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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. I remember when it was the Democrats who were the 'dying' party. This kind of thing goes in cycles. 10 years (heck 4 eyars from now) the opposite might true. If the Demos are so dominate and unbeatable why did the repubs win nearly 50% of the vote and have control of one of the major political power bases? R00fles! P.S. Grats to Obama. P.S.S. Can this put to rest the stupid 'Amerikans are racist against blacks' bullcrap. How many other non Black dominated countries have actully voted a black person into power? I doubt very many.
  2. "we don't have cultural similarities with Europe" Nobody has claimed that we have NO simialrities. But, it's not as deep as the arrogant Europeans think they are.
  3. "Your ignorance is as staggering as your inability to type or write coherent english. No mean feat considering you're supposedly speaking your "own" language..." oOOO.. More European butthurt mad that us little non Europeans aren't begging for your scraps any more,.
  4. "Your entire heritage, social structure (family, language(s), religion, culture, traditions of learning and living etc) is derived from European tradition. Not from native americans living in teepees or living in Igloos. Your culture isnt Identical to the European tradition either, but then European culture is vastly differentiated from north to south. Even in an area with a cultural and sociological tradition as close as that of scandinavia, traditions differ quite significantly in certain aspects" Spamming your ignorance of Kanadian culture doesn't make it fact. NMEWSFALSh; Our culture is our own. Now, keep your culture of conquering nations to yourself, startingw orld wars, and kissing royal butt to yourself. Thanks But, hey, Kanada is into European 'culture' we call soccer soccer and REAL football football just like our Amerikan friends. Take that Euro 'culture'! "Really? How many Native american customs and traditions, sociocultural and economic structures do you retain?" Considering Indians (lol native lol stupid PC talk lo) are a sizeable % of our percentage quite more than the vast majority of European junk (see above). Not to mention, I'm part Indian (mostly French by blood thoguh I don't speak that gibberish), more than the vast majority of Euopean silliness.
  5. "Canada has its own unique culture, but it still has its roots in Europe, much like the USA. Canada has has very same unwritten constitution of the UK, and also has its own system of governance modeled directly after the UK. Canada also gives is allegiance to the queen. " None of that is culture. Liek you said, those are our roots. Not our culture. We also have our roots in NA with our rather large Indian population. 'Unwritten constitution'. LMAO I piss on the Queen and so do many Kanadians. Can't wait til the day we can metaporphically chop off the Queen's head. She and her stupid GG are a blight on our otherwise free nation. You still haven't proven our cultture is the same as yours or more importantly that we got our culture from you. L0L
  6. "Bioware Edmonton 15 guys again?" Whenw as BIO just 15 guys though? Probably their very first game and that's it. They definitely had more than 15 when making BG.
  7. "I mean look at your politics." If you can't fundamentally get the fact that I'm not Amerikan you are fundamentally lost. You keep arguing like I'm nome silly Amerikan whose been brainwashed by the Amerikan brainwashing system. I have enver even stepped in Amerika. Stop making such disgusting accusations. "Since we are at the ridiculous stereotyping, I can recommend the movie 'Eurotrip' It's awesome. " Heh, i love that movie, but yeah it feats on steroetypes but in the funny way. But, it ain't meant to be takens eriously.
