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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I can't believe that my build offer didn't lead to immediate complete funding. OK - how can I motivate you further? I mean I can't offer money, that would be really dumb. I know most people who read this won't give a shart - but if we reach 5000$ I promise all my future class build postings will not only be text & picture, but every one will also contain a video of some sorts - to show it in action or to show the leveling or whatever you prefer. Note that I'd have to buy a new computer for this because my current machine will never be able to capture video and play games at the same time. BIBs I hope the internet connection in Bukarest will be nice...
  2. Yes, even though they are dirrent effects (stuck/sicken/piece damage) those ret. items like Binding Rope/Lavender Wreath/Coat don't stack. That's what I wanted to say. Now I also remember that I tested a max retaliation barb. Barbaric Retaliation definitely stacks. Battle Forged (fire godlike) and potion of Flame Shield also stack.
  3. For early/mid game you can try Firebrand. Pick Turning Wheel and Scion of Flame asap. because Scion of Flame works with both Firebrand and Turning Wheel. Later variant a) Tidefall + burning lash. Tidefall is best with maxed MIG because wounding damage scales with MIG. Pretty straightforward. The alternative b) is max PER with Hours of St. Rumbalt + burning lash and Enervating Blows + Apprentice's Sneak. Enerv. Blows causes weakened on crit which lowers fortitude. Force oA and prone from Hours target fortitude. So it's a lot easier to cause prone. Apprent. Sneak will apply a lot because both weakened and prone trigger it. Hours also has Annihilation, giving you double crit damage bonus. Works great with Merciless Hand and other crit damage mods. Try to get gloves of Accuracy. If you crit with Force oA you willdo a lot oft damage, cause weakened, have two rolls against fort. for prone. This is instant Deathblows if you have a rogue in the party. In both cases I would take Veteran's Recovery and rel. high MIG and INT. RES is not so important. Iron Wheel is good. Of course Lightning Strikes. Shod-in-Faith is always nice for monks. Once Iron Wheel is there you can use light armors. I personally would prefer option b. But Tidefall is also very nice. Such a monk is perfect for "behind enemy line" operations. Especially with Flagellant's Path.
  4. Sidekicks is a smart way of answering the "I want a dwarf companion" and the "I want a pale elf companion" factions. I wonder now what the 8th companion will be? A mysterious person of a nondescript race with a cut-off nose?
  5. Remember: there are also trinkets now. What about a telescope or a sextant? What can they do? Well I have no idea... Ouh-uh-uh! What about that: you need that thing to find the Black Isle? And some other nice effect - still no idea...
  6. Cool, then maybe it was fixed - or it was just a problem with Binding Rope + Lavender Wreath. I remember now that they also did something with those items that emit auras like Redfield and Executioner's Hood. Because when you used for example Knockdown at the same time when the aura "pulsed", Knockdown (prone) did apply to all enemies in range of the aura. As if the prone effect "piggibacked" on the aura. They fixed this in one of the later patches I think. Maybe they were also fixing other issues with those auras as well then.
  7. Not that your steward told you it's supertough high level stuff.
  8. One more reason to name it Mistress. Whom do you love more than your mother? Because there was no father because... bastards. Hellyeah - the ship could house all the souls of the BIBs mothers. If one of them dies, the BIBs will sail there, pick her body up, give her a heartbreaking funeral and her soul can live on in the vessel - so that the mothers can be with their bastard sons.
