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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Speaking of cheese: I killed Firkraag with a Wizard's Eye. The eye is invisible and indestructible. But Firkraag can see invisible things. So when I placed the Eye right in front of him he would start to attack it and the Eye was tanking like in god mode - while all party members hit the dragon. Cheesefest times hundred. And a very early Carsomyr +5.
  2. What would the Letter of Marque do? I mean besides allowing you to attack enemy ships - which is of little value for the party I guess... Is it a trinket (=new items slot in PoE2)? Maybe it gives you a RES bonus.
  3. Still very complicated, but makes a lot more sense.
  4. Firebrand works with Scion of Flame (+20% base damage) and can be great fun. It is very good in the early to mid game because it has awesomest base damage, damaging III (incliudes a bit of an ACC boost) and also Annihilation like Rumbalt. Because of it's big base damage, all damage mods like Savage Attack, crits and stuff work really well. It can't be enchanted, so later in the game an enchantable great sword like Hours of St. Rumbalt will clearly be better. But if you want to use it I would recommend to pick Scion of Flame and Intense Flames asap. The Redeemer is fun against vessels - once you "destroy" a vessel it will count as a kill and trigger Strange Mercy + Insp. Triumph (if you took that). Kana: The best position is in the front line as a tank with a small shield (Little Savior) and plate - if you want to use Dragon Thrashed. I would not mix Dragon Thrashed with something else. It stacks and does tremendous damage. It doesn't work with Scion, but the burning lash chant does - but only for the lash that you get (20% instead of 25%), not those of others. To make him very sturdy, you can take Ancient Memory, Beloved Spirits AND Veteran's Recovery. All those will stack. While the first two will also heal the others around you Veteran's will be only for you. If you add an item with healing bonus (Fulvano's Amulet or Belt of Bountiful Healing) you will have an awesome regeneration. You don't need to use things like Cautious Attack then. You can give him any weapon - preferably one which has some supportive feats like marking or a spell holding. You won't do a lot dps with it. It's also the most passive setup you can imagine for him. This can be great (less micro) or bad (if you like him to be more active). A front line position is also good if you want to use any of the damaging invocations. I can see a formation like so with Kana as the main tank and the two sturdy dps frontliners as wingmen: Eder - Kana - MC Pal Aloth - Durance - Hiravias Since you have enough sturdy frontliners you don't need a supertough tank. Kana will do great. But of course you could also use him differently.
  5. Yeah it depends on your country. In some it's possible to pay via bank account or credit card directly. A paypal account is for free. Here in Germany for example it's sufficient to have a bank account - you don't even need a credit card.
  6. Your first question does indeed show that this system has some bad flaws. Having a fixed "border" at which the damage drops or increaes dramatically will lead to problems. It will also be a great opportunity to abuse stuff. Because they can never think through all the consequences such a big change will have. It also sounds very complicated compared to the old solution. Plus: I don't know why they are doing this. I can't see the advantages. But that doesn't have to mean anything of course...
  7. At the bottom of the donation page there are some options how you could donate without a paypal account. In some countries it works via credit card or bank account.
  8. If you take Runner's Wounding Shot I would even recommend that you drop INT. It works best with low INT. Don't make the rogue too squishy - pistols and blunderbusses don't have a huge range and with the sabre you have to get near. Stats look fine for me.
