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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. Perhaps. After all new party size equals original number of Power Rangers.
  2. Players like to say they play on PotD to show the world how pro they are.
  3. What? Where did that came from? Might is coming back (all damage and healing) and resolve is getting buffed to make up for the loss of concertration. Possible buff to resolve revealed here: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171289309831/various-deadfire-changes Resolve is being revertd to its POE1 state and, additionally, is receiving a buff because it was meh. If you are talking about empower/depower from Resolve than it's not a possible buff because And revert they did.
  4. Since we're back to PoE1's concentration system, does Perception gets its Interruption bonus back?
  5. You're not suggesting games should be designed around players who read guides, are you?
  6. Removing Resolve would mean removing Resolve Afflictions and is sounds rather bad to me.
  7. it also means the thread for devs to nerf the popular buillds and forgetting the "underpowered" build. i hope this is not the case with obisidian. "Weakest beta build" thread is way shorter than this one. Devs might be under impression that players don't care about UP nearly as much as about OP.
  8. Single classes suffering because of sins of multiclassing sounds really bad. I hope it's not the case. Power Level exists to balance multiclassing without making single classes suffer. OEI needs to use it more/better.
  9. Resolve to influence Affliction/debuff duration no, not duration... graze range! Affliction/debuff graze = half duration. Restore Might and move magic damage there. But not healing. Multiplicative mod to all damage is plenty good already. I don't know if buffs can miss. If they can then RES can influence their graze range as well. Casters have a reason to take it. If it's not possible then affliction/debuff miss->graze chance.
  10. OP has asked about ranged weapon attacks. In PoE1 Might affects ranged weapon damage as well. In PoE2 Strength affects damage of all weapons (melee, ranged, summoned). DEX and PER affect all weapons the samy way.
  11. Maybe now people will stop making that "RES should affect Affliction duration" suggestion and instead suggest something else that has a chance to be accepted by Obsidian. Let's not waste time on something Josh has already discarded.
  12. 'Sidekicks' is an informal name for monks specialized in kicking sideways.
  13. That -1 PEN for dual damage type weapons is stupid. "Hey! We're giving this weapon 2 damage types so it's better against armor... and we also take 1 PEN to make it worse against armor!" What a lack of focus. And Saber with modal on will have 9 PEN... it's a high penetration. On a slash specialized 1h sword - the worst weapon against armor. Obsidian must be on some crusade against realism! What's platemail's slashing AR? Is it at least 10? I'm not sure. Looks like the game is going to be be designed around 100% damage going through. Upping PEN as well as Armor values do not make much sense so i don't think Armor is changing.
  14. Casters suck so Priest isn't mandatory.
  15. Few known spells and very limited number of casts at lower levels aren't much problem. It was designed like that since ages (vide Dungeons & Dragons). Real problem lies in limited cast at higher chararacter's level, when there are still only 2 cast per level during combat. It lacks flexibility. In longer fights I would like to cast more Curses of Blackened Sight, Combusting Wounds, Mirrored Images, Merciless Gazes... And now I'm limited to 2 cast each level and the new system forces me to use something else, not necessarily suited to a situation. I agree with u, a resource pool is more flexible. Let's unify every resource into mana!
  16. It's not system but rather how it was misused. Quality on weapons was increasing damage by % while on armor by absolute (and not too high) value. Same for other increments like buffs. I don't remember any % increase to armor and absolute increases to damage used to exist but were getting destroyed by Obsidian. Dunno if any remained. There was that joke spell of Druid, Weather the Storm was its name if i'm not mistaken. It was a joke because it compared equal to Wizard's lvl 2 Bulwark Against the Elements while being lvl 7 ^^. DR bonus of both spells was 15. Why wasn't it much higher for WtS? It's like OEI intentionally made DR weak on high levels. No wonder it didn't work. Bloat is a bad match for absolute damage reduction but bloat in itself isn't any good so i wouldn't mind removing it. Let's leave it for JRPGs and ARPGs.
  17. Nice. Now something for xbows/arbalests. For balance.
  18. They could get bonuses when targeting weakest armor type with their attacks (lashes included, spells too because multiclassing). I swear it's my original idea! I didn't steal it from anyone, especially from Obsidian.
  19. Good news - they didn't! PoE used something like "leveled mana", you were able to choose your spell right before casting it. The "vancian problem", which is A caster has prepared wrong spell did not exist. Even for wizards thanks to multiple grimoires that could be swapped in 1s or something. I don't need vancian in my cRPGs. I'm fine with per rest leveled mana. But to make it work game needs proper economy and costly resting or time being important but that would upset too many players. Actually proper economy could also upset many players, maybe even players who are first to criticise economy if it's broken.
  20. Combat too complex! Let's reduce max party size to 4.
  21. Everyone and his brother asks for faster spell casting but i don't think i've seen anyone mentioning how it will affect interruptions. If casting becomes faster interruptions will suffer since there will be smaller time window when you can interrupt. I'm cool with faster casting but with changes to interruptions as well. There are interruption modals that have recovery penalty - it needs to go. It already needs to go since spells got faster by one second and slower attacks speed is counter productive if you want to interrupt.
  22. Even if he was transforming brain as well INT penalty would not fit because PoE's ogres are not dumb.
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