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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. I want a ranger subclass that has no pet and in return gets... nothing. Nothing right away. This subclass would be affected by pet passive talents. This way a player would be able to decide what (s)he wants for not having a pet and the more (s)he wants the more (s)he would pay in talent points (balanced!). As an additional bonus pet talents would not be useless. Maybe some active talents could be used as well.
  2. That's a LOT (not "alot"). Not even KC:D has critical path this long. BTW what is 'hh'? An hectohour?
  3. Pick a class with name that you like the most and play. You don't need "most powerful" as the game is too easy, anything is viable, even ranger. Besides, discovering things yourself is a part of games value, just like discovering book's plot is a part of book's value.
  4. It doesn't even show up for the other class if one of your classes is Monk, as it turns out. Thanks for info. So all is well then.
  5. You can pick it with the other class, but pretty sure it wouldn't stack, haven't tried yet tho, may do later. But... all passives stack.
  6. What's the name of new sword modal? Did they change sabre's modal as well? Heh i started to like blunt modals (most of them) right after i read about them and now the best PoE player in the world says they are very good :D I'm proud of my intuition.
  7. Helwalker's penalty far outweights its bonus. Judging by what you said you should totally avoid Helwalker on PotD. Keep in mind Shattered Pillar has max wounds of 5 or something. Since you wanted to play HW you probably wanted to stack wounds. SP is bad for that, it's a subclass for wound spender monks.
  8. Shields are broken because they get +1 to deflection per enchantment vs weapons' +4. It's a glaring scaling problem. By extension, Sword&Board style is broken.
  9. Why "artificially"? If something is broken you avoid it naturally. You prefer something that's working. Same with UP/OP. Even the naming itself indicates a problem. Balanced is better than either UP or OP.
  10. How much duration grows with Power Level? Do all spells/abilities follow same formula? How does this extra duration stack with INT?
  11. Other casters as well. OEI has equalized accuracy on all classes.
  12. Because "OMG soo OP! We have to destroy balance it." Balance by destruction, not the first time and not the last. BTW what's the deal with this "Paralyzed (Petrified)" that some spells (like druid's Embrace of the Earth Talon) do? Knowing Obsidian petrification got destroyed and is now an alias for paralysis. I hope it's not the case.
  13. B-but... Twin Arrows Shot has no accuracy penalty and works with any ranged weapon!
  14. Does it hurt Devoted more than it does Fighter?
  15. Yeah, master guardian. Obsidian pushes us towards multiclassing. Be a good player and play the game as designers want you to play. "We have this new awesome feature - multiclassing! And we'll make sure you'll be using it by reducing party size, he he he."
  16. Obsidian isn't Larian, they know what skills are
  17. Some good points. I certainly disagree about casters. If you take a fight with dragon in PoE1 vs. fight in PoE2 than sure, but I am pretty sure that in couple beta playthroughs I have cast more spells than during my 250h with PoE1. In PoE1 casting is occasional, in Deadfire it's a regular thing. I'll explain it with a wall analogy. In PoE1 you have to scale 20 walls, 19 of them are 0.5m high, one is 4m. In PoE2 you also have 20 walls to scale but they are all 1m high. Average height of a wall is way bigger in PoE2 but you succeed while you can't do same in PoE1. That one 4m wall just stops you. Average isn't everything. And there are also rest spammers who go nova in every PoE1 battle. We can't ignore them because they are the reason per rest spells and abilities are history. AI scripting wouldn't be for people who want 6 party members but for those who find 6 too much to manage all by themselves (current target audience).
  18. As Josh himself said we can build our characters (almost) completely passively. Not all classses but many of them. It's supposed to be viable choice. 6 party members wouldn't be too many if a player would build his party in a highly passive fashion. Also, spellcasters require less micro because they have less spell casts and cast them slower. Also, AI scripting of Deadfire can greatly reduce input required from player:
  19. It works in Starcraft. Also in The Dark Eye, Age of Decadence and In Legends of Eisenwald. It won't become trivial to bypass if it's properly designed. Obsidian failed terribly with DR in PoE1, they didn't even try. Lvl7 spell gave same amount of DR as lvl2 spell...
  20. % healing like in Tyranny.
  21. Would watching a movie or reading a book be better if you didn't know the plot beforehand? Same answer applies to video games. well you cant get stuck on a puzzle or lost on a map watching a movie It's still better to know only minimal amount of info (like author, genre and target audience) before playing.
  22. Would watching a movie or reading a book be better if you didn't know the plot beforehand? Same answer applies to video games.
  23. It must have changed during beta That's pretty accurate. And yes, graze does not lower PEN. or there are different definitions of 'additive' and 'multiplicative' in use.
  24. Thank you guys for your answers. I just remembered one more thing: graze. If nothing has changed it is multi instead of additive as it was in PoE1.
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