  9. Hi, sounds nice so far. As for abilites and talents I would choose a different setup - mostly due to the decision that you want be a (sturdy) damage dealer. Kind Wayfarer damage dealer with Strange Mercy and Sword and Shepherd is nice and fun. Abilities: lv1: Flames of Devotion (helps a lot with dps) lv3: Zealous Focus (same) lv5: Sworn Enemy (same) lv7: Lay on Hands (it is one of the best heals in the game - dps or not. Especially with high MIG and INT. It also will help you to survive and make you sturdier) lv9: Inspiring Triumph (you will kill enemies anyway, so why not stack some more on-kill effects?) lv11a: Coordinated Attacks (works really well with the Blade of the Endless Paths, see below) OR lv11b: Healing Chain (you will be no. 1 healer anyway) lv13: Sacred Immolation (no brainer indeed) lv 15: Abjuration (kinda cool and adds easy kills in cetain encounters ) Durance can totally focus on buffs, not heals. Same with Hiravias - can focus on CC and damage. You can do automatic "passive" healing through FoD and killing (scales, it's a lot of healing already) as well as with Lay on Hands and eventually Healing Chain. You can skip Deprive the Unworthy. You will have a priest spell for that. Same with Righteous Soul and also Aegis of Loyality: you will have Durance's prayers for immunity, so why "waste" two ability points? The synergy between Aegis and SA is cool, but if you don't need it it's not worth it in my opinion. Talents (no particular order): Strange Mercy (obviously) Sword and Sheperd (not useless - it's healing stacks with others and you don't need to use FoD as alpha strike. Just wait a few seconds. Use Runner's Wounding Shot instead. And not every FoD hit will be a kill. Not even close) Weapon Focus Adventurer (if Blade of the Endless Paths) OR Weapon Focus Soldier (if Great Sword + maybe arquebus) Runners Wounding Shot (it does 80% if your overall damage as raw damage - crit + burning lash + Scion of Flame included. It is very strong and helps with the killing. Can also be used as alpha strike without wasting the healing of FoD's sword & sheperd) Two Handed Style (+15% all the time is good) Intense Flames (adds more power to FoD - also works with Scion of Flame. Together with a burning lash, FoD + Intense Flames * 1.2 from Scion your FoD strikes will be devastating) Scion of Flame (for FoD + Intense Flames + lash and also SA) Savage Attack (better than Appr. Sneak in this case I'd say - if you take Hours of St. Rumbalt I'd say Apprentice Sneak instead) Things like Vulnerable Attack I would not take. It's not very good with two handers. Bloody Slaughter is total crap. The only thing it does is causing overkilling. It only works when the enemy has less than 10% endurace. Maybe it has some use when you are using fast weapons and fight against dragons, but in 95% of the game it's total nonsense in my opinion. If it would trigger at 25% - which it doesn't - it would be another story. If you choose to take the Blade of the Endless Paths instead of a Great Sword I would recommend taking Coordinated Attacks as well. That way you can give +20 ACC to somebody who attacks the same enemy as you (really helpful against dragons for example). I would recommend Edér to be your flanking buddy against dragons: Durance wil give you both Devotion (+20), Edèr will have +20 from Discipl. Barrage, you will give him +20 from Coord. Attacks and the Blade which has the Marking enchantment. It's easy for Edér now to prone the dragon with Knockdown. You can still use the Redeemer because it has an universal weapon focus. If you like Great Swords better I would not choose Coordinatd Attacks and skip the marking part altogether. I would choose Hours of St. Rumbalt over Tidefall because it's lore fits so well and also because with FoD and Sworn Enemy as well as Durance's buffs you will score a ton of crits. Hours will then cause prone AND will deal double crit damage because of Annihilating. THis fits perfectly well with Merciless Hand from Doemenels. When you score a crit with FoD and all that crit power it will be a very hefty strike - most likely a killing blow. Tidefall is great, but it works best on characters with lower INT. You can use Tidefall against high defense, high DR tagets though because it's better than Rumbalt in that case. But my no1 weapon would be Rumbalt if I'd go for Great Swords. For race I would pick Coastal Aumaua because the locals of Deadfire (Huana) are Coastals.
  10. Solo makes total sense if you want to have a bigger challenge. Once you figured out all the machanics and tricks even PoTD gets too easy with a full party - at least in PoE1. And there are several achievements for soloing. That means that OBS also considers it to be an important (not necessarily a big) part of the game.
  11. Only 15 backers so far? Come ooon ye bastardy bros! Open your hearrrts, rum barrrels and moneybags! The biggest donator will get a special BIB build from me. Her/his name will be honorably mentioned a couple of times in the build description. This build will lick her/his boots (figuratively). But listen: At the end of the day, the Boeroer design team is going to write the build - this isn't a way for the biggest donator to play fancy boisterous builder. Gender, race, class, general direction, name, skilling and equipment of the build are debateable though. We will contact the supreme donator to set up the idea. There will be a lot of back and forth through email. It will be great. You'll love it.
