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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. 2H style capitalizes on DPH, DW style capitalizes on attack speed, sword and board capitalizes on defense, so 1H style should capitalize on accuracy. But hit->crit from PoE1 is fine too.
  2. I was able to see detailed changelog for system changes but it's no longer visible. Opera 50.0 and Mozilla 58.0.1. Was that something we were not supposed to see?
  3. We're not supposed to add a new property, only to upgrade existing ones.
  4. Then ranged weapon builds/classes must be very underwhelming BTW how many melee classes are there? Barbarian is obvious due to Carnage but any others? Druid is considered a caster, no? Monk has Long Pain so he can be ranged too. Is he viable with ranged weapons? As for subclasses there's Skald, Stalker and Soul Blade. Does Shattered Pillar work with Long Pain? If no then we have 4 melee subclasses with names starting with 'S'. There's also Unbroken and i guess Darcozzi Paladini. Anyone else? Should Ranger be considered a ranged class or is he fine in melee as well?
  5. I think giving all 2 handers 2 more base penetration would be a better move, and it would be consistent with PoE where the appeal of 2 handers was they were better against high armor foes. I'd even lower base Pen for fast weapons by 1 for the sake of consistency and balance. I'd also go ahead and go back to one special ability per weapon with no separate tiers as well. I'd just go ahead and go back to DR With improvements like % armor penetration.
  6. There won't be that disparity if DW is tuned down to other weapons styles by adding damage malus. And if casters stop sucking but that's a different problem.
  7. My math gives me different result. 13% chance to miss * 20% = 2.6% of all attacks are misses converted to grazes. Graze does 50% damage so 2.6% * 50% = 1.3% more damage. It's not like 1H style is UP, it's badly designed. It has to be a bug because it was badly designed in vanilla PoE as well and Obs eventually replaced this bad design with a better one: hit to crit. Obsidian designers are too good to intentionally replace good design with a horrible one. Of course Obs had to decrease attack speed of DW, not, for example, damage. Let's make thing closer to each other! Why diversify, it can be bad for balance! If everything becomes identical perfect balance will be achieved! Let's go in that direction!
  8. Poor ranged weapons. No one cares about them
  9. Wait until you find a unique estoc with elemental lash! Just kidding, unique items should not be affecting design of (sub)classes.
  10. Then there's just one way to interpret "+x% to area of effect" A bug. Too bad Obsidian was busy destroying retaliation + focus generation and didn't have time to fix it.
  11. It was changed already in PoE1: https://youtu.be/fvyrEhAMUPo?t=2468 So, yeah, pretty intended Bonus is to area, not radius, AoE = area of effect. If AoE is 20 m^2 and we increase it by 60%, what it will become? 32 m^2.
  12. Each weapon type gets one and only one modal via proficiency and you're not choosing it. You can't level up proficiency.
  13. Bosses in PoE1 had godly Resolve because it gave concentration. Obsidian didn't want bosses to get stunlocked. Maybe some non-boss enemies got same treatment. Since RES no longer gives concentration i'm not expecting to see so much Resolve on enemies in POE2. But i wouldn't give RES duration reduction anyway - durations are already short. Chance to upgrade inspirations afflictions sounds fine except not all of them can be upgraded.
  14. Or c) DW is OP and player wants to use a balanced option. I believe seeking a challenge is a pretty common behaviour.
  15. It wasn't confusing, i just misread. Sorry.
  16. Aside from Assasinate, Dual wielding already is better than 2H at special full attacks. Dual wielding doesn't need a damage penalty, 2H needs a penetration boost. That would put the trade offs as similar to PoE as possible. I heard dual wielding is much above other styles but maybe i was lied to. Assuming i wasn't, if you boost 2h there would be 2 styles way better than other 2. Nerfing DW's damage would be better for balance.
  17. Is it double ability points now? It used to be much less. Also there is/was a bug granting more ability points, maybe it's for multiclass only. Carnage is no longer a weapon attack so no procs.
  18. Assuming druid spells are like in POE This is exactly a spell that should be slow. Big AoE with great template, instant damage. And this is a spell that should not be slow. Why? because it's a duration spell. It takes time to do its job. It should probably not be fast, because of good AoE. Does any druid spell have armor reduction? If not then i'd add it to Autumn's Decay which is much crappier than in PoE1. Increased duration of Decay would actually be advantageous (in addition to being a penalty since long duration is bad for DOTs).
  19. The goal is to have everything viable on Normal/Hard. Having everything viable also on PotD is a bonus. Having everything balanced is also a bonus. It's also not something designers should aim for because
  20. But there's armor and people say armor is a big deal.
  21. Most players don't have beta access and they will not know it at release. Most players are bad so they may never figure out optimal options. Most players play games only once, not to mention only few finish them. We don't know what high level abilities will be in full game. Voted 'No'.
  22. Dual wielding should not be better at special attacks than 2H because it's better at auto attacks. Your suggestion could maybe be implemented after dual wielding gains damage penalty which seems to be needed.
  23. I was happy without vancian in PoE. Ok, almost without, because Spell Mastery got introduced. It's sad OBS took the only vancian thing from PoE, that played a minor role there, and made it a foundation of spell casting in PoE2. PoE1 Spellcaster: "Damn, a fire blight. I can't hurt it with this fire spell of mine. Fortunately i can select any druid spell at any time so i'd just blast it with ice!" PoE2 Spellcaster: "Damn, a fire blight. I can't hurt it with this fire spell of mine. Too bad my only offensive spells are of fire type. In part because there are so few spells to choose per level. Even worse, i can't reset spells by sleeping, i need to level up to choose a new spell. I wish i were one of those D&D vancian casters who can reset their spell selection by resting :(" At least wizards have their grimoires.
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