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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Oops. Sorry for that. Yeah I don't know either why somebody would want to play a base class barbarian or ranger. Chanter also. But there may be cases. For example rogue as a flanker: Assassin is a bit frail, Streetfighter doesn't work well as flanker and Trickster has lower dmg potential. So if you want a classic flanker a vanilla rogue makes sense I guess.
  2. And Beckoner I presume.
  3. Yes, you advance through power levels faster and therefore get the higher level abilities earlier. But you also get access to abilities of Power Level 8+9 - multiclasses don't.
  4. Did anybody try/does remember how many bonus jumps of Mind Blades you get when using Ascendant + Wellspring of Life? Same with Minor Missiles : how many projectiles?
  5. Yes, one 30-pt-shield gets destroyed once dmg reaches 30+, but the next "stacked" one will immediately take over for the next hit you receive. Staying passively at full health: besides Lifegivers maybe Kind Wayfarer/Troubadour with Exhalted Endurance (Robust inspiration gives you and party members a regeneration) + Ancient Memory + White Flames + LoH (not really passive that last one)?
  6. As far as I know Pain Link works with all damage that you suffer from attack rolls (no DoT ticks, no self damage). I have seen an item in the latest sneak peak that also prevents you from dying. That in combo with Barring Death's Door and/or special LoH could be cool with Death Godlike, Helwalker, Assassin, Streetfighter and Barbarian and any combo of those.
  7. You keep saying that, but so far the stacking rules of Deadfire were completely consistent.
  8. What do you mean? You can create your own adventurers for your party like in Pillars of Eternity.
  9. No - it's a fixed amount of healing (14 health base) that is not influenced by your damage.
  10. Maybe you can find/buy/loot advanced armor early. That would make a big difference of course.
  11. Please look at the thread you opened for that White Flames question, I tried to answer as best as I could (sitting at the table with a baby on the lap). Restrictions from Paladins got removed. Goldpact can have auras now. Devoted/Skald and Kind Wayfarer/Troubadour are both potentially great combos.
  12. Additionally. Your FoD strikes will still do the usual damage. Your FoD strikes have to graze/hit/crit. If they do they will generate an additional healing pulse that heals your allies in an AoE. If you miss nothing will happen. No damage, no healing. Actually I'm not 100% sure if it also works on grazes. I forgot. Please correct me if I'm wrong. The base value (14 health per pulse if I'm not mistaken) can be influenced by Power Level(forgot how much), by MIG and also by abilities that improve healing done by 15% (forgot the name of that passive, it comes at ability tier/Power Level IV).
  13. How did you test Charge? It doesn't work at all for me in the beta. Is there a workaround? In PoE the "AoE" line of Charge didn't use weapon damage. It had its own base damage. I would assume that all "pseudo-melee" stuff that is not based on weapon damage (Into the Fray and Clearout for example) will not count for the Skald's phrase generation, but I may be wrong.
  14. Hm, according to stacking rules that say that passives stack it should. Bummer.
  15. Speaking of Geomancer: did somebody check if Driving Flight works with missile spells like in PoE?
  16. Same here as it seems. One big GUI bundle. I was hoping I could just put new png-icons into an override folder and also put there the modded json file for the abilities which would have altered paths for the icons. Shouldn't that be possible?
  17. Of course you can't really see his full damage dealing awesomeness in the char sheet. At least not if you don't install MaxQuest's mod which allows DoT damage to get logged properly.
  18. Thank you. Yes, right. In the meantime I downloaded some tools and (dot)peeked into the assetbundles. Now I have to figure out how to put new ones in...
  19. Sure he has beast mode. Priest is one of the best damage dealers in the game. You just need high MIG and INT and a good DoT spell. Now look at Durance's stats, Minor Avatar and Shining Beacon. In comparison to that any arquebus shot is just wasted time (as long as you still have spells and are willing to use them). But I agree that it can be fun to shoot stuff with a priest. Out of curiosity: which two exclusive magranite talents improve accuracy with the arquebus? I only know of Inspired Flame which will give you +10 to arquebus and sword and will put you on a fighter's level in terms of ACC with those two weapons. I agree though that Durance feels a bit sluggish once you cast the lengthier buffs - like Devotions for example. But I wouldn't say that a hireling priest is better: in the toughest part of the game a hireling will be one level behind Durance which not only equals -3 ACC and defenses, lesser endurance and health - but more importantly you will get access to important stuff like Inspiring Radiance later. Why are Deadfire companions supposed to only have 75 stat points? Don't they get 78 like they did in PoE - and like the MC gets?
  20. I just meant that you said "then don't care" and not "I don't care". I read it like "then don't bother" instead of "I don't give a sh*t". Apologies if I misunderstood and you actually wanted to sound rude.
  21. Stunning Shots doesn't work with retaliation. Maybe it has something to do with the requirement that ranger and pet have to attack the same enemy. Take the Hit transfers 50% of the damage a party member would receive as raw damage. There is no retaliation happening because this is not done via normal attack resolution.
  22. Nope. Pistol's modal is increased reload speed but shoot with an ACC malus.
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