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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Since they are constructs made of essence I see no reason why they shouldn't be able to split some essence and give it a new conscience. But do they want to...?
  2. Just use a Battle Axe with Bleeding Cuts. DoT is very long lasting, it works in all situations and it stacks. Not really a stealthy weapon though. No idea why True Lover's Kiss only works from stealth and not invisibility. Seems like an oversight.
  3. Would be cool if you could just draw a line on the ground (with a finite length). Ha - I guess then people would draw a fat dot under a single enemy to hit him multiple times per tick. I don't find them "that" hard to position by the way - once you get the hang of it.
  4. It's not harder than in PoE - except for the starting island if you want to solve everything with fighting. Using Perception for discovering secrets and traps and mechanics for disarming traps and picking locks makes a lot more sense. If you feel you need to spread thin you can always juggle around resting bonuses from food with stat bonuses - which was not possible in PoE (I mean without finite duration). You were in the Beyond, not the In-Between. The In-Between is between the Here and the Beyond. Somehow makes sense... I guess scaling is based on your XP, not if you actually did hit the level-up icon. Since you can retrain like everywhere for a few bucks - why would you want to hold off on leveling? This game is made for a party. It is possible to play it solo and there are some achievements, but it's not its main focus. So if you start with a blind solo with you will find situations where the game doesn't cater your wishes. Is that really a problem that Obsidian should have to fix?
  5. As you should know from reading all the books in the bookshelfs in FS, Adragans and Delemgans alike would skin you alive for calling Adragans Delemgans.
  6. Rapier & Stiletto: both pierce only, needs backup weapon set Devoted to Battle Axes: slash only, needs Monastic Unarmed Training or needs to live with no crit bonus and -10 ACC with his backup weapons Lifegiver/Eothas: always Spine of Thicket Green
  7. Besides some rumor from visitors to Obsidian HQ who weren't allowed to enter some "top secret" offices we don't know a lot.
  8. It's not really. Because in both games they had to develop a new engine including rules/mechanics, a critical path, companion relationships, dialogie system, banter trigger mechanics and so on and so forth. All that stuff makes it difficult for the designers/directors/producers to pay that much attention to the writing itself. And also the main game usually is a lot longer so you have to fill it with a longer/bigger story. You also have to explain a lot more since there are a lot of players who might not be familiar with PoE and/or the lore of Eora. With DLCs most of that whole smear has been done and all attention can be spend on the cool stuff, what we would call "content". And since you have to have the main game in oder to play the DLC the writers don't need to explain so many basics but can dive deep into the interesting stuff. Knowing this from my own experience (I mean redoing systems which takes away a lot of resources) I found it remarkable that Obsidian decided to completely revamp the systems instead of using most of PoEs basic framework and concentrating on "content".
  9. You should have pledged more. Ydwin as full companion was a stretch goal. So basically you have to blame your parsimony.
  10. But you can​ spam spirit tornado... in RTwP. TB only makes more apparent some strong features already existing in RTwP. I recently found a reddit post about how convenient Black Jackets are becaus eof instant swapping. But this isn't a new feature from TB. Good luck getting the enemy to stand still for even 4 seconds to dump your spirit tornados. The ability to perfectly position yourself against stationary targets is what makes spamming it OP. As for black jacket swapping, it's not just convenient, it's broken. If you could swap once per turn, allowing you to always have the best weapon for a given target, that would be reasonable. But swapping to that weapon to attack then swapping back to a dagger and large shield for huge defense on the enemy turn is not. I suppose you could hypothetically swap in RTwP in between every auto-attack (not sure how that would affect your recovery, does it still go off your old weapons even after you switch), but that would be insane. I challenge anyone to say that they played this way. And even then it wouldn't be as good as the current TB system since you would at least be more vulnerable during your attack animation as opposed to always having the higher defenses against all enemy attacks. In RtwP you can swap weapons without any recovery malus if you also take Quick Switch. Together with the Black Jacket passive it theoratically even drops the recovery malus below zero (which is capped though). But unlike PoE your latest action's recovery time is not cancelled by switching. So basically it's free switching and yes - you could switch between auto-attacks and have no recovery malus from that.
  11. Since it's base duration in RtwP is only 3 secs it should def. not carry over to the next round in TB.
  12. I wanted to compare it to another long-lasting Terrify effect and Enervating Terror came to mind. I don't know if Cipher is single-target focused. While you have to target an enemy or ally, many of the Powers have a medium (e.g. Secret Horrors) to huge AoE (Phantom Foes, Amplified Wave...). And I would say you can totally compare a Cipher to a Wizard if both are supposed to play the role of a debuffer or crowd controller in your party. See Beguiler vs. Illusionist. While I think most Cipher Powers are pretty nice and well balanced (and most passives are just great), Haunting Chains is just a waste of an ability point in my opinion. Also when you compare it to the other PL-8 and PL-9 stuff you can take. I would maybe consider it if it was a fast cast, but even that is not the case: 3/3secs. I would maybe take it as a Beguiler since you'll get back a bit of focus and it also works with Empty Soul/Soul's Echo/Complete Self, but only maybe.
