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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I experienced the effect of mass when I lost 15 kilograms in my first 4 weeks in Usbekistan - because of diarrhea. Going from 90 to 75 kg in less than two months was quite the show (I'm 1.9 m tall). People openly asked me if I had cancer. One first mass effect was that I had to buy new pants - quickly. By the time I had all my suits retailored I had regained 10 kilos. That was the mass effect 2: buy new suits because the tailor made them all too tight. I also saw an dromedary in Usbekistan. But I didn't realize it was a part of any of my mass effects at that time. Good talk. Now off to something completely different!
  2. It improves your chosen Wildstrike and also Greater Wildstrike by 10% each (so for example Greater Wildstrike turns from a 15% lash into a 25% lash). It doesn't add an additional seperate burning lash. It's very powerful because of that. I explained that in my first answer.
  3. Not if you invest 2 ability points into Sworn Enemy and the upgrade in order to "spam" Gilded Enmity. But you have to kill the bearer of Sworn Enemy first... White Flames is just 1 ability point - needs no upgrade. It depends on your character and your playstyle what is better for you. Without the upgrade of Sworn Enemy I'd say Gilded Enmity is strictly worse than White Flames. By the way: Gilded Enmity (like hostility), not Enemy. Doesn't really matter, but just in case somebody cares or is trying to google it fruitlessly.
  4. So... I made a quick lvl 6 Nature Godlike Helwalker and let him get attacked by a tiger. Unfortunately the MIG bonus from wounds does not trigger Wellspring of Life in beta4. You'll have to use "proper" inspirations for that now.
  5. Yes, that's what I meant. Cool - because I haven't noticed that "trick". But it's a great piece of info to have. I just wanted to make sure I understood you correctly. I can just fire up Deadfire and double-check. Then we have certainty. Doen't mean it will still be in the final game, but still good to know. Wait a minute...
  6. Have you been into Durgan's Battery yet? There's a staircase right left of the entry hall. If you go up there you can get to the ledge and jump over to the tower where the bow was. I guess it's just meant as a shortcut if you want to leave the Battery - so you don't have to use the staircase again (load Durgans Battery inside map) then go out of the Battery (load outside map) - that would be rather tedious because of the enormous loading times - but instead you can just jump across, climb down and leave the outside map. If you could jump to the Battery from the tower it would make the whole cantec-thing and the riddle how to enter the Battery quite pointless.
  7. I like balancing even in a single player game. Doesn't mean that it makes the game less interesting. Actually having one or two (or three or four) obvious OP build options makes the game boring. Now I remember my times as a Diablo Hammerdin... man was he boring.
  8. All good, all good. Was just a bit grumpy because of sleep deprivation (man those two-year olds...). Now I had two cappucino and the sun shines.
  9. They do. At least with PoE and the beta of Deadfire (for me).
  10. Take a look: here are all portraits that are in the beta portraits folder. Also the new ones: https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Companions You can click on the portraits to get to the bigger version. Download that, crop and resize it for the big and small version of PoE and you're done. For PoE one only needs a big and a small version, that's all (no watercolor etc.). If you don't know how to do that I can lend you a hand. Just tell me the characters you want to have portraits for PoE of and I will post them in the PoE subforum in the appropriate portrait thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71722-the-custom-portraits-thread/
  11. Just to be clear: I think the new resting system is a lot better (various foods + bonuses instead of supplies - in combination with maintenance costs over time) - but the health/injury system (which is connected to resting) is not. I also think if you can't understand how endurance/health worked in PoE you might have other problems that are more pressing... From what I read this was the major complaint about the system: that it wasn't easy to understand. Maybe Taylor's Theorem is not easy to understand, but endurance/health? A distich is sufficient to explain this.
  12. Hehe - I meant why is Wellspring of Life up all the time with a Helwalker? Because of the increased INT of Duality or because of Swift Strikes or Crucible upgrade - or is there another synergy with Helwalker/Wellspring of Life that I missed?
  13. I hope the latter. Man was I happy that the glow-disappearing bug was in PoE.
  14. My go-to spellblade uses Combusting Wounds + Blunderbuss. Doesn't feel crippled without self buffs. Can't say why it's called Spellblade though.
  15. Yes - but why do you ask the same thing twice in different threads?
  16. Yes, it does. Combine it with Mith Fyr and your wurms will also have +25% burning lash. Unfortunately as a Beckoner you'd need 30 INT to run both without a gap (all phrases now have 6 sec duration + 3 sec linger time). But maybe there are some decent items for Chanters that can change this.
  17. Ancient Memory stacks with itself and is 1 health per second base instead of 2 health per 3 sec (Soft Winds). So I would only use Ancient Memory if I wanted to improve my tankyness and that of the summons (and party). Soft Winds adds a bit of AoE damage instead. White Flames procs only on graze/hit/crit. When dual wielding it procs twice.
  18. White Flames also heal the paladin (and party of course) - so I would pick Kind Wayfarer I think. Gilded Enmity seems to have been nerfed (too hard). 7 hits seems a bit low.
  19. If you are looking for great hit/crit conversion then Skald/Fighter is the way to go. Disciplined Strikes (50%) and Killers Froze Stiff (50%) combined will give you a 75% to convert all your hits to crits. Devoted will even give you additional crit damage. I like fast weapon dual wielding in this case - like clubs (Bewildering Strikes lowers Will - Killers targets Will). And of course Cleaving Stance... But the rogue has better Full Attacks (most notably Crippling Strike which has bonus PEN, interrupts and only costs 1 Guile). His conversion of 15% is pretty weak though, especially when combined with Killers: 50% and 15% combined is "only" 57.5%. What most people forget when looking at the upgrades of Crippling Strike: the version that also Distracts seems to be a bit weak, but it will put two afflictions from different stats on your target. Not only will this immediately unlock Deathblows later on, but since they are from different attributes they can remove any inspiration of those two stats from the target. It is a good "debuff" attack besides interrupting, which is great as well. So, Skald/Rogue (maybe Streetfighter because once you get flanked you are so much faster) is also a good pick. Here I might like Rapier + Dagger (fast attacks and you can skip the longer recovery time of the rapier's modal whith Full Attacks). Should grant you +20 ACC with the rapier without the longer recovery (I guess - didn't actually try this out).
  20. Once you get Blood Thirst a barbarian or barbarian/whatever will be the ideal great sword user I guess. I mean if Blood Thirst works anything like in PoE. Mage Slayer is better with (fast) dual weapons in my opinion. You might want to apply the Disruption to different casters very quickly.
  21. But if you rest time passes and your ship crew will cost you lots of food/drink and money. It's not the resources you use on the party that make resting expensive.
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