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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Two questions after pledging... a) Does Kanada count as 'international' shipping as it only took $140 for the donation. b) Since Kickstarter doesn't approve of paypal donations 9since according tot hem i didn't donate) when will we found out you officially got it? c) i know I donated it as I got an auto email from paypaL but I just don't want any surprises. L0L
  2. Enjoy my money, and I'll enjoy your game.
  3. It was very good atmosphere for sure. I liked it.
  4. NPCs should follow the actual rules barring possible story/character based exceptions. That means, if the npc is of a playable race they should follow the basic rules. if the companion happens to be a golem, demon, or some other fantastical creature beyond NPC character rules than so be it - they should get all the benefits and setbacks of their race. Of course, a demon should not be joining a low level party as to not make the power base out of whack. ie. By the time you get a demon to join, it should be around the same power level.
  5. Limited ammo. This is just logical and fun. It surely didn't lessen my enjoyment of BG (or other games) with it. This, to me, comes in the same category of limited rest, no auto regen, weighted coinage, and other 'hardcore' stuff that is taken for granted in actual pnp but CRPG gamers are too cowardly and chicken to deal with.
  6. Mages aren';t nerfed - at least not in D7D. They are the most powerful and most dangerous class in the game - even at low levels. A 1st level mage can cast a spell like sleep which is an auto win button versus the low level monsters PCs face at that time. A 1st level mage has the same thaco (or attack bonus) of a 1st level warrior. A crossbow bolt does pretty good damage. Yeah, they have low hit points but to cry about the one actual weakness of the class is pretty silly. "Here is a thought, why don't we have fighters run out of physical attacks and are forced to use magic to be fair. " Here's a thought: the diea that magic = physical/real world stuff is nonsense from whichever need you are agruing it. It should be treated the same.
  7. "Bioware games just have meaningless choices. All roads leading to the same destination is cheaper from a developers point of view, lame for any replayability." This simply isn't true. Lots of C&C in BIO games.
  8. I think it could if done right. Heck, you can do it in reverse. Have a female dominated country 9ala the amazons but make the place civilized) and have said place's reactiosn to male PCs be vastly different than they would be to female PCs. females cna wlak through the gates unbothered but males need to be checked at the gates - posisbly even being forced to be strip searched or forced to pay an entrance fee. What have ya.
  9. Welcome to the internet. You new?
  10. "You do understand that does nothing to support your point, right? Women being sexist towards men does not make it OK for men to be sexist towards women just like how Chinese people being racist towards Japanese people makes it OK for Japanese people to be racist towards Chinese people. " You do understand that you completely missed my point, right? The point is the double standard of its evil for men to publically admit they are attracted to sexy women but it's a-okay for women to publically admit they are attracted to sexy men. On top of that, finding the female (or male) body sexy is not sexist in the sense that you are trying to make it be. I'm attracted to females and I'm not afraid to admit it. PCness can go to hell. Try to shame somebody else. Just like I find nothing wrong when a woman finds a man attractive. Good on 'em.
  11. Level scale can be good or bad. Depends soley on how its implmented. it should be noted that in pnp, encounters are 90% level scaled. No matter what, i personally prefer that creatures/npcs drop what they are using. ie. If a warrior uses spear + banded mail that's what they should drop.
  12. "I am a heterosexual male, too, but I have a girlfriend (who is a gamer) and have rented with a bunch of women in the past. Every time I have played a computer game where women are objectified, and any of the girls have been watching me play, they often make some pretty scathing comments about the treatment of women in computer games. And I whole-heartedly agree with them" And, I bet these same women have little or no issues with things like Harlequin romances, soap operas, male modelling, and other places where males are objectified. Double standards. L0L "Sure, many of those potential customers were lost anyway by the nature of this niche game. But any business which ignores potential customers is never going to grow and is probably destined to fail." This is just plain false. Plenty of industries rely on and are successful solely based on targeting a niche - often times just males or just females. barbie has been successful depsite largely being female targeted. GI Joe has been successful despite largely being male targeted. So, my question is, why do you make stuff up?
  13. That was a funny convo but what does that have to do with thinking? I love V:BL. I love it in spite of the below average combat but it didn't require all that much thinking to compete. I never spent more than 2 seconds deciding what to do or say.
  14. I beg to differ. Praising Twitcher in any fashion is clearly the evil choice. Anyways, I don't mind having 'grey' chocies but let's be honest the concept of good and evil exist and exist for good reason. To avoid that kind of choice is not progressive or 'deep' but shallow and ignorant. Why not incorporate good vs evil vs 'grey' or how different shades of good vs different shades of good vs different shades of evil vs different shades of evil vs different shades of meh. That works out better.
  15. "I've recently replayed VTMB, I found myself thinking realistically about certain things and actually having to use my brain to solve puzzles. " Thinking about what? There was very little thinking involved in VTMB.
