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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. Careful with usage of word "style", there are talents with it in their names and 1H Style does not increase accuracy. However, once 1H style gets redesigned (not buffed, it was redesigned) like it was in PoE1 it will help you with your crits too. Redesign of 1H Style is pretty much a given, the question is whether or not will it help with crits.
  2. There are souls in both cases but you can't interact with them all for gameplay reasons
  3. If increase in DPS is same, yes. Dex no longer suffers from armor system but Might still suffers from overkill, something Dex is immune to. Dex also affects all actions while might only damage and healing. Moreover Dex bacame better for spellcasters: - they can unload all of their spells in each encounter and if they run out of spells they can restore half of them through empower, - casting time became longer and Dex can counter this, - by casting spells faster you're less vulnerable to interrupts. But Might gives you bigger DPH so i guess it's more impressive to watch. Huge DPH has very strong psychological effect after all.
  4. They can keep overpenetration and just change dmg multipliers from 0.3/1/1.3 to 23/77/100. That would also require changing either all damage values or all values of HP. That change would not affect balance it's just for common sense. After seeing MaxQuest's tables i can see removing overpenetration is not a good idea. Poleaxe was never better than other options and estoc is most likely underpowered right now. Actually 0.3/1/1.3 is is best in terms of balance as poleaxe was better than greatsword in 2 cases but still not good enough since GS bested poleaxe 5 times*. Maybe blunt is the best physical damage type, i don't know, i don't have beta access. *I'm not including very high armor values even estoc could not penetrate.
  5. In Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas DT was an absolute (additive) reduction. Maybe it is just an original name of what later become "Damage Resistance"?
  6. I warned them but they didn't read! https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91578-weapon-proficiencies-may-not-work-well/?hl=proficiencies
  7. Interesting.I am trying to figure out what would be the perfect PEN thresholds that would satisfy a set of conditions/expectations set by the forumers. And your statement regarding "if there is no armor, penetration can't do anything" - kinda heavily affects the viability of high pen weapons. I'd like to clarify: - you expect two similar attacks against naked character, but one with quite higher PEN, deal same damage? - (same thing rephrased) you are against dealing bonus damage with stuff like estocs and stilletos when your PEN is much higher than target's AR? Yes and yes. Two ends of the spectrum would be: high Pen / low DPS weapons and low Pen / high DPS weapons. High Pen would be better vs well armored target while high DPS would be better vs low armor targets. In Deadfire everyone will be able to pick multiple weapon profs without sacrificing talents (well, not true anymore but multiple profs is kinda 'default' way to go), it's not like we are married to a single weapon (excepting Devoted) so not every weapon must be good vs every target. And by using more weapon type we will be able to utilize more uniques. Also, since Deadfire is using % damage reduction i'm not worried about high Pen weapons. % reduction has a number of flaws but it's good for keeping DPS bloat in check.
  8. One more reason to rework poleaxe. Thanks. "Currently". So they are going to change that?
  9. The +accuracy for holding a 1h weapon was never part of a talent. Everyone has that feature starting from level 1. The one-handed weapon bonuses was converting 15% hits into crits in POE1, but converted 10% misses into grazes in POE2. I know it wasn't a part of a talent. Since it is still accuracy bonus we are back to bad design Obs did for PoE1 and fixed like a year later... just wow.
  10. I find poleaxe's passive rather meh: - lower damage for your normal attacks - lower damage for your disengagement attacks + 1 extra engagement slot Not balanced and doesn't seem well designed. It would be if penalty was to recovery not damage. Or does recovery affect disengagement attacks in some way?
  11. No. If i want to do damage i'd be increasing my damage, not AP. Likewise if i want to increase attack speed i'm increasing attack speed, not acid resistance. I want Armor Penetration to do what is in its name - penetrate armor. At best it will make armor do nothing and i'll be doing full (100%) damage. If there is no armor, penetration can't do anything, just like cold is useless vs cold immune enemies.
  12. What is the bonus for wielding 1 1h weapon and having other hand empty? Judging by 1H Style description it is no longer accuracy.
  13. I'm glad people started to say "semi-Vancian" instead of "Vancian". Still incorrect but it seems we're getting there. While priest and druids require no explanation, wizards may not be as obvious. A grimoire in PoE can hold a subset of all spells. But that's still not preparing spells, it's choosing a spell on the fly. And thanks to grimoire switching wizards have access to their full repertoire in practice. Vancian does not mean per rest. Mana can be paired with per rest just fine and it's totally not vancian. PoE1 casters were using "leveled mana". Vancian just happens to be per rest and i'm not even sure if it is a requirement. BTW: some classes in PoE2 who are not casters are using mana
  14. I want guns to fill a niche they were supposed to fill - fighting mages with Arcane Veil. I want xbows to be a little better than guns except when fighting mages with Arcane Veil, when guns would be much better. That's not gonna happen since guns fanboys are many while xbow fanboys are few
  15. It's enough for just one player to post the list ;D Reading guides is a problem with a player. Yes, I dared to attack The Player! Other popular probelms are savescamming and cheating. And while those two can be trivially prevented by devs, reading guides is pretty much impossible to stop. That's why devs should not bother with that at all. It's up to player if he wants to play blind or not. Personally i'd play blind given a chance since there's only one such chance. Savescamming might actually be a problem not just with the player but other two are completely.
  16. Your first playthrough won't be spoiled with metaknowledge and you'll be switching weapons. To know all AR values you need to complete the game at least once. And if you are replaying the game it is a developer's success. BTW: you're too smart for 'most optimal'
  17. I have a question about modals. Are they still in same stacking category as spells? Actually the first question should be: Do we have stacking categories at all?
  18. Obsidian either does not know how to solve rest spamming or does not see it as a problem. They actually want to encourage players to rest in PoE2. It is not an easy problem to solve. You do a hard counter like time limit and players will go ballistic on you. You do a soft counter like supplies&inns an players will complain that there are workarounds. You can make a proper economy but that's certainly not an easy task. And it's not immune to complainers either. There's one more option - reward players who don't rest often. It could be an XP bonus if Obsidian stops showering us with XPs.
  19. Good thread. Finding UP builds is as important, if not more, as finding OP ones.
  20. Pen=AR gets you full damage. You only get bonus damage when you get Pen=2*AR Pen = 2* AR is what i call complete penetration. Complete armor penetration is the best result armor penetration can achieve. It's making armor totally ineffective. If Obs wants players to do more damage it can be done via, surprise surprise, damage bonuses. Things like Secrets of Rime, that they removed and everyone seems to want back (i'm talking about shared talents in general). Edit: Perhaps i wasn't clear enough. What i want is basically normalizing current values to, say, 25%/75%/100%. Or, in case OEI drops ternary nature of Penetration, making 100% damage the best result Penetration can give.
  21. I don't get why Obs is fighting common sense by making complete armor penetration grant bonus damage. Complete penetration = full damage. Full is 100%. That's common sense a lot of games follow. I think PoE1 followed this logic as well. Do they want players to feel sooo awesome? Hmm... maybe they do. After all, they've changed difficulty level names to not hurt our ego.
  22. I'd expect chargen to be correct. Otherwise a player would feel cheated.
  23. Injury system in PoE2 is strikingly similar to that of Legends of Eisenwald - wound decreases max HP (and not just that), 4 wounds = dead, can't be healed through normal heals. Maybe they will copy Hard West too - if you don't heal a wound but fight with it instead it will turn into, let's call it, healed wound that gives bonuses and some penalties and also prevents you from getting same wound again.
  24. Then you are very good. Not everyone is.
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