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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. DR3 gambeson? BTW there's already a gambeson in the game and you probably missed it because ... it's weaker than leather armor and it's not called a gambeson. https://youtu.be/ODS7ksbBRuE?t=56 Making attacks that debuff defenses having exceptional accuracy is just good design.
  2. Sometimes i'm actually glad Josh Sawyer frequents Something Awful instead of this place.
  3. No chance, but fear not for i have an answer for you. The watchful eye of Obsidian has noticed than UB is overpowered when used by barbarian. That was unacceptable. So the decision was made to balance this weapon for one class while making it underpowered for all other classes. Because one OP is worse for the game than 10 UP. At least it was not /5ed like Sure-Handed Ila / Beloved Spirits or /4ed like Blizzard.
  4. Not long after release Beloved Spirit got /5ed (its power was reduced 5 times). After many months (beginning of this year IIRC) it got eventually buffed. I don't remember if it is as strong as it used to be or stronger, what matters is that /5ing it wasn't a good idea (who would have guessed). Sure Handed Ila chant got exactly same treatment - it got /5ed. It is time to unnerf it.
  5. Does description mention it works with physical attacks only? Remember it's Pillars of Eternity, not your everyday RPG, so if desription does not mention that, SA should work with spells as well.
  6. I don't use rangers for this reason too. Absolute yawn fest. I've came to the same conclusion with Druids unfortunately. My druid days are over..... The game needs an option to play as Ranger without Stormcaller and as Druid who does not cast stormy spells.
  7. My guess is your Fenwalker wearing DRUID is a druid and have 20 INT that boost debuff duration reduction by 50%.
  8. Why weird? Isn't it simply in buffs category? Vulnerable Attacks is not for this build which is defense/support oriented. Cautious Attack is all right unless you're using deflection buffs because it does not stack with them. Critical Focus fits but is weak. +10 to defense talents are solid choices. BTW, why do we have healbots but not damagebots/dpsbots? I do not think you can turn a Paladin in this game into a serious DPSer. Even if you give them high Per, Dex and Might and wear Light armor you do not have the abilities in your toolbox for sustained DPS. But you can definitely turn a Paladin in a burst damage dealer if specced correctly those two Flames of Devotion will bring some serious pain even against massive bosses like dragons (except on big boss who is immune to fire ) If you go that route I think the Paladin is best suited as a front line durable tank/damage dealer because even without defensive stats they don't go down easy. So a two hander and good burst abilities + your natural survival and the utility that all paladins bring no matter what makes them really good in either damage dealer/front liner or support/tank. Thanks for your answer! Now i see i haven't made myself clear Sorry for that. What i mean is: why people keep saying 'healbot' while nobody ever says 'damagebot'/'dpsbot' ? It cannot come from MMO because in MMOs healers are part of 'holy trinity' as much as damage dealers, thus are equal in dignity.
  9. Why weird? Isn't it simply in buffs category? Vulnerable Attacks is not for this build which is defense/support oriented. Cautious Attack is all right unless you're using deflection buffs because it does not stack with them. Critical Focus fits but is weak. +10 to defense talents are solid choices. BTW, why do we have healbots but not damagebots/dpsbots?
  10. Yes it is. If an enemy is nearly at full HP it's doing 1 dmg per tick (woohoo) and when close to death - 5 dmg per tick. I've tried it with high max HP enemies, probably ogres, don't remember exactly.
  11. So ... DOTs from Rot stack? I know this spell is good, stacking DOTs would explain why (: Maggots looks like gimped version of Combusting Wounds. Either it's bugged or OEI is too obvious in gimping druids.
  12. Thanks for your answer, aartz. Hmm... maybe this problem can be bypassed by making those spells deal damage over time? With shortest possible duration. Yeah, i'm enjoying the game, thanks!
  13. How to ranger? By picking animal companion fitting your race. Here's the list: Aumaua -> Bear; because big. Dwarf -> Boar; because sturdy. Godlike -> Stag; because horns. Elf -> Antelope; because agile. Orlan -> Lion; because cats. Human -> Wolf; because ... that's what is left :D but also certain duc.
  14. Guys, can you help he to use Maggots effectively? No matter what i do i can't get more than 5 damage per tick, which is lower than even Relentless Storm.
  15. What's so cool about Hold Wall? I only know what is not: Speed enchantment.
  16. Guns are pretty recent invention, people don't know how to make them awesomely yet.
  17. There is. Everyone and his brother wants to get rid of him in a ... certain way (damn i can't find spoiler tags).
  18. Why is there so much hate towards best written companion in PoE? I'm not talking just about this thread.
  19. I stand corrected. But it's still an exceptional case receiving a small nerf (by OEI's standards it nonexistent) that's asymmetrical and this asymmetry is directed against the player. And it caused a lot of confusion too.
  20. It's exceptional case, regular paladin gets +3/+6 to defenses from levels. How unfortunate he forgot half of them. Or intentionally skipped negative dispositions for whatever reasons. Otherwise we would be able to see how broken it now is. My Goldpact Paladini has one point in disfavoured dispositions, and nothing else. Her bonuses are +3 and +6. Why was my deflection lowered? Why my other defenses were lowered by 2 and not by one? How asymmetrical! Obsidian have messed with something they should not. They said numbers are rounded down but no, they are not. Numbers are being truncated not rounded down. Numbers are rounded down after all. I was thinking of "rounding half down". Similar names.
  21. Finally someone didn't vote for Riposte Someone thinks Riposte needs a bigger buff than this (:
  22. It's pretty much a standard formula. But if you know any better then please share. I'm on a quest to find a perfect XP formula and i'd like to learn.
  23. Turning Wheel is a typical Wound Stacker monk feat. Yo are a Wound Spender. It's simply not for you.
  24. Excellent idea but thread's title could be improved. OP if you could change it to something like "How could Obsidian bypass Steam's inability to rollback game version" it would be terrific. This suggestion is much broader than just modding support. I've ignored this thread for a long time because i was not interested in mods and came here out of pure boredom.
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