  8. "I'd also ask myself if I was a bit crazy when the rest of the world was laughing at something I like." I agree. I always wodnered what was wrong with me not liking Justin Beiber. I'm so ashamed. The world supports mass murder of children so I tend not tot ake the world seriosuly. Sorry. "But Europe is also a contintent where very much of our Western culture comes from." Totally disagree. Can you evend efine what 'western' culture even is? I doubt it. "That's why we don't think that we are in any way more important than every other country. I think we're a lot more humble than the USA." Kiddin' right? European arrogance is second to none. I ean you guys still have a royal family. How about letting go of the past? You still think you are the best at everything and anyone who doesn't think you are merely brainwashed peasants. The arrogance of Euopeans is hilarious espicially now when Europe's time of domination is long past. At least a country like the US (or other current countries that matter) have a reason for feeling the way they do. Euopeans have no reason to be arrogant or think they are better. "Nobody has accused the USA of being the most racist of all countries. Though I am thoroughly worried that anyone would elect a crazyperson like Romney. He wouldn't stand a chance in most European countries" Yeah, nobody like Hitler could come to power in Europe. It would never happen. L0L That kind of delusional thinking is why Europe is so passe. Euope has cool people but there is a fundamental arrogant self congratulaory self importance that just comes off like enver ending stink. Like whenever someone mentions something negative about Europe the attitude is 'uh that ain't us no more' but if it's positive there's a we are so cool. My values and culture do not come from Europe. And, that is a good thing as far as I'm concern. L0LZ Soccer L0LZ
  9. "As a human full of doubt I'd ask myself if my country was a wee bit crazy if the rest of the world was laughing at us. " That's wonderful, but I'm not even Amerikan. "I'd suggest ignoring Volourn. He is a laughing stock around here." L0L Krezack L0L Europe is a cute continent where some of the most majority of travesties has occured and many world travestys have been caused by europeans. the fact Euopeans actuaklly think they matter more than other countries like the US is laughable. You guys decided to group up solely ebcause youa re intimidate dby the US yeta re still in the US' shadow. Bitter etarz bitter tearz. But, hey, enjoy your Holocaust cuasting slavery making ways all the while pretending you are better than other countries who created better ways to live and then you proceeded to leech off of their ways. L0L ie. Accuse Amerikans of being the 'most racist of all countries' (what a joke)n how many people of 'colour' have any significant power in Europe? L0L But, hey, it's not all bad. Euiope has its good points too.
  10. L0L Europeans L0L
  11. Trust me. As annoying as you may find my posts, you'd be the one begging for help if you got stuck listening to me sing. :D
  12. Great Gatsby is awesome. 'Nough said.
  13. , "Mitt Romney is regarded as a laughing stock, a backwards cult brainwasher who is inches from legalizing slavery, and it took America electing a black man to finally lessen the image of "all americans are the dumbest rednecks on the planet" that Bush created." This is why I cna't take European and Kanada opinion seriouslyn on this matter. Do tyhey really ebleive that Romney would make slavery legal? L0L Then again, these are the same peons who claimed that Bush was setting himself up to be 'dictator for life' and all that extremist bull. Then again, out of all the white dominated European countries.. how many have had a black leader? L0LZ
  14. I'm the arrogant one? I'm not the one who calls someone a piece of crap merely beause he dislikes my precious toy. That was YOU Drowsy. And, it's hialrious now consideirng youa re now on the console bandwagon.
  15. "I'm not sure what you're implying. If Volourn is allowed to have as many posts as he does, I highly doubt there's a limit to how trolly somebody can be on these forums." That's because I don't troll. I don't need to. Just posting my honest opinion is enough to make those who hate differing opinions to cry. Unlike somebody on you has taken it upon himself to basically lie the last few post sn state things dishonestly *just* for laughs and get reaction. That said, anyone who thinks that KOTOR has better chaarcters than DA2 is drunk. Seriously? Let's take Batista. She's alright but she is a copy cat rip off of Aribeth from NWN. Batista is a cookie cutgter cutter. Isabella has more depth than Batista. yes, she likes sex, but she is much more than that. She actually grows as a character as DA2 goes on. That's what good writing does. Batista never grows. Never changes. She is the exact same person at the end as she is at the start. Even if she 'turns to the DS' she is the same exact person. And, there is no character as awesome as Varric in KOTOR. hell, Carth is nothing special. He's your typical leading man. *yawn*. Then we have the always popular HK-47. yeha, his evil funny lines can be funny but that's uit. That's his whole one dimensional shtick. Then Jolee, another well liked chaarcter amlongst the 'hardcore'. He's your typical old geezer spouting philosphocial nonsense aka Kreia except without the evil intentions. He's alright but again one dimensional. Majority of DA2's characters at least have more than one dimension and actually grow during the game. None of the KOTOR characters change during the game. They are the same people at the end as they are at the beginning. Do we really need to get into why DA2 characters are better than BG1 characters? I hope not since none of the BG1 characters have any depth at all. They're just character stats. The only good thing aboutn them is their inetractions with each other and even that is limited to linearity stuff. The two couples will eevntually attack each other. Period. That can't be changed. Minsc will eventually go psycho if you don't find his lady love etc., etc. But, none of them axctually grow. *yawn* P.S. KOTOR series combat is the worst combat system of any BIO/OBS series with the possible exception of AP and even that could be strtetching. It's an EXTREMELY dumbed down version of NWN series. Only thing it has going for it, is it looks 'pretty'. *puke* LONG LIVE DA2! DEATH TO KOTOR AND BG1!
