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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Which animal companion gets wounds? A monkey? Wait: ranger/monk with a monkey as animal companion! First build set...
  2. Why does the size of PoE2 have to be the same as PoE1 + expansions? You could just level faster and then have the game balanced accordingly.
  3. It has nothing to do with unity. DoT mechanics are coded in C# by OBS.
  4. Ah ok. Didn't know that. I hope the beta of PoE2 will also include Linux, because I am using Linux and wanted to pledge for beta access. This is crucial info for all backers who pledge for beta and are not on windows. So I guess I will contact Aarik. Edit: did it - now we have to wait. Usually Aarik responds with lightning speed. Just remember that today is sunday.
  5. Sure... that's the whole point of the thread so far. And I think you didn't understand why a bashing shield is worse than a normal shield. The reason may be that I'm not able to explain it properly.
  6. There's a thread here that dove into that question at length and OBS already noticed. Josh mentioned this discussion in the last stream. Would be better to use that thread I guess in order to have all arguments and points in one place: https://forums.obsid...ashing-shields/
  7. Erm... very provocative statement. What about: "I hate wigs - I never use any of them. Better to just get rid of them entirely..." But wait - it's totally optional to wear wigs. Why complain that they exist? Some people with bald heads may like wigs. Those might want to have wigs that don't drop to the floor all the time while putting them on.
  8. Can't say how many times I read about that confusion between Sly and that weird Death Godlike chanter. Surprised that you try the Ultimate whithout deep metagaming/knowledge. Kudos!
  9. Sure, but guns already have their place as weapon of choice for limited but hard hitting attacks (FoD, Wounding Shot, Backstab and such) and also have a special modal with Powder Burns. Crossbow and arbalest have nothing. There's no reason to choose a crossbow/arbalest over a bow or over a gun. My suggestion was more in favor of crossbows than in favor of rogues - but I think crossbows suit a rogue better than guns. Mainly because they are not so loud, which should be benefical for a more sneaky approach - while bows would need a lot of discipline and training to master. You could also allow Backstab from far away if done with crossbows/arbalest instead of guns (to loud) or bows (not accurate enough for "untrained" rogues). There's also a unique enchantment called "ambushing". It was put on Fellstroke, a pistol in WM. That would also be a suitable ability for rogues that only works with crossbows and arbalests.
  10. Why? She looks like Sigourney Weaver.
  11. Skill her with max DR penetration… Scion of Flame and give her blunderbusses with burning lash + FoD + Intense Flames in addition to Wrath of the Five Suns. She will do great. I also made use of the cloak that gives you Minor Missiles and gave her Prestidigitator's Missiles. It's a lot of fun to transform her into artillery. The other ranged pal could use a marking gun (that pistol I forgot the name of or that arquebus I forgot the name of) + Coordinated Attacks + FoD + Intense Flames + Enduring Flames (Goldpact) + Scion of Flame. He can then mark for +20 stackable ACC and deal great spike damage with his two FoD shots. You could also add Runner's Wounding shot to get another nice special attack for your gun.
  12. I guess there's no reason why not. Unity "exports" to both platforms. As long as they don't use plugins that only work on one single platform (like cloaks in PoE) it should be no problem. I can't remember the beta of PoE1, but the patches always came out for all platforms simultaneously.
  13. There's a thread here that dove into that question at length and OBS already noticed. Josh mentioned this discussion in the last stream. Would be better to use that thread I guess in order to have all arguments and points in one place: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91496-from-the-twitch-qa-bashing-shields/
  14. Would be OK if rogues would get some special ability with crossbows and arbalest. They are more quite than a gun and fit rogues better than guns in my opinion. And they have no lobby so far. Rangers have Twinned Arrows or Powder Burns, wizards have Blast - but nobody can do anything special with crossbows or arbalest. Why not rogue? Could be quickload, could be sniper shot...
  15. Yeah, sure. But when some people only see me when I'm relaxed they would say I'm that stoic guy. Others may have witnessed me in another situation and would tell everybody that I'm very passionate. So I can be perceived as both (reputation). But this can also be merged into one person's disposition. I once had a teammate when I was still playing basketball and he was the prototype of a stoic character. He just wouldn't get mad about nothing. Even after a car chrash he left the car and just shrugged, helped the other guy and didn't care about his own injuries. But once he entered the basketball court he transmutated into a superpassionate, very aggressive juggernaut. It was frightening. And after the game he would sit down and share a beer with the guys he smacked to the ground.
  16. Hm, I can be very polite and stoic in most situations - but there are some behaviours (or triggers) that make me really, really mad. There are also things I get very passionate about and others where I couldn't care less (like Bundesliga ). And more so: I'm usually quite benevolent (I think), but when I get mad, I can be cruel (I mean verbally). Not that I wouldn't regret if afterwards. But you really have to tease me...
  17. Maybe some gods were created to prevent certain people to to wrong things. So they were not created to inspire, but to deter people from doing something bad. Skaen reminds nobles that they always should treat their peasants well, else... I guess Rymrgand was necessary in order to grind souls and take away some of their essence. How else could the gods be nourished? Magran can inspire to invent and to accept the trials of live, Abydon inspires to work hard and so on.
  18. That's also what I understood when I read the updates, forum posts and watched the Twitch Q&A streams. Same with priests.
  19. I meant the difference in terms of tediousness. If it's too easy you will do it even if you feel it's lame. If it's tedious you won't, even if it's possible. Except when you really need to. Like the bug with Quick Switch + Coil of Resourcefulness + guns. You can skip recovery and reloading altogether and fire gunshots every second. But it's such a chore in terms of micromanagement and timing that I don't do it.
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