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Everything posted by daven

  1. How would you lot feel if Cyberpunk was only released on GoG? Would you make the same comments about CD Projekt Red?
  2. Is Zahua that orc woman with the axes from White March? She's in a pub somewhere I think. Barely says anything to you.
  3. Bethesda seem to only exist now for milking all their old products to cover overheads for eternity. Not sure they actually have any developers left there.
  4. Surely they could just make new games in the Forgotten Realms. Instead of BG3, NWN3, Icewind Dale 3 etc, why not Waterdeep? Luskan? Thay? Whatever, just name it after a city, set it in that area and BOOM. It will still be popular with DND fans and it won't annoy people like me for making a pointless sequel.
  5. I think i'm a little burned out on isometric party based games, i wouldn't mind another NWN style rpg. Has the 'feel' of these older games but full 3d and by yourself(maybe henchman).
  6. I think the whole Sanitorium and Heritage hill stuff could have actually made a game. Expand on all that and really focus on that malarkey. But I guess at this point they wouldn't, sequels always have to expand in scope apparently. But yeah i'd have preferred a darker, horror RPG maybe? It's something different and the world of POE has all the elements for it. Make it a bit of a mystery, with investigations and stuff. Could that work? Who knows.
  7. England USA! Woooooooooooo. USA will probably do us, sods law init. But still, nice to see the girls doing well. Unlike them lazy overpaid bastards for the mens team.
  8. Haven't played wasteland but... it's turn based. I found it okay, i didn't love it but the story and music pushed me forward. Returns is mediocre, Dragonfall is really good. So start with Dragonfall i'd say.
  9. I'm thinking this is a PS4 buy. Hopefully it won't make my original model sound like it's taking off into orbit like Sekiro does.
  10. Mike Ashley just bought out Game... so I don't think Newcastle are getting any new players this season... oh and Rafa has packed his bags.
  11. Womens world cup has been pretty good. Haven't followed it too much so not sure where all the teams lie in the groupings and that but... USA v England final? That would be good.
  12. Himbo a good-looking but unintelligent young man. "how did she trick audiences conditioned to drool over himbos into falling for a middle-aged guy with a slight case of rheumatism?" I have never heard this word in 29 years of life. Err... Yeah I guess he is! Although isn't he meant to be middle aged? Edit: Since my girlfriend just falls asleep when I go on a rant about meaningless things, my only outlet is online. I can't stand portmanteu's of words. They always come off as a desperate attempt to appeal to the hip and young or whatever but always seems like a boardroom of executives and marketing people came up with it! I think the worst part of the entire Britian voting to leave the EU thing is that AWFUL TERM everyone has decided to use. I refuse to say it, it's so stupid and that will be the word that goes down in the history books. At least one day the sun will become a red giant and all history of this nonsense will go forever. Unless someone managed to figure out the secret to interstellar travel and takes our pointless history with them!!!! /rant
  13. I found the companions in Dragonfall to be some of the best in any CRPG, I like that they get pissed off at the player sometimes and take a while to warm up to you. I agree some voice acting may have made them even better, depends on the quality of the VO work.
  14. I'd guess at highly unlikely... but you never know old boy.
  15. Only haven't heard of Low Magic Age, and having checked it out looks quite interesting. I like the look of the art style, I miss old sprites like that.
  16. The Shadowrun games are completely stand alone. Well, Shadowrun Returns and Dragonfall were. Yeah I know what you mean, I have more unplayed games in my library than played. Need to just sit my arse down and get on with it.
  17. I really need to play Shadowrun Hong Kong at some point, as good as Dragonfall?
  18. Out of the ones you have mentioned, I prefer Deadfire. Primarily because of the gameplay. However, out of all the modern iso CRPG's I think Shadowrun Dragonfall might be my favourite. Or at least I enjoyed it the most, and felt quite engrossed in the story and that. I'm not a huge fan of the battle system though. I played D:OS 2 for about 15 minutes when it came out and haven't tried it since. Serpent in the Staglands is quite interesting. Oh yeah, Pathfinder Kingmaker has been pretty decent. Now my PC is finally repaired after months I can carry on with some of these bloody games. I almost went on a rant about giving things a score out of ten but I wont bother.
  19. I like reading about it and playing the computer games but have never had anyone willing to try it out.....! Woe is me.
  20. It will probably be closer to the Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance games.
  21. Just call it something else. The BG series is finished. They are just trying to WIND ME UP
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