  9. A) Frigate (my favorite ship when playing Henry Morgan in Pirates! on C64) B) The (woeful) Mistress (or another adjective - a mistress is a paramour, a concubine - usually the mother of a noble bastard. At the same time a mistress can also be a ruler of the household and so on. It's a term with many meaning which all fit. And usually a ship is female!). C) damaged by Eothas (not completely destroyed - BIBs need help to repair her)
  10. It's simple: you are underleveled. End of story. This is supposed to be tough - it's end level stuff for WM I (=lvl 14). It's not that tough anymore if you have enough levels though. You don't need anything special, you just have to know the mechanics (! not the skill - I mean the rules, how the game works and so on) and have enough levels. Your tactics seem to be OK, but not perfect. Make sure you buff yourself. If you have a priest you should cast Inspiring Radiance and Devotions before attacking with Chillfog and stuff. Also use prayers. If no priest is available: use scrolls to buff ACC and to cast prayers. And most important: you have to watch out what attack targets which defense. For example it's of no use to blind enemies and then cast Chillfog on them. Chillfog targets fortitude, but blind doesn't lower fortitude and Chillfog blinds anyway. So why cast blind before Chillfog? A smarter move would be to buff ACC, then cast a weakening spell (=lowers fortitude) and then add ChillFog which will then hit way more easily. But I know this mechanics stuff is all a bit obscure and PoE does a fairly poor job of communicating its mechanics. You have to try out things. You can't imagine how I struggled when I went to Crägholt Bluffs for the first time. Funny thing: the Torn Bannermen are total losers compared to the things that await you inside the tower, hehehe.
  11. You find a helm which does nothing but looking nice. You put it on. Then you find a helm that gives you +1RES/+1PER. Suddenly you only wear that helm. Nobody said "boo!", nobody complained and felt sorry for that poor old helm that was only there for cosmetic reasons. Nobody wanted a talent for super-helmets. But I agree that all helmets should have a minor effect like all armors have, too. Maybe something like -10% damage when receiving a crit. So maybe normal pets can give you a tiny boost, too. Upping morale or help scouting or bringing food or shiny stuff every now and then.
  12. I remember that even different kinds of retaliation - like Binding Rope + Lavender Wreath or Garodh's Chorus - suppress each other. Don't know how Barbaric Retaliation behaves in this case. There are also issues with multiple "auras" like Executioner's Hood + Threatening Presence. But I can't remember exactly what it was. You'd have to test. I skipped the Hood entirely because it's so easy to cause frightened with the first shout.
  13. By the way: which god is connected to Nature Godlikes? Galawain? He has "Wilderness" in his portfolio...
  14. Maneha is way better off with Tidefall in my opinion. Wounding and Draining with Carnage ist great. For the best experience from lvl11 - Heart of Fury - it's best to choose a dual wielding approach though. Once you have a priest you shouldn't need a lot of defenses against afflictions. But of course Bear's Fortitude + Body Control is always nice. Maybe also add Unstoppable. Another great thing against those afflictions are Fenwalkers (boots). They not only give you a defense bonus but also shorten the duration of the afflictions - which is powerful. This leads to zero durations most of the time when enemies only graze you with afflictions. Other nice items with defense bonuses against paralyze & co. are the Tempered Helmet and the Wayfarer's Hide. Superior Deflection is also good since it stacks with everything.
  15. That's like Viettro's Formal Footwear's enchantment "Carouse" from PoE1 - WMII.
  16. Sure. I agree. I just wanted to point out that we are supernice diplomatic and benevolent pirates who like to pillage and raid in perfect harmony with the other backers.
  17. The article doesn't fit PoE. The crafting system is very simple, the game doesn't force you to craft nor does it push you, all recepies are known from the start and you only have to press two buttons in order to enchant things, bake a cake, brew a potion or write a scroll. And you can totally skip it. You don't miss fancy things when you don't craft. Except durgan steel maybe. So if you don't like it, don't use it. It's already in the game engine and I think it doesn't give us or OBS any advantage when they remove it.
  18. What about a black cat o'nine tails? Or another whip? Could easily be placed into the flail category. As some of you may know I always wanted to have whips in PoE.
  19. We already had the Crossed Patch in PoE1, White March (immunity to the blind affliction, bonus flanking damage, -2 to ACC).
  20. Hm... I can imagine it would suck a bit if somebody else had the same glorious idea with his backer content than we had. For example that backer spend 5000$ on an inn and wants to run it in an old ship. Two ship/inns wouldn't be very unique. I'm sure we can find a good compromise then, right? We don't want to step on each others toes - even if they are made from wood.
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