  16. "And I call BS on his attitude. I have read two of his books, and nothing elevates him from the cesspool of epic fantasy literature. In fact, the game was the best thing that happened to him and to his books. In some ways the games are even superior, like the characteristic atmosphere of the first Witcher (that is nowhere to be found in the books). The reason his books never got a worldwide breakthrough in the genre is because they aren't good enough (and they wouldn't be even if he was American). The reason the game succeeded is because it was (and still is) a great achievement in the world of computer games." L0L Bitter gamers crying because soemone doesn't like the same thing they do. Typical internet geek troll logic. And, the first thing you guys do, is attack him like little school children becsause he hurt your precious toy. Get over it. His books are a success because ofn him. To claim the games nmade the books a success is nonsensical sense if the book wasn't successful the games never would have been made in the first place for pete sake. Plus, while I never read the Twitcher novel. I played the Twitcher game (part 1 not part 2) and it's overrated trash.
  17. "You appear to be defining "selling out" as "making a game using someone else's original intellectual property under license," something which your "BIO" has been doing for over a decade. D&D games, Star Wars games, Sonic the Hedgehog (lol) and MDK2? How is that not "selling out," given that definition? " Let's be clear. It doesn't matter to me what games a company works on. i don't consider it 'selling out'. All thats to me is if it's a good game I'll enjoy or not. I wa spoitning out hypocrisy of people claling BIO 'sellouts' because they worked on exisiting IPs by Obsidian fnaboys (I like Obsidian too - heck I paid $250 for PE lol) despite the fact that Obsidian has fcoused almost solely on others IPs.
  18. "I think for ME2 that actually holds true though, while for DA2 it just does not." Sure it does. DA2 certainly is better than the overrated KOTOR and BG1. I hope you don't think those silly games are better than DA2 or as my thread buddy would argue, your opinion is invalid. :D ME2 does have one of the best ending sequences ever. It has that going for it and is far better than either DA or BG or KOTOR.
  19. "Meh....I'd rather not....he decided to go to a complete sellout company that only cared about money and screwing the fans. I say leave him....Obsidian can do amazing things without such people....and good riddance. " South Park. Dungeon Seige 3. ,Like these games don't scream 'sell out'. L0L DA2 is a good game. Almost as good as DA1 and vastly sueprior to overrated shlock like KOTOR or BG1. You trahs BIO but BIO helped out Obsidian immensely consideirng they helped them get a boosting hand to make NWN2 and KOTOR2 which got Obsidian a solid launching pad. BIO is a respectable company that continue to make top selling game top selling game. Not too many copies can have their games sell 2mil+m and have them nonsensically considered 'unpopular'. L0L The list of games that have sold that many over the history of gaming is still relatively small. L0L And, they're as popualr as ever. Obsidian is pretty good (gotta keep it somewhat on Obsidian ;D) too.
  20. "an anyone rationalize this game for me? How do you defend this exactly? I guess it's a moot question, since I suppose any of the defenders of DA2 will simply claim they haven't played it, so it's a moot discussion, but to me, it just demonstrates the lack of quality and vision at BioWare. " *yawn* In fact, i didn't play it. Not my kind of game but S;RPgw asn't made for me. It was made for Sonic fans justr like SP;RPG by Obsidian for SP fans and not for Obsidian fans., But, unless I missed it, I don'ty see you ranting and whining and crying about Obsidian's lack of quality and vision. LMAO Not a big deal. i udnerstand not every game is made for me and thank god for that since I cna't play every single game anyways. But, crying about it is useless selfish evil sucmbag piece of crap me me me garabge and is what is wrong about society. It's always about the person not about anyone else. Stop crying because you aren't the target audience for whatever game. GET OVER IT! L0LZ
  21. L0L
  22. "So Alan, do you enjoy defending DA2 on both the BSN and here? It must get rather tiring." Probably no more tiring than those who hate the game going on and on about and even threatening (lol) to replay it just to prove how much they hate it. L0L Games are supposed to be fun and enjoyable for the player. Why replay as game that you don't like. It makes no logical sense at all.
