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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. Spells that can jump will not do so if they kill a target. Potentially a bug so i'm reporting. An example with Chain Lightning is in attachment. Aloth kills Skeletal Figher who stands next to my paladin. There are two more undead nearby but Chain Lightning does not strike them. Also tested with Firebug. Edit: it's 3.02. I don't think i can change thread title, sorry for that.
  2. At the origins, a talent increase your potential... So increase carnage its normal. But potential increase from OSA always happens when you can also put carnage to good use. Both talents are about fighting multiple opponents. Barbarians need more potential in scenarios when Carnage is not useful. They also need a buff to talents that do not depend on INT.
  3. Just be fast about it, before they all get removed.
  4. But that is an exceptional case when pally is an PC. Typical pally will have 4/8 + 2/3 + 3/6 = +9/17. Am i right? BTW: A fighter with Vigorous Defense will have more in 'other defenses' than pally and WAY more deflection.
  5. Thanks for info, but this nerf is wrong. Numbers for defenses are truncated which is a hint that non integral numbers should not be put here. This way penalties for disfavoured dispositions are higher than bonuses from favoured ones. I'm almost positive it's not intended. Am i wrong? You've already nerfed pally's deflection, F&C and DF, was nerfing disposition bonuses really necessary? Especially since it's an exceptional case (pally being a PC).
  6. Aspirant Mark surely is great. It's numbers are either at 80% or 100% of original spell's values and it's per encounter rather than per rest, making it potentially better than druid's Mark! OTOH there's Apprentice's Sneak Attack with pathetic 30% of original ability's power. Most, if not all, other cross class abilities have between 67% and 80% power in some of their values and 100% in others. Apprentice's Sneak Attack needs to be like 35%-40% to damage to match other cross class talents.
  7. I couldn't vote for One Stand Alone change because it would boost Carnage and barbarian needs to be cured from his one trick ponyness. In the original thread i explained why current OSA + Heart of the Storm is not a problem.
  8. 1. No linearity. 2. No level scaling. 3. No content overleveling. Pick any two. I always wanted to write this :D
  9. What about those fractional bonuses from dispositions? They were confirmed to be a bug (by yourself) here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83952-v300929-px1-steam-faith-and-conviction-nerfed-of-bugged/?do=findComment&comment=1771492 but apparently they are still present in 3.02. Also, i see no mention of Deep Faith changes but it now gives +3 to 'other defenses' instead of +5. A bug, i assume?
  10. Novice Suffering had a chance to be useful by working with Spiritshift. But no, it doesn't. Novice Suffering had a second chance to be useful by working with Reaping Knives. But no, it doesn't. Now it needs a third chance.
  11. Yes, druid high level spells are disappointing and even if we don't compare them with wizards who are omnipotent by design. Tornado - The biggest offender. It's a lvl4 spell, at best. If i were to change it i'd make it bigger and periodically prone and damage enemies. Damage per strike would be lower than it is now. Tornado would generally stay in place but because nature is wild it would be randomly and slowly moving. Avenging Storm - It's purpose is not to stun, guys, but to damage. Stun is there because that's what a thunder does. Spell is good if used with spiritshifting, because of fast attack speed. Fire Stag - I heard this spell is all about a fire trail. I put it to a test. I picked a fight where fire trail should really shine: a big bunch of low level undead. And to be honest it didn't do much. Disappoining. Primordials - I really wish i could choose type of creatures i summon. Same wish applies to blight summoning. It's a bit too savescam happy ATM and we know well it does not fit Obsidian design goals. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think druid summon spells had no duration, but now they do ): Bounty - Good buff, at least if you have no priest in your party, but inconvenient to use. In addition to what it does now it could simply apply the buff once it's cast. Another problem is you need to have empty item slot to get a Bounty potion so it needs to compete with other potions. Weather the Storm - i often complain about very short durations of spells in PoE and this one is amongst the worst. 10s duration while wizard's lvl 2 Bulwark has 60? Sure, Weather is AoE but there is whooping 5 lvl difference to justify this.
  12. My spiritshifted druid indeed only needs DAOM to reach 0 recovery. Hopefully crybabies won't discover it and start calling spiritshift OP.
  13. Too easy/obvious to just make a character with minimized attributes and isn't really in the spirit of the challenge. Why? He would "Be as useless as possible to a party" with all stats dumped. Some players are doing exactly this.
  14. In PnP, if you are creative, GM will appreciate this. In video game, if you are creative, developer will punish you.
  15. That's because Resolve is very obviously imbalanced. I'm surprised it's still the case in WM2. Resolve and Perception want to mirror each other. But they fail. +2 reflex is as good as +2 will, +3 interrupt is as good as +3 concentration... ... but +1 deflection is not as good as +1 accuracy! It's half as good. Let's double this and see what happens.
  16. 8/17 is a bug. PC paladin caps at 10/20, 12/23 with Deep Faith.
  17. True words of intellect wisdom. Good. Unless you're the target (:
  18. Paladin's Behold The Martyr. Fortunately Obsidian has realized that % damage reduction is horrible and the game features absolute damage reduction (dunno why it's not called Damage Threshold like in Fallouts) that can be overcome with just high DPH. DOTs are good for this job.
  19. Builds, guys. Builds. Allow me to introduce You to PoE. Not this PoE but Path of Exile. This game has one of the best mechanics in video games, ever. Let's see what abilities you can take at the same time: Chaos Inoculation - sets your max Hp at 1. Blood Magic - use HP instead of mana. Now, what happens if you have them both and use an active ability? Yup, YASD happens. Or: Resolute Technique - can't crit, always hit. A large number of passives granting bonuses to accuracy and crits. What a horrible clash, right? Bad design, right? Wrong. Some abilities work great together, others ... not so much. But it's not a problem but rather an indicator of a complex system. Oh BTW, if you guys want devs to notice this thread it has to be moved out of this subforum. Devs very rarely venture here.
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