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Everything posted by daven

  1. Fair enough guys, i have looked for the article i thought I read on RPGCODEX but I can't see it. I must have misread/made it up. Anyways, as far as i'm concerned the BG saga ended with TOB. There really is no reason to go back to that story again. Even TOB was pushing it a bit, thought I don't mind more Forgotten Realms games. Actually... from reading these interviews with SWEN or whoever it actually sounds closer to the spirit of Neverwinter Nights with online/co op etc rather than the DND simulator that BG was.
  2. I have a vague memory of the guy in charge saying it will be and action RPG.
  3. I imagine it will be as Fallout 3 to Fallout 1/2.
  4. One thing with the Switch that annoys me though... why are all the games so much more expensive?!?!?
  5. I have been to Thailand about 5 times and I still never once tried a durian... everyone put me off it.
  6. Thanks all. Sometimes it's just helpful to share this sort of stuff.
  7. Cheers guys. He didn't say how bad it was, claimed the chemo was working and that... but he'd started avoiding his appointments I found out later. The cancer spread to his spine, bone marrow, possibly brain. Suppose I just need time now. It's over.
  8. Not sure why i'm posting here. Well i'm pretty drunk... Anyone gone through this? He had cancer for around a year, lung and liver. Chemo/radiotherapy didn't really do anything. He wouldn't answer the phone last week so I went to his apartment, had to get the fire service to break down the door and an ambulance take him. Every day his condition got worse, saw his last breath this morning. It was pretty traumatising. Don't think i've ever felt this way. 58 years old.
  9. This looks quite interesting. Will keep an eye on it... until payday.
  10. The character faces remind me of The Sims 4. Annoying smirks on everyone's faces and everyone looks like a lesbian. Very progressive!
  11. This whole rtwp vs TB debate is getting really tiresome now.
  12. Actually I have a better answer... Cos stone cold said so!
  13. Because of warcraft I believe. Bioware were big fans of it.
  14. Oh dear that is a wall of text. Paragraphs exist for a reason, my motivation to read this has dropped to 0 sorry mate.
  15. We love a good gamble in England. Every other shop in any town/city is a gambling shop. We should reduce the legal age, let everyone have a gamble! Why not! These companies need to make money right? What do we need it for?! All we need is a can of Super Tennant's or Special Brew, bi weekly dole payment and a tracksuit and just hang outside of William Hill get plastered from 9am.
  16. Man, what did you think when they put you in TOB anyway? I was blown away when I found that out. Did they ask you first?
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