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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it planned to be released in June:
  2. 1. Retaliation doesn't stack (unless it's a passive ability like Battle Forged or from a weapon like Sura's Supper Plate). The sickening and stuck are considered retaliations (unfortunately) so one suppresses the other. It's still the case - but no bug. 2. I think that got fixed. Didn't use it for a long time though.
  3. Sorry, but if you can't just slap Concelhaut and friends around at lvl 16 on normal then you are doing something wrong. The fight takes less than 20 seconds on PotD with a full party for me. Well let's say 30 to be on the safe side... There are fights that are way, way more difficult than this one - but still doable.
  4. Nope. I mean besides the power level "scaling" all abilities have. But I don't think it was meh in PoE. As I said it's a fast cast and only has to overcome 25% of enemies' freeze DR. In Deadfire it seems to be weaker.
  5. I'll just tell them they get nothing of my "Captain's Banquet x5" but only hardtack if they don't shut up and do what I say.
  6. Yeah, those dialogue checks could have been better. But to be fair: how can the game decide how you see your character? More like the muscular dude or the mighy soul dude? A reasonable thing would be to decouple dialogue checks from stats entirely and only use skills like Athletics and so on.
  7. A lot more scrolls. Even Kalakoth's Minor Blights now has a scroll (for example).
  8. Yes, it's back to MIG and it will most likely stay this way. Same with barb and INT. No exceptions for the sake of "realism", what I like. Others don't.
  9. Oh I forgot: I PoE it was a very fast cast which made it worthwhile for me. Spamming it around every few secs was fun and could make a difference in tough encounters. In Deadfire it's a spell with 3 secs casting time if I remember correctly. So it's a lot slower.
  10. Boar tusks. When not shifted dual hatchets will do. I actually gave him Novice's Suffering despite it not stacking with Spiritshift. I just didn't want to spend enchantment resources like dragon eyes or durgan steel on him. And Novice's Suffering works pretty well with high MIG, lowish ACC and zero to few dmg mods. I even gave him the Sandals of the Forgotten Friar. He did respectable melee damage even when not shifted. Dual hatchets will provide +10 deflection though which might prevent getting rushed all the time while casting.
  11. That sounds nice. Pull of Eora works really well in the beta - without the weird "throwarounds" that it had in PoE. The Form of the Fearsome Brute is quite bad though - unless you have some good Full Attack abilites. Then it's mediocre.
  12. Man, does it feels bad to get snubbed by the big B. But thanks anyhow.Huh? It wasn't meant to sound snappy or so. I just wanted to say that I can't say if it makes sense because I didn't really think about such combos a lot or fiddled around with it. So: no expert here. It seems to be not very good but maybe it is nonetheless. Sorry if that came out in a wrong way! Blame it on my English skills.
  13. Just to clear things up: what do you mean when saying warrior? Fighter or just general combatants?
  14. Not really. At least in the beta and in streams.
  15. Not too much I believe. But I didn't think a lot about it. Maybe Beckoner/Druid or /Priest to heal/buff summons or so?
  16. No, not anymore. Damaging retaliation used to give focus until I posted this build: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83186-class-build-the-backlash-beldam-melee-multiretaliation-cipher-tank/ After that it got nerfed. Sorry! I don't know if that was a coincidence or if it really was my build, but whatever: it's gone. Now only attacks made with weapons (including fists) generate focus.
  17. Rymrgand, alias "The Beast of Winter" Ingame description of PoE.
  18. OP spends countless hours developing a mod for the benefit of others and very put post after this guy announces : " I dont care" Great too see that we have cultured and socially adept members on this forum If you mean Karkarov's post then please read again and maybe feel a bit embarrassed afterwards.
  19. Although I've been schooled in history and linguistics at university, my main employment for years, since I was a student, has been as a web developer... [pic] Since it's a personal project, I had maximum freedom of choosing technology, so I went for the most cutting edge stuff, every time when I had to make a choice The editor is written in Typescript, using some of the latest ES6 features, the latest Angular 5 framework, uses Angular's new "Reactive forms", and catches "beforeunload" events (i.e. warns you if you try to refresh your browser tab). The styles are written with the sass preprocessor using scss syntax. I haven't used libraries external to angular, except for rxjs for Observable support. The library is needed, because as far as I know, Observables won't have native Javascript support until ES7. Using Angular is what allowed me to write the core functionality fairly easy, and relieved me of the need to have any backend whatsoever. Hence nothing is executed on the server. The editor functions as a completely front-end app. Neat - thanks for the info. It's always nice if you can try out new things and also have a project that does motivate you to keep on trying and not stopping at the first obstacle.
  20. I highly depends which spells we will get at higher levels and how good the ones until PL7 are. Because it can be benefical to be able to spam nearly twice as many nukes/CCs if they are a) fast casts and b) very good for their Power Level. For example I can imagine a Fury/Evoker can spam a lot more damaging fire spells in an encounter than a single Evoker or Fury (given the encounter is long enough) - and the elemental abilites like Scion of Flame work for all fire spells, so you could totally focus on fire spells without taking any spells/abilities you'd rather not pick (but are forced to because a single class tree doesn't give you a lot of choices). But nobody (here) can say if this is more powerful in the end. Does a PL9-spell cause twice the damage of two PL7-spells? And so on. I generally agree that it's tougher to come up with caster/caster comboes that seem to make a lot of sense than with martial/martial or martial/caster combos.
  21. That would have been a somewhat reasonable post - albeit superfluous I guess, --- In the latest stream Andy Aartz (who was playing Deadfire in its current state) was lvl 18 in the main game and hadn't reached max level yet. Quite save to say that lvl 20 is still the max level in the base game.
  22. He said PoE1 - there it's called Twinned Arrows and was bow only (despite crossbows and arbalests also using arrows;)). In Deadfire it's called Twinned Shot and I presume it works with all ranged weapons. Not only because of the new name, but also because what you (and I) saw in the stream. Wonder what rod + modal would do with Twinned Shot - it's already quite bonkers with Driving Flight (or was, didn't test in beta 4).
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