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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I agree. Although it`s not a shame to iligally download some titles (like Call od Duty or Battlefield)." I disdagree. Piracy is theft. It's also immoral, illegal, and evil. There is no excuse for it no matter the game, no matter owner of said game, and no matter the situation the thief is in. It's inexcuseable behaviour and extremely shameful. As for PE, it doesn't cover Obsidian's cost because they have 100 employees to cover. A 4mil game just doesn't cover that. That said, if successful, they might be able to keep doing game slike it. They're still going to need publishers in the long run to stay in business with that many employees. They've done mostly alright. Some flops but also some successes. They've released their share of games, and are still going, kickstarter or no kickstarter. Of course if PE sells a lot they might be able to get a publisher to chip in for sequels without said publisher inetrvering in ane xtreme way 9though the publlisher would want some say either way so Obsidian might pass but publishers can be a good thing). Afterall, if Obsidian didn't use publishers we wouldn't have the fun NWN2 and KOTOR2 andf the awesome FO:NV.
  2. Are there any former BIo devs at Obsidian? I dunno. The closest would be Feargus as the boss of BIS and BIS' QA team. BG series is BIO's baby all the way. Still, GG would fit since BG is a game. P.S. Edwin is cool. I don't rememebr the quest in question so cna't help there.
  3. "Oh shut up Volourn. " Make me. I know my fellow Obsidianites don't like differing opinions espciially if they are critical of Obsidian as fanboys are won't to do but AP is just not a good game - espicially comapred to Obsidian's other efforts. P.S. I do find it amusing I have never been told to shut up when praising an Obsidian game here. SHOCKING!
  4. AP is a horrible game. By far, one of Obsidian's worst. I'lls tick with the awesome MOTB and Fo;NV. Thanks. Hopefully, PE is more like the latter not the former.
  5. DA2 is not a below average game. Below average compared to what? Majority of games are way worse.
  6. You won't need to know specific DnD rules, but since they are going for a DnD style system (in terms of depth, stats, and characetr creation) expect to need to elarn a lot to take advanatge of whatever system they do make.
  7. BD is okay and hs a certain charm but is definitely the weakest of the three.
  8. When I first played DD, I loathed it with a hateful passion reserved for epic failures. i tried it again in the pastr eyar, and it turned out a fun game. DD2 is also solid.
  9. Every game I've ever played with xp per battle (plus other sources of xp) you almost always end up within the same level range anyways. That just isn't an issue, imo.
  10. Your logic doesn't make sense. DA2 had pretty solid review scores. BL wasn't exactly getting A+++++ reviews either. People were also buytthurt over AP's review scores as well (only Obsidian 'fanboys' though). I don't need loudmouths on the net or silly 'professional' reviewers to inform if a game is good or bad. The only opinion that matters is mine since it's going to be upt ot me only on what games I buy or which games I don't buy.. P.S. If DA2 was such a bomg, horrible, and 'universally hated' as the few suggest they wouldn't bother with a DA3 at all. They'd focus on something else.
  11. "7 times? Where did you come up with that number? I simply asked if you've finished Alpha Protocol even once." It's a Codexian thing. Anyways, no, I didn't complete it. I don't like the game and I don't finish games I dislike. "Let's maintain the vaguest pretense of remaining on ME, all." re ME4: I doubt it, but I hope they all you to pick your race in ME4 and just go with a nice space exploration type game where you eventually discover a 'big baddy' (b/c all games need a big bad I guess). Make it more ST than SW. Keep the same character and combat systems but with more added depth.
  12. "Tell us, oh Torturer of Butterflies" Now you fall so low you accuse me of animal cruelty? That's garbage and only a scumbag would slander someone in such a heinous way over video games. WOW. "So you finally got around to finishing Alpha Protocol? " I don't need to finish a game 7 times to know it sucks.
  13. AP has crappy C&C, and the dialogue is one of the shallowest I've ever seen. You want deep dialogue use MOTB not AP. 8puke*
  14. I'll pass. BIO makes overall betetr and more interesting characters. And, if AP, SOZ, or DS3 is exmaples of Obsidian's greta writing and stories that be laughable.
