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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Where AP's PR went wrong was advertising it as a shooter, I think; it was an RPG with RPG mechanics, and the reactivity was top-notch. How many times have you played through it, and how different were the playthroughs? Professional Ninja Thorton is VERY different from Shotgun **** Thorton." I bought AP because of Obsidian and their RPG roots. It was a horrible RPG. I didn't play it multiple times because I try not to play crappy games even once to completion let alone multiple times. I certainly don't need to play a game 7 times to decide if its crap. Thankfully, I'm 99% sure that PE is gonna be a billion times better.
  2. While I agree that intelligent powerful undead aren't prone to throw their unlifes away in a fruitless task.. they also aren't known for their cowardice or shying away from battling adventurers if need. And, they'd likely have an escape plan of some sort if they have the means to do so. Of course, the good things about liches, vamps, and mummies is that their personalities can vary a great deal. Some prefer working behind the scenes, others prefer combating their foes head on, and others just want to be left alone to do unspeakable experiments. In essence, i agree with you though. A lich or vampire should not be treated like skeletons except for being high level fodder. They are complex creatrures/enemies or even potential alliies depending on circumstances.
  3. What else are they going to do with SP? The trilogy story is over and they did just do the revised endings and everything. MP is just combat maps anyways. They're probably going through options in deciding what the next ME game will be.
  4. "Alpha Protocol can tell it." if I went by AP; I would believe Obsidian is one of the worstd eveloeprs of all time. AP is a SOZZY game that is beyond crap with no redeemable features. Thankfully, they also made FO:NV which is a friggin' awesome and gets a lot of love from me. FO:NV = 8.5 AP = 2
  5. "That's pretty cool, I'm glad he still has a job. " Why? If the anti BIO (even though REAL BIo had little to do with KOTORM MMO) crowd is to be believed KOTOR MMO 'bombed' (despite selling 2mil+ copies) and this punk was one of the main guys who obviously did not to a good job. If this is true, he doesn't deserve to have a job in the gaming industry.
  6. "I wouldn't normally care about a joke about stealing, but the whole implied sexual assault joke is a bit too much, I think." L0L :CDProjektRED is where the game is at right now, they're most willing to innovate and spend serious cash at the same time. Their cyberpunk project could be the new big thing. Bethesda, the gorrila in the room has cash but is artistically dead and has always been against real innovation - selling the same game over and over is their modus operandi." Yet, youa re fine with CDP - who you laughably praised in the same paragraph - despite the fact since they came into knowledge they have basically spammed the same thing (Twitcher) over and over. And, they haven't done one innovative thing yet. "It goes against their whole philosophy because even though they made the same game ten times over they still did it with a degree of dedication and polish and a minimum of innovation that's simply not repeatable on a yearly basis no matter how good they are. RPGs are neither shooters nor sports games and they'll never have that simplicity and mass appeal." EA seems content to spam NHL series every year despite it only selling 1milish copies which is horrid compared to their big sports titles like Madden or FIFA.I doubt the BIO brand is going away anytime soon. They've been with EA for 5 years now and their games are selling 2mil+. Nothing to cry about - espicially in the RPG genre. