE SEEN OF EVERYWHERE. It's endless like a good old dungeon because without "oppresion" or "scandal" SJW aren't any more right to be, it is their fuel. Even in a game without any male, any white people, SJW will tear between them like the "Enraged faction of Robespierre during the French Revolution". Free of speach is sacred for me but I don't like any totalitarian thought imposing a moral order with sin and inquisition... It's a serious debate and ty for this no-troll thread. I'm feminist but this actual SJW madness isn't feminism it's hate and will of destruction about the traditional soul of Occident, values and beauty.
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