  15. "Yes worse. What AG is commenting on is the fact that the game tells you you have to choose between group A or group B. Once you make your chocie the game proceeds in the same way regardless of the choice, as events have been set up in such a way that your choice does not matter. What you try to bring up as an equal example is a game that says: this is the big evil boss monster you have to kill. There is no dishonesty in the game design where it misleads you into thinking you have a choice. You purpose from start to end of DA:O is to kill the Archdemon. DA2 tries to set up a conflict in which you try to choose sides but regardless of your chocies and your actions, events will always unfold in the same way leading to the exact same outcomes. You could just as well have said "Not any worse than Space Invaders where your choice is to shoot the invaders or to... shoot the invaders..." Would have been just as relevant. " l0lz What baloney. It's the same. You have no chocie to kill the darkspawn dragon. That's the entire game. And, both major antagnoists in DA2 at least have something to them than just being a monster. DA2 main quest > DA1 main quest
  16. The idea that good acvts must be punished severely and evil acts are rewarded all the time is really poor and lazy design. Again - to repeat myself - in the real world people who do 'good' are usually well rewarded and those who do 'evil' acts are usually severely punished or chastised. Look at someone OJ Simpson. He does greta in his football career is beloved by an entire nation. Afte3rwards, he does some or is accused of some really screwed up things and his life and reputation is pretty much ruined. By some of the posts here, you'd think it have been the opposite. L0L
  17. Real RPGs don't have repeatable quests. that's garbage. The closest to an acceptable 'repeatable' quest is maybe finding spell components for a mage or say animal pelts for a leatherworker or something liek that and even that shouldn't be overdone. But, actually repeatable questsb like having to rescue the same princess a million times is just plain wrong.
  18. Giant spiders are cool. And, if people hate them, it's even more reason to include them. They're old skool and PE wants to be old skool.
  19. "Did you ever actually try to take different options in DAII? I can think of a whole lot of quests off-hand that only had one "correct" path which the player was railroaded onto regardless of their choices." Multiple quests have multiple ways to do them and have different results. "Not to mention the ending, in which your choices are irrelevant because both sides of the conflict attack you for no reason regardless of which one you side with." Not any worse than in DA1 where your chocie is to kill the spawn dragon or to... kill the spawn dragon.... "PE opposite from DA, well if wasn't i wouldn't even have thought about pledging so far so good," If PE didn't have similarities with DA, I wouldn't have pledged for it. See, it works both ways.
  20. *shrug* Basically half of what you wrote isn't even true. DA2 had a party. DA2 had multiple ways to complete quests and it wans't any more linear than most BIO or Obsidian game. You ahd a customizable party. Why do people feel the ened to make stuff up? I'm looking forward to PE but bashing other games - espicially with made stuff up - is silly. Plus, if we want to get down to it, PE has stuff in common with ME2... L0L
  21. ME3's ending was fine. Not perfect. Fine. Certainly not any worse than the majority of RPGs including majority of BIO's own games. Certainly not the end of the world or worthy of such a huge stink. Then again, I always thought people overreacted over NWN2 and KOTOR2 endings as well. *shrug* Internet is going to internet.
  22. "It seems like people replying to my post are getting the wrong impression of what I was trying to say. Having differing opinions/likes/dislikes does not bother me in the slightest. It is a certain mentality which willfully rejects rational thinking that I find irritating. Obviously crude insults like "grow up" and such are only going to contribute to the general air of irrationality that surrounds any given discussion. All I'm trying to say that I don't think it is a good idea to find opinions that dismiss fact as valid as those which do not. If an assertion is unfounded, then it's inconsistencies should be addressed and dismissed; having an opinion doesn't make you unconditionally right-- all claims should be equally open to criticism and valued based upon their level of factual relativity." These forums were set up to discuss games not posters. It's ok to state x game sucks but to say x games' or y comapnby's fans suck or to say z game or r company's haters suck should not be disucssed. It's a waste of effort and nothing but flaming comes out of it. Let's discuss GAMES not GAMERS. Too many people are worried about other people and not worried about games. GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. "Nobody reacts differently beyond the current conversation. And I still don't know why he reacts the way he does. So no definition of personality or motivations or his ideals. And no, ME2 and 3 are one big ****ing straight rail road. But whatever, screw that, right? Head canon is best!" You never played ME2, GB games, or BG. Therefore, you cannot into what a rpg is.
  24. I've lived in the world for 30+ years. It has been really easy to choose the so called 'good' way. Not complex or hard at all. It certainly hasn't cost me an arm, a leg, or an eyeball. L0LZ Yet, I've seen otherwise 'good' people choose the 'evil' path and they've gotten nothing but misery, heartache, and a destroyed life out of it. Yet, 'evil' is supposed to be path to 'easy' rewards? I don't think so. Not in the real world, anyways, for the most part.
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