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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. Everyone cares about 'overpowered' only. But things can be 'underpowered' too. I'm really interested to see what OBS will do to prevent lvl 1 chars from sucking. For Cipher it's not a problem becaue we can just leave Soul Whip as it was in POE. It may sound surprising to some people so i'll explain: Soul Whip depends on max focus in two ways, it's required to cast more powerful spells and it prevents the cipher from getting extra damage. And max focus did scale with Ciper level. So 1lvl cipher dipping will limit a character to weaker PSI powers and will limit time when you're getting extra damage unless you actively spend your focus. So 1lvl cipher dipping won't work as "permanent extra 20% damage for your weapon user class". Obs wants to make Rogues do more damage from their active abilities. Maybe it will work.
  2. Ahh, I was waiting for this for so long. Nice theory you've got there. But what about some practice? What's that? People are using unique items pretty much exclusively. Who would have guessed. I've already seen a number of people complaining they can enchant an estoc to be 'as good or better' than Blade of The Endless Paths. But none of them have mentioned that you can only enchant ONE such weapon per game (i'm talking vanilla POE and Superb quality here). I wonder why? BoTEP isn't really "nearly the same" with 2 properties you cannot enchant yourself. But yes enchanting in the middle of the forest is bad, i hope it will be gone in POE2.
  3. That's cool, i just don't understand why loot should have higher level enchantment when found on high lvl? I have a mountain of gold, let me spend some of it on enchanting.
  4. - separate amulet/cloak slots - going with more than 4 party member as 4 would be too limiting with huge number of options granted by multi/subclassing - multiclassing - openworldyness - Xoti! - random encounters - more skills - items specific to a class - performance
  5. People probably just want to let Obsidian know how much they want her as a companion. I've considered giving my vote to Ydwin for that exact reason but realized it's not Something Awful forum so i didn't bother and voted for Xoti.
  6. A bit wrong? More like very wrong. I'm nice person and i give Obsidian some credit. They got a lot of equipment in POE1 right so i expect them to keep up the good work. It's a whole new game we're talking about here, not some expansion/DLC, so new weapon types are a real possibility. But no they didn't confirm this in words AFAIK.
  7. Well, they are adding smallswords so it is totally possible they'll add more weapon types, some of which may be exotic.
  8. On high levels we have a lot of money and we won't be able to even spend this money enchanting items because they will already have best enchants. That's useless and bad for economy. There's a chance you meant another thing but i pray to Eothas you didn't.
  9. If modding in POE allows to do this: https://youtu.be/d3GYBcahGGk?t=162 then adding 6th party slot in more moddable game (POE2) will be just a matter of time.
  10. Oh, even worse than before! Calm down. There was no vancian magic in POE already so it's not getting that much worse. Yes, i've actually bothered with asking myself "what is vancian magic?".
  11. Actually it was balanced when 2h took twice as many rare ingredients than 1h. Think in terms of weapon sets: 2h takes two slots, 2*h1 take 2 slots, 1h+shield take 2 slots. Single 1h was privileged and that was also good for balanced because their fighting style feat was badly designed. No, it wasn't UP, it was badly designed, it was a terrible fit for single 1h weapon.
  12. I'm pretty sure they are keeping that "every class can use every piece of equipment" design.
  13. Ah okay. The for armour it's Legendary x4 for Weapons it's Legendary x2 and then you can also enchant 2 items (weapons or armour) to Superb as well. Mythic can't be enchanted, it has to be there already. Thanks again, You're a bro. But damn, i'm confused now. Josh said we can upgrade weapons to highest enchantment level. Highest is mythic. Not only we can't enchant to highest enchantment level but we can only enchant two weapons (or 1 2h weapon) to Legendary. That would mean his reason for revamping enchanting system is ... totally wrong. I hope i'm just being stupid here and missing something obvious. It's not like i consider their new idea for enchanting to be something awful. I'm just against that ceiling. BTW their new enchanting is inspired by POE (Path of Exile): Melee Splash and Chain. Also, their post fig video features a Sparklike spell. Also, Tyranny has a Shock debuff that increases shock damage taken by 50%. Sounds strangely familiar Not like learning from a game that has outblizzarded Blizzard is a bad thing.
  14. I want a mace. With its head shaped after humanoid skull. That would keep complaining about getting headache and vertigo. That would taunt and bite your enemies. Called Morte-on-a-stick A reference to BG2, PST and Fallouts in one item.
  15. 2/3 6/7 8/9 (final answer... I hope). Thank you. You were really good at avoiding details. Even too good (: I should have specified i'm actually looking for 6 numbers - one for each level of armor and one for each level of weapons. I just did not want any spoilers on how to get those enchantments. Oh and by weapons i mean 1h weapons. I hope it's clear enough this time
  16. I wonder... how many weapons/armors could you enchant to superb/legendary/mythical level with full White March? Just a numbers please, no details.
  17. It's not like a katana is a prerequisite for having other oriental weapons.
  18. Hopefully Polish translation will be done by CD Projekt this time, not Cenega. Cenega has translated 'lockpick' as 'lock picking'. For the whole game i was wondering how can i raise my lockpicking skill and haven't opened a number of chests because of that. Sure, there's also my fault for not using my brain to its fullest and not trying to do something with lockpicks i had in my stash. But without Cenega's f**kup it just would not have happend at all. Another problem was with Bloody Slaughter description. It led me to believe it always work, no matter how much HP target has. Obviously i've picked this feat with all of my dudes. Or "Minor Ring of Protection" translated as "Small Ring of Protection" but that's a minor (pun intended) problem.
  19. You're right. Given that Josh has made it pretty clear that five is remaining five, I really ought to stop bothering with this thread. Where/when did he made it clear? In one of Q&A streams he said "probably", it looks like he made up his mind.
  20. Longsword. Wait... you're talking about fantasy. In this case, yeah, that would probably be a "bastard sword". Ninjas were not about combat.
  21. I'd rather have images + text. Search button does not like images too much.
  22. So... what you did is cut quite a few x/y class combinations. For the provided ratio = 2.0 and max level 20, that would be: 20/0 - remains 19/1 - is cut 18/2 - is cut 17/3 - is cut 16/4 - is cut 15/5 - is cut 14/6 - is cut 13/7 - remains 12/8 - remains 11/9 - remains 10/10 - remains Hmm, I still want to believe that dipping can be balanced; and limiting possible combinations should be used as last resort. How much is cut depends on max ratio. It is possible to cut only 19/1 but i'm sure someone would start complaining about 18/2. Provided ratio is just an example, you could have used ratio of 1.0 to make your point stronger. I guess you must be very upset about Obsidian cutting HUGE amount of options by not letting us multiclass as many classes as D&D 3.5. I understand why you don't want to loose any more options. However, we don't know how many combinations we're going to need. Character customization is not only about picking class levels but also talents, subclasses and even skills. Well, there are also unique items, i guess it's at least worth mentioning. You say limiting combinations is the last resort. I'd like to add that making single classers suffer because of multiclassing is not the last resort. It's unacceptable. Currently Obsidian wants to do the unacceptable. I'd easily trade unacceptable for last resort. But yeah, i'm also waiting for a solution that will eliminate problems without introducing any new.
  23. Obsidian has made an encounter with unique challange and people complain. BTW in POE2 you will be able to retarget (at least some) spells.
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