  16. "I've posted in other threads and I'll say it again here: for me it's about having options. These types of games allow one to don different armors/clothes and have it show up, to one degree or another, on the character. Therefore, I want options, and I want the options to feel fair. That is, if you want to wear a sexy chain mail top and thong that you found because you think it looks awesome, great, but it shouldn't give you the same AC protection in the game as full plate mail would. Or if you want to wear a frilly cloth nightie, then it shouldn't give you any AC at all, just charisma, luck, charm, something along those lines. I have nothing against "boob plate" or sexy female (or male) clothing being one of a number of options in games per se, even if I think it's too overboard much of the time. I'm not personally looking for the ultimate in reality, all the time. I mean, frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing more silly sexy male options. Most male armor in games is so all-encompassing I can't even see their face anymore, let alone the shape of their butt. But I don't want those to be the only options. Options and balance. A mixture of fantasy and reality, both. " Lady crimson wins. "I think all of the the posts on this thread can be summed up as this. If I want to pleasure myself I'll go to one of many great free adult sites on the net, I really don't need it in this game. " You showed your immaturity. Not everyone who wnats 'boob armour' masturbates to video games. I neve rhave. Don't be a toolbag. You ain't cool enough to be a Codexer so don't even try Prestidigitator.
  17. I don't care abotu PCness. Boob armour is awesome. And, i have no issue for male codpieces as well for the ladies. People will whine about anything though and PCness sadly wins out in modern times even when its silly. Of course, the public likes to pretend humans aren't sexual creatures even though sex/reproduction is one of the main driving forces for our species. But, hey, iit's okay for women to have their soaps with their naked men (thoguh I wathc soaps too for the hot women) and their harlequin romance novels 9which i don't care for). *shrug* Life is too short to worry about inconsequential stuff.
  18. BIO game shave many quests solveable in multiple ways. Just like TW/risen also have quests only solved in one way most likely. *shrug*
  19. "it doesnt fit the setting and design." How does it not fit the setting? Youa re telling me n cultures use mounts? Not that you'd know. You are making stuff up without facts. That said, they should only add them if they have the resources so mounts cna be done justice.
  20. "I personally am tired of the thousands of filler quests flopped into games these days. " These days? Filler quests have been around for a long time and are part of hardcore RPGs forever.
  21. "Either that or the league needs to recognize that the struggling franchises just aren't able to cut it and contract the league. " This is the way it should happen. But stupid owners, players, and fans won't let it. If you can't afford to have a team you should get your butt dumped out of the league.
  22. Pro billionaire. L0L So pathetic. Owners are evil. Somehow players are the greedy and evil ones BECAUSE THEY AGREED TO PAYCUTS AND RESTRICTIONS TO THEIR FREEDOM. HOLY **** ! "I suspect it will be the players that lose again" Like the last time when the league whined? Yet, player salaries continued to climb. Players are gonna continue to make money because the owners CHOOSE to pay them it, and why do they do it? Because theyc an afford it. if the system currently is so horrible why were the owners - even realtively lacklustre franchises - paying out millions of dolalrs for 10+ year contracts before the deadline? IT. DOES. NOT. COMPUTE,. Owners bassh a system they gladly used. Retarted. It's maazing how billionaires need to be babysat on how to spend their money. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
  23. The players are not being greedy? How can intelligent reasonable person say that? After the last work stoppage, players agreed to many different things that limited their ability to make money - including a hard cap on salary - depsite a player like CVrosby whom makes his team lots and lots of money. The NHL is coming off its most successful season ever financially, and they are making mkoney. despite that, they demand HUGE pay cuts and other thinsg from the players AND the players have agreed to various cutbacks. How in the hell does this make the players greedy when they are willing to take less? WTF? Why do the fans love billionaire owners but hate millionaire players despite the fact its the players we watch? WTF WTF WTF Also, of course is the fact, that the players are not striking. They are locked out. This is 100% on the owners. Only dumb, evil, piece of crap peons think otherwise. DEATH TO NHL OWNERS AND BOO TO NHL OWNER SUPPORTERS WHO SHOW THEIR IGNORANCE EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!
  24. "E3 was; despite his faults, visibly finished and DA2 was not. DA2 felt like a primitive beta version of the game that they released after cutting a few corners in order to make it profitable, which i'm sure it was."' DA2 was finished. Whetehr you like it or not is irrelevant. It was finished. "On the other hand I seriously doubt that two industry veterans can't handle criticism, so maybe some BW fans have an overestimated opinion of themselves (probably from playing the games, heyoo) if they think that they're the cause." The Oyster moran is the one spamming the stupid silly cash grab of the unneeded BG EE. Also, one of the docs has already called him out on being wrong. The docs did not quit because people were being mean on the internet. That's poppy**** and anyone who believes that crap is insane.
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