  23. "Choosing 'good' and 'evil' path actually became a very difficult proposition in K2. " No, it wasn't. It was really easy. Kreia made it an even easier choice. No wodner people like ehr though since she is plainly a Codexian - random contrariness just for the sake of random contrariness. Don't get me wrong. She is a good villainess but she is overrated. Master Lin was only 'obvious' because people were expecting some sort of 'twist'. Thats' the problem with twists espciailly in modern times sicne people expect games to have twists (same with movies) . Obvious or not, I loved Lin's characterization, personality, motivation, and voice acting. Plus, the fact there is na ctual ending where he suckers morans into letting him win for such a screwed up reason. L0L I loved the butthurt over that on the forums. :D
  24. Squandered? Irencius is one of the best villains ever. BIS and Obsidian don't have too many great villains. They have many okayish to good villains. The Master was okay. TTO was very good for what he was but wasn't exactly complex (nor did he need to be considering what he was). Kreia had her strengths but she also flopped in her obviousness - I called her as a villain the moment I saw her despite her joining the party. And, her motivastion was rather weak. Sorry, but this tyalk about BIS./Obsidian being so aweesome at vikllains comapred to BIO is silly. Not to mention, Master Lin from JE who was pure awesome as well. Then again, BIO does have some failures - I'm looking at you Ms. medusa and Ms. Marrisan. *puke*
  25. "For the record, I just want to state that BioWare is the greatest company in the world and that it makes excellent RPG video games. It's also one of the few studios that is willing to make games for the LGBT community. Dragon Age 2 was a fine game and immensely profitable. Cullen is also very cute. " L0L This is very cute. I have a little fake mini me. Whose alt is this? Let's not make this Codex 2, guys. "This is very narrow, short-term thinking. It's never a good idea to saturate the market with ****, even if it's profitable the first time you do it. It hurts your future sales of said product." Actually, it's a smart business practice that many use and it works. EA has made an art of this with their sports games, afterall. Even their NHl series which isn't a huge seller (maybe 1mil copies per year if lucky) is profitable. "But it sold far less than DA:O did and it hurt the image of quality BioWare was known for. The way the video game industry works is this: initial game strengthens sales for the sequel. People may buy a bad game the first time, but they will show their support for that game when it comes to buy its sequel. Dragon Age 2 will hurt the sales of Dragon Age 3. It will be an uphill battle to convince RPG consumers that they won't be burned again by BioWare." BIO has had people bashing their games since their inception yet their games continue to sell. The biggest complainers tend to be the ahrdcore players who pretty much buy anything resembling a rpg automatically. *shrug* "And Mass Effect 3 did sell more poorly compared to ME2, or at least, those were the sales projections around April. Of course, EA was also recently caught fudging numbers about the sales of its games on sites like VGChartz, so it's hard to say definitively." VGChartz is untrustwhorthy. ME3 has outsold by a large margine both earlier MEs. It's not even a comparison. And, I say that despite the fact that ME3 is my least favorite of the three. "SWTOR had the biggest budget of any video game in history, I believe. It's F2P this year. I would argue that it did not make the necessary revenue to meet its development budget. It sold under 2.1 million and maintained a subscriber base of less than half that after the first (free) month. It's a ghost town right now. " The problem with the budget talk is it seems to have changed depending on the speaker and how much time goes by. I've heard people prolcioam it cost $200mil to make when it used to be $50mil. 2.1x$50 (even though it costs more than that) is 100$mil and I'm sure it's sold more than 2.1mil by now and it liekly cost most people more than $50. I didn't buy it but at my store it would have cost me $80+. Again, if it failed so horribly, EA would have thrown it in the trash. It definitely isn't as successfula s they hoped it be to be sure.
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