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Everything posted by daven

  1. I just watched the video for 1.1 they posted, Josh's enthusiasm really gets me pumped. I had lost so much energy for the game after running into a load of problems, but watching this has got me psyched to start a new game. He really needs to put out more vids for Obsidian to get the community excited.
  2. I definitely want to see a Sci Fi RPG. Not necessarily from Obsidian, by anyone. SOMEONE OUT THERE ARE YOU LISTENING?! But yeah, I think we need to move on soon. Not milk it to death.
  3. That's why Durance was probably the best party member in the first game.
  4. I'd love to see a proper Hard Sci Fi RPG. But alas there just isn't the market for this... one day I shall learn to program, do art, make music and create my own!
  5. POE1 is hardly a perfect game. I think Deadfire is much improved, but also with many flaws I hope the patches will fix...!
  6. I'm actually quite liking Maua just because she's level headed and get's on with business, not cracking jokes constantly. Although she did want to get in my pantaloons after 5 minutes... but I think that is bugged so I don't know what to believe.
  7. Surely it will have sold more on GOG. That's the place for RPG's and what not?
  8. I would like to be able to save a different full set to quickly swap for when i'm walking around cities and that...
  9. Anyone remember the game Overboard for Playstation 1? I used to love playing a demo of that... I am on the side of... maybe they should have just cut some features and focus more on others. Cut out the ship battles, maybe just have 1 or 2 at specific points in the game and that's it.
  10. Yeah he seems a complete jackass in this. When I talk to him he replies.. 'Can I HELP YOU with something' in an irritated voice. PFFT! Get off my ship if you're gonna be like that!
  11. How much does play time matter? I wouldn't want every game to be 50+ hours... there isn't enough time! For a linear RPG, maybe 20-30 hours? I was playing Breath of Fire 3 on PSP recently, took about 28 hours-ish, to do basically everything in the game. That was enough. Also playing FF Tactics, i've been on it on and of for nearly 2 years now and still haven't completed the damn thing.
  12. Um... I'm afraid your age is showing, sir. What dya mean?! AM I that out of touch?
  13. I quite like these quests, yeah some are a bit short but they are a nice diversion. I think if they were all too long they would outstay their welcome.
  14. Yeah you've been able to use mods for a while. Just gotta make sure they're properly updated with the latest weidu I believe. Unless an update broke something? I moved over to EE as soon as mods were available for it and that was a few years ago. I was using my old copy..that I brough ages ago . I haven't tried mod with the enhanced version . well good to know..that be something to play again in the futur ! Thanx! I have the EE's but... i actually kind of prefer the originals. 1. I don't like the new characters, they just don't mesh well at all with the original content. 2. I'm not entirely sure what's so 'Enhanced' about them, the only thing is the zoom feature??? 3. I also prefer having the old sprites in BG1. I probably sound like a Luddite right now... i'm gonna go shout at some clouds!
  15. I haven't read much of this topic because I don't want spoilers as I haven't finished yet: Maybe they should have made the beef between the different factions more of the focus a la New Vegas. But i'm not sure how the watcher would have been interested in that, unless we just made a new character.
  16. pfft I'd romance Dorn first. Awww which ones? BG1 or 2 ? or are you gonna do a whole run of both ? Either way , say hi to Jaheira for meh.... Gonna get back to that game once they let me use Mods ! Both of course! Oh god Jaheira. I actually don't drag her along with me (which is why I get so annoyed seeing her in BG2. Lady I don't know you, I don't want to know you go away you complete and utter creeper.) Wait you can't now? I've been using mods just fine. (Mostly using one that expands Dorn's romance. I wish there was one that gave Rassad a less crap ending.) Hopefully in Deadfire the dlc will have some small romance banters (and friendship/dislike ones). Basically I just want moar content with the companions XD I played them both over the past 6 months in prep for this coming out. A lo of folks were saying BG2 has aged badly blah blah blah, it has in some ways but it's still a really good game. You just have to play it or a few days to sort of 'acclimatise'. And I realised my favourite character might be Yoshimo.
  17. if you wanna talk about lazy , you may wanna take a closer look at BG2 avaible romance . How unfair and lazy it was when it came to numbers . Male get : Jaheira , Viconia and Aerie . And female get : Annoymen . No , it doesn't change the writing . Someone having the Tag 'Bi' or 'Gay' won'T become a lousy character just cose it has those Tag . It's always has been a lousy character . Changing he to she , won't change someone from being a nuisance at the end of the day . Think Irenicus goal will change if you learn he was banging a dude elf behind the queen back ? Why is that lazy? I don't believe that Jaheira would date a non Human/Elf/Half-elf. Just because you chose a character who's a Dwarf doesn't mean she should instantly want to bang you. So now you going wacist on dwarf ?! They are super duper cute! YOUR LOSS! THAT HAIR CHEST!!!!!!!!!! I love Dwarve's as much as the next guy! I'm just saying... anyway Forgotten Realms and the Eternity universe are so different it's hard to compare them.
  18. I don't recall in so called "Western RPG's" have random encounters. But yeah i'm not a big fan of them, I like FF7,8,9,10 but random encounters are not a good game mechanic. Square knew this, in SaGa Frontier 2 they did away with it but didn't in any FF games. Persona 5 doesn't, but you kind of have to fight everything.
  19. I guess i'm the odd one out here, I actually like Anomen as a character. I've only played as male PC's in BG2 and always bring him along, he's a snarky arse. What's not to like?!?!
  20. if you wanna talk about lazy , you may wanna take a closer look at BG2 avaible romance . How unfair and lazy it was when it came to numbers . Male get : Jaheira , Viconia and Aerie . And female get : Annoymen . No , it doesn't change the writing . Someone having the Tag 'Bi' or 'Gay' won'T become a lousy character just cose it has those Tag . It's always has been a lousy character . Changing he to she , won't change someone from being a nuisance at the end of the day . Think Irenicus goal will change if you learn he was banging a dude elf behind the queen back ? Why is that lazy? I don't believe that Jaheira would date a non Human/Elf/Half-elf. Just because you chose a character who's a Dwarf doesn't mean she should instantly want to bang you.
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