  13. Dude! I put a winky emoji. What Do you expect?
  14. Ryngrim's Enervating Terror does Weaken and Terrify in an AoE at PL 5 for 15 secs base while Hauning Chains does Hobble and Terrify on a single target at PL 9 for 20 sec. At PL 9 Enervating Terror has basically the same duration as Hauntuing Chains due to PL scaling. I know: Ryngrim's is maybe too strong... but still. Haunting Chain is def. too weak for a PL 9 ability. A smallish 1.5m radius would make it ok. Barely.
  15. Zealous Focus is part of Zealous Aura. Zealous Aura is the whole thing that contains Zealous Focus, Zealous Endurance and Zealous Charge as modals. Exalted Focus, Exalted Endurance and Exalted Charge are the upgrades from Power Level 4. Zealous Aura is Power Level 2 - and afaik a multiclass char reaches PL 2 at charcter level 4, not 3. Is your level progression unmodded? Or did it change lately? I didn't notice - but I also didn't pay a lot of attention to it.
  16. This is a nice basic idea - however it's kind of a waste for a Debonaire to only deliver melee crits to charmed enemies (keep in mind that a charmed target flips back as soon as you damage it - and Cipher powers are all foe-only and can't be cast on charmed enemies). A Cipher and a Debonaire/Wizard can exploit the 100% crit rate better. The good thing about Soul Annihilation is that it doesn't care much about your weapon base damage - so a light weapon with +5 ACC (for example a Rapier) can be better than a two hander in order to make sure that SA connects. Especially in the early game (where you will miss with SA often and then waste a lot of focus) a single handed Rapier with modal (+12 ACC, +5 ACC, +20 ACC) can be really good.
  17. What qualifies as a light weapon? Pfff... Maces, Sabres, Swords, Hammers of course. It obvious. So obvious that you got it wrong?
  18. Torkar on PotD (not even upscaled) is maybe impossible with a lvl 5 party. I mean what's impossible - you could apply some DoTs like Bleeding Cuts maybe and then kite and cheese him to death I guess - or do some other game-mechanics-cheese. But it's nigh impossible to win a "normal" face-to-face fight against him if you are only lvl 5 (even more so if you are lvl 5 and your hirelings are lvl 4). First of all there are too many ads - lots of ranged, too. Those are deadly if they come in numbers because they can always reach you no matter chokepoints etc. All of the ads are like 8+ levels higher than you. And the guy itself wears that belt that lets him heal one time once he's near death. I like to do him early, but lvl 5 is just too much of a tedium to try it more than a few times. Weapon modals help a lot to win fights against high level enemies. Not using them and then complaining about high difficulty is like being a mechanic and complaining that the screws are hard to pull with your fingernails. Rogues can certainly not do everything better than a cipher. THey can't do support and they can't do crowd control. They can't debuff in an AoE (atm not even with AoE weapons) except with Smoke Cloud etc. Actually when thinking about it they can't do even few things that a cipher can do. My guess is that you don't utilize a cipher properly. They are not as good as single target dps machines like rogues are - but that's not their main role. One Whisper of Treason or Puppet Master (even better if cast from stealth to initiate encounter) can turn the tide. Can't say that about any of the rogue's abilites except his invisibility abilites and the Trickster's high level stuff. And I say that while not even being a big fan of ciphers in general. Haunting Chains... yeah I don't get it as well. Seems like a complete waste of ability points But maybe I'm overlooking something. Like Fractured Volition - that's also... "errrm?"
  19. I agree. It's a slower approach than hitteing evertything directly but very reliable and very resource-friendly. You get good DoTs and also good HoTs (Healings over Time). Best played as Nature Godlike. In my opinion Pollen Patch is the best healing spell there is. But you have to move a round a lot to make it really good. Garden of Life is also nice, but the limitation on corpses can be a bit tricky sometimes. Like when you need healing but nobody's dead yet.
  20. New patch notes for 4.1.2 are out and they don't mention this problem. Any news?
  21. i have a sneaking suspicion that this is actually an intended nerf (e.g. the designers never intended for this aoe weapon interaction, and they took wayyyy too long to address it, letting people getting used to it) and the reason why no one official appears to be commenting on it is to try to sidestep the player rage at having such a big and late-in-the-cycle power-level cut. I don't know. Because we had the same situation a few patches ago where rogue abilites suddenly didn't work with AoE weapons anymore. And that got fixed pretty quickly. Also I got this response from QA: Doesn't sound intended. But maybe they changed their minds...
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