  12. You are right. That's why I wanted to discuss it first. The no. 1 priority is the BIB crew. But since nobody can donate anything to this right now, I guess It won't take away money from the crew if we discuss it. But I thought that those discussion thingies (which item, which properties, which lore and so on) take a lot of time - and that we might want to have a finished backup plan for the crew if we can't collect the 5000$. The main problem with this item tier is that it will be gone soon. I would spend 750$ on my own for that item and dedicate it to the BIBs, but if my wife finds out she'll keelhaul me. We could also say that this item is the backup plan for the BIB and nothing else. No parallel funding. Would be totally ok with me. I'd edit the title accordingly then. Obsidian knife sounds very cool. Maybe it needs another, less obvious name and then explains it's nature in the lore description.
  13. Ondra is the godess of moon an sea, tides and everything that is connected. So, technically it's a moon godlike. Or let's say Ondra-Godlike. He has a moon symbol on his forehead. It's not that prominent but you can see it. My theory is that - depending in the place on Eora and how the gods are worshipped - the forms of godlike alter a bit. On an archipelago, Ondra's aspect of ocean, sea and tides will most likely be a more prominent part of the worshipping than the moon. So maybe the blessings are a bit different in different parts of the world. Also see here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91233-stretch-goal-discussion/page-45?do=findComment&comment=1887549
  14. If you pledged for the BIB forum badge and/or donated for the BIB crew you might also be interested in this: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91717-a-unique-item-for-the-black-isle-bastards-crew/
  15. Right. In addition to this: Please have a look here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91717-a-unique-item-for-the-black-isle-bastards-crew/
  16. Ahoy fellow freebooter Bastards from the Black Isle, I just saw that OBS unlocked 10 more slots for "Create an Item" on the fig campaign. Basically you give 750$ and get all the game related stuff & fuzz of the lower tiers plus you can create a unique item (in colaboration with OBS - and within limits of course). Now... since we are already aiming to put the Black Isle Bastards crew into the game (preferably onto the Black Isle - which we also managed to smuggle into the game - boy, we are good!) I though it may be neat if the player could get anything alse out of that who-knows-what-to-expect-encounter but mere XP. So I wanted to ask if some of you are willing to throw some more money into a pot. If we reach 750$ I could then upgrade my pledge to that "create an item" tier. I'd say the most generous donator gets all the other goodies (besides the game itself - I need that one ). I have a paypal account, so donations would be done like with the BIB crew. I could open up a poll in order to determine which kind of item (eye patch, funky pirate hat, a hook, a wooden leg, you name it) we want to go for. But first I'd say that we collect all the ideas here - or if you even want that item in the first place. Another apporach could be that we take this tier (or multiple of them, depends on the money we collected) instead of the pirate crew - but only if the crew fails to collect enough money (5000$). Then we would already have an appropriate alternative that still has something to do with the BIBs. What Do you say? I guess we'll need to be quick... p.s.: Of course you don't need to give money for the BIB pirate crew or the BIB forum badge in order to take part in this.
  17. I wonder if he makes bubbling sounds when chanting... I mean we already had one chanter who sounded like Kermit. It seems those funny voices could become a tradition with chanters - who use their voice a lot. I wonder if there will be some unique phrases and invocation which only that companion can use. Would be cool.
  18. Which I got rather irritated by, considering that's instantly the only pet worth having equipped. But I decided that you can take my love, you can take my land, you can take me where I cannot stand. I do not mind, however, for you can not take the Tiny White Wurm from me. I'm pretty sure a skilled surgeon could help you with that... Hrm, would have been more funny if you were male, Mrs. Reynolds.
  19. Well... maybe we can combine my vote for a wicht barb companion and a Super-Pet: give us a wicht Super-Pet which can do Heart of Fury 1/encounter. It has crappy INT though, so the radius will be limited.
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