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Everything posted by daven

  1. Dark Souls. If you master them controls you're laughing.
  2. Zelda: Breath of the Wild and my Switch finally turned up! It's pretty damn good, really enjoying it so far. Only played about 3 hours... but yeah. I was kind of bored of the series after Twilight Princess. Never even played Skyward Sword. I wish you could change the button mapping, not sure if you can. I keep trying to use the Dark Souls/Demon's Souls controls!!!!!!!
  3. Yes the first island can be quite tough on Veteran, maybe start out normal and swap to Veteran as the above post says.
  4. Why does everything have to be a trilogy? It's gotten extremely generic at this point. But to answer your question, i have no idea at this point as we know almost nothing about the game! I do like having a long story over 2.5 games a la Baldurs Gate, however I do like in Dragon Age there are different main characters over the course of the games... so I guess it depends.
  5. I disagree - BG2 was pretty easy ... it could be hard but in general the main game was a breeze. Sorry late to the convo ... Yes, for you. BG is easy IF you understand all the systems. When I first played it as a kid I didn't give anyone armour because I couldn't understand why it lowered my armour value. I played after playing NWN which does the exact opposite... does it explain in the game anywhere about THAC0 and Armour Class? I don't remember.
  6. Why is it automatically deemed better if it's open world? Most open world games are shallow garbage.
  7. None of my buddies are into RPG's... therefore I have no use for this. However it has made me realise nearly all of my friends have little in common other than going to the pub sometimes... I need some new friends.
  8. On one hand, I could see some thinking that maybe a PoE3 might not happen because some might think that, hey, it didn't sell nearly as well as other titles. But OTOH, maybe if it had some AAA game funding from Microsoft, this could turn a PoE3 into a blockbuster. Who knows.... Yeah, I believe with the right marketing and a much more generous production budget we could see something very successful. I say it a lot but, the IP could also go on to compete with The Elder Scrolls one day. Obsidian already invested in their classic crpg engine, so doing a proper follow up in Pillars 3 makes sense as the next step. But Eora was always a setting that much more could be explored in. Especially once Obsidian ramps up with full AAA 3D rpgs again, TOW is still more of a AA mid budget venture. Imagine as the Eora IP matures and grows its fan-base, and Obsidian's pipeline is well oiled for the AAAs. Then that would be their time to strike. Probably still 8 years out though for something like this. With Eora being basically the one IP that Microsoft gets from Obsidian, they would be crazy not to have a long term plan like this. They should drop the 'Pillars of' and call it something else with Eternity. Not make it a 3. Then again I guess Fallout 3 was popular and most people who played it had probably never heard of the previous games.
  9. Well... hopefully Zelda: Breath of the Wild soon.. ordered that and a Switch the other day. I never thought i'd have any interest in buying one but I just caved in after watching Matthewmatosis' new review for it...! Haven't played a Zelda game since Wind Waker as they have looked pretty dull since that.
  10. I think the reviews on RPGCodex are pretty good, very in depth and no scores out of ten in sight. But they tend to release a review about 6 months after the game is out soo... yeah. Depends how long you're willing to wait.
  11. Yes, if rumors are to be believed, we may never see the end of the Eothas/Gods Pantheon story (honestly, no major loss there). But it seems like such a waste for the CRPG genre to die again after coming this far. Personally, I'm hoping they'll use the systems they've developed for a fresh CRPG game/story*. *Just please not another post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland. Getting so tired of that trope. Hard sci fi RPG! Obsidian, are you listening to me?! (no)
  12. POE needed some serious editing in the text department. Brevity is the soul of wit.
  13. I hope they'd stamp out the plague of endless fine/superb/etc weapons in Deadfire but that never happened. Enchantment is an annoying one, why does my character just somehow know how to do all this enchanting? There should be a specific person who can do this, or you have to find the formula to do it from a quest/dungeon? You know.. have it behind some gameplay instead of a menu.
  14. They are now working in a tuppaware container.
  15. Hmmmmmm... a lot of you base your purchases on watching steams? I don't think I've ever seen one.
  16. I will give it 6 months. I have learned my lesson after Deadfire.
  17. Why would it be? Has this been suggested somewhere? Also, I have no idea what Epic games store is.
  18. Havent read any of this topic. I love BG2, classic... HOWEVER! After having the autofollow camera in Deadfire... I am desperate for that improvement.
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