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Everything posted by daven

  1. Compare BG to Neverwinter the MMO what has fighters with 2H swords jumping around swinging it with ease and never getting knackered. What is wrong with liking the old fashioned games with the slower paced gameplay and taking its time? Does that make it inherently worse?
  2. That reminds me of an article... https://rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=10511 I know a lot of you turn your noses up at RPG codex. But I think his guy makes a lot of interesting points here. Especially about writers, back in the 'old days' writers of Sci Fi and fantasy were physicists, mathematicians, archeologists or whatever. Now they are... Creative writing graduates. I dunno how true that actually is but eh, i sort of get it. Also the people who made BG/BG2 probably played DND all the time and loved old school fantasy/sci fi literature. People writing/creating now probably grew up on playing games.
  3. I also never bought into the souls and reincarnation malarkey. It makes your character (and all other NPCs and companions) feel meaningless and not unique. The mai story in both, yes i agree they don't do good enough of a job driving you forward. IN some ways you can compared Deadfire to BG2 in that... there is a big event you're supposed to go after immediately but the game gives you so much opportunities to do other things. However, in BG2 I wanted to go after Irenicus so I had to think of reasons I wouldn't do that and instead just arse around doing quests etc. In Deadfire I have no interest going after the Eothas even though i'm supposed to and would rather arse around doing other things. Does that even make sense, WHATEVER!
  4. Well.. yeah. I guess it was when they joined with Enix. They used to make a lot of interesting games back then. Of course Final Fantasy was the flagship but they did other stuff like Vagrant Story, SaGa Frontier 2, Front Mission, Parasite Eve, Chrono Trigger etc. Now it seems like it's only Final Fantasy (Which have been terrible since X) and... ???????
  5. I got it on PS3 as well recently, good and interesting game. What the hell happened to Squaresoft? When you saw that logo back in the playstation 1 era it was a sign of high quality.
  6. Had a bit of a break from Breath of the Wild. Back on it again, what a great game.
  7. I never even considered Eothas a 'bad guy'. It was more an event happening. Actually, just typing that I was going to compare him to Sin in FFX. But you can and must defeat Sin for good. So it's not a good example... Maybe if we had an airship in Deadfire.
  8. Yeah that was the perfect chance for Liverpool last season, City will dominate again... Man U are utter garbage, Chelsea probably won't do much. Spurs were terrible the second half of the season if that form continues they are done. Are you a Norwich fan then?
  9. I'm starting to think RPG's aren't for me anymore. The thought of starting and completing Witcher 3 is intimidating.
  10. Hmm I probably should not use it then! I have bought way too many games on GOG when they have been reduced to a quid or whatever and I haven't even installed yet. I HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED MORROWIND YET! Hell, I have The Witcher 3 because it was reduced to about 5 pounds and I haven't even played that yet. Don't you think as you get older you really can not justify spending so much time playing on games as when you were young? I would spend 8 hours a day playing WoW for years. Now I can barely get an hour in on a weekend.
  11. What if it comes out on Origin as well but not Steam? Sounds like a lot of you are Steam fanboys. Not sure why, Steam is a piece of junk.
  12. I played Dragonfall when it first came out, I should really replay it again with the directors cut version. Is there much difference? Also, do we count Dragon Age with the 'modern CRPGs' or whatever? I didn't like that much the first time round but I played again a couple of years ago and it's a pretty good game. It's basically KOTOR but in a fantasy world. Also, did you play Shadowrun Returns when it first came out? It didn't even have save points or anything, felt like a really cheap game but luckioly the music in it is really good.
  13. I have 0 as I've never used the feature. What's it all about? Can people buy you things on it or something?
  14. They made a big point of the word count as if that number actually means something. It's likely to scare off a lot of potential customers and surely the quality of the writing is what matters not the quantity.
  15. Apparently Torment isn't even an RPG is it? Some kind of visual novel. I haven't played it so no idea.
  16. Kotor 2 had gambling, don't forget that as well. Pazaak was a pretty good little game.
  17. Demon's Souls has already done it almost perfectly....??? And I don't think an isometric party based RPG can beat that to be honest. Surely this style of game is more aimed towards exploring towns and worlds and meeting party members, doings quests etc. Surely a single player action RPG is more suited to just fighiting demons...? I'm not a writer/developer though so I don't know.
  18. Really don't know what to say about this one. You have as much information as the rest of us bud. I have to admit I haven't considered this once pal.
  19. This topic just reminded me of a funny line in 'The Guild' when Bladez says Blunderbuss instead of Shotgun to sit in front of the seat. Whatever happened to that show...
  20. I have nowt aginst people who want to be as powerful as possible, more power to you. But yeah... that doesn't interest me. I prefer to be an adventurer with no special skills. A regular charva you know? I think that's why Neverwinter Nights and it's expansions appeal to me a lot, you're just A GUY. You have to work your way up. I think it works in Baldurs Gate because even though you're a 'son of a god' or whatever, nobody treats you taht way, you're treat like a pathetic worm. In POE everyone is in awe of you without you earning it, being a watcher doesn't even make you particularly powerful, it just makes you a nutter.
  21. Everyone is going to complain wow classic is slow and boring and not as good as they remember even though everyone has been saying that's the best version for years. Nothing is good enough.
  22. England are bunch of bottlers. I will never live to see us win a damn thing.
  23. I like that he points fingers at his bosses for the terrible decisions they made as well. He shouldn't have to take blame for everything.
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