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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. NWN OC, NHL 13, and BD.
  2. "True, true. Maybe Bioware should collaborate with Obsidian on a project, and let Obsidian handle the broader storyline" No thanks. Thyat would mean DS3, AP, and SOZ like main stories. *shudder*
  3. Only if handled with care. There is absolutely no reason to have an 'unbeatable' creature just for ****s and giggles just so you can 'teach your players a lesson'. Much easier to do this kind of thing in pnp where the players have freedom to go and do what they want. Not quite the same in a CRPG. It jjust comes as cheap, and a 'HAHA!" moment.
  4. "When I read the 3.5m stretch goal, I immediately thought it's just a bait to raise money but guess I was bit cynical on this." Think of Athkatla. That's a huge chunk of BG2 right there and ti fuels 90%+ of the game's quests asw ell. We're guaranteed as is one Athkata sized city so to have a second one would be a lot of extra. 500k isn't just to make it but to fill itn with npcs, quests, and very likely 1 or 2 more joinables amongst the 500k. Good stuff. I really hope we reach that goal but I dunno... just don't know it if is possible.
  5. "It will have all these things. It won't be a straight dungeon hack without a purpose." I'd expect nothing less from you guys.
  6. Let's hope they hired George 'MOTB" Ziets and not George "DS3' Ziets. because MOTB guy is hella awesome! Otehr fella not so much. P.S. More seriously, I rather he does a written update. I have not watched any of the vids since they basically cover what is written anyways.
  7. I agree. Lots of RPgs have this issue and both OBS and BIO are definitely guilty since they tend to be the two companies who have the strongest joinables otherwise. Knock that stuff out. <>
  8. "Volourn has been obsessed with Dwarves for as long as I can remember. It's a harmless fixation, although I suspect the integration of demi-human and humans in the same culture might irk him slightly. As a traditionalist, I am fond of red-beared Scottish dwarves and therefore have a soupçon of sympathy for his position." I wouldn't mind some mixing but there should still be groups/cities/culttures of dwarves who for whatever reason live seperately. Dwraves have integrated before. Myth Drannor is noteably for being a city that was home to both elves and dwarves. The largest human cities in the Realms also tend to have sizeable demi human populations as well. 'Race mixing' isn't new. Though, it seems that Obsidian is taking it a step further which is a GOOD thing. But, still, perhaps, there gcould be a dwarven stronghold deep underground that has resisted the pull to mix with other races which oculd put them at odds with their kin. That's good stuff.
  9. "(because let's face it, there isn't that much difference between an elf and a dwarf or a human) " That's not true. Not if you do them right. The difference between dwarf and elf is more than height or where they live.
  10. Keys of a great dungeon: lore, background, atmosphere, purposeful epxloration (purpose of existence). That's what makes all the dungeons listed above awesome. It's why a dungeon like Undemrountain is cool.
  11. I really hope there's a lot to dwarf society found in the game 9and not just a ssilly abckground lore). There should be at least one reasonably sized dwarven settlement and 1 or 2 dwarf joinable npcs. And, major quests involving dwarfs. Also, a romance with thats exy female dwraf they've alreayd advertised. L0L. The dwarf areas was by far the best, most inetretsing and deepest part of DA. Let's keep that trend going and up the ante. LONG LIVE DWARVES DEATH TO ELVES!
  12. I'm dissapointed. Another big city wouldm eb awesome but it's gonna be really hard to reach 3.5 in less than 4 days.. I hope it makes it. I would laugh if it got to 3.499999.. I could see lots of butthurt.
  13. I think Ziets killed that poster's family.. That post is a lair since MOTB was a success. Now, the crappy DS3... that's a different story... <>
  14. They said it be like BG. I think they did mention there'd be ways 9feats, skills, whatever) taht could speed up travelling as well.
  15. "One thing what should be remembered is that publisher is always the one who carry responsibility about quality and assurance. If you buy buggy game the main blame is on that who published it." Disagree. Both the publisher and developer deserve blame. Obsidian does have QA, btw. Really despise this idea that people can pass blame on to others. Obsidiana re big boys with lots of experience. They are are hired to make a game and it's up tot hem tod eliver said product. That said, I'm sure they'll do fine. But,s top passing the buck. It ain't cool.
  16. 4mil - Hire Volourn. That would get donations coming in. Trust me on this.
  17. A lot fot hese extra classes can just be made using other ones ]. ie. Necromancer using necromancy spells assuming they're in the game. Even the paladin, ranger, druid, and others could arguably be made using other classes.
  18. "we don't need 35 different classes, we don't need a 150 gameplay hours game" When did they promise either of these? "eah, the "many canned projects" were mainly due to publishers. Not sure why the heck Sega canned the Alien RPG. Not sure on what the rest of the projects even had as publisher." Theyw ere likely canned for good reasons. Publishers try not to throw away money for ****s and giggles. As the developer/employee of said publishers it would be up to Obsidian to convince the publishers to make the game. Though, I agree with Alien. Who knows why that was canceled. Yet we get stuck with crap games like AP and DS3. At least the awesome FO:NV was released.
  19. MOTB was awesome. DS3 was crap. "My suggestion to Obsidian: ignore people who don't agree with me. Its the only way to produce a quality game." I agree.. only if the 'me' in your statement refers to 'me' as in Volourn. My way is the right way. As Tim Cain. I was right with what I posted aboput TOEE pre release. <>
  20. "You think too much." My bad. I apologize profusely for ding so. P.S. MOTB is cool.
  21. "Anyone who hasn't played Mask of the Betrayer really should be ashamed of themselves. It's easily one of the best crpgs ever made, and clearly the best made in 10 years or so. " This is one of the most evilly insane things I've ever read on the internet. And, that's coming from someone (me) who really likes MOTB. Disgusting. As for Zeits. Glad he might be part of the team; but tagging it to a stretch goal is lame. What are they gonna do if it isn't reached? Tell him to get lost and remain an unemployed bum? Come on, now. No matter what he is going to work on the game. It's a fake stretch goal and Obsidian doesn't even realize it.
  22. Solid update. i feel bad for Zeits though having his employment hanged soley on that. So.. Obsidian has contacted him to work for/with them. They've even gone over his potential duties.. yet what are they gonna do if that goal isn't reached? tell him to get lost? Nah.. seriously doubt that. I'd say Ziets is coming on board no matter what at this point so that is likely a fake goal. Heh.
  23. "I never liked the Vancian system in the IE games but since I don't consider DAO awesome and prefer the IE games I guess that must mean I don't want it changed? And that all my points are invalid because the DAO fans say so? Well, thanks for letting me know, whar a relief! " I love the vancian system and I prefer BG2 overall 9though DA2 does things better) but this was about BG1. BG1 was a fun game for it time but it is a very weak rpg. Just remember, that many IE fans also have no problem dissing those who prefer DA a smany horrible stuff. Turnabout can be fair. :D
  24. Most initial expansions are. In TOB's case it was actually supposed to be BG3 but Interplay cried and pushed BIO into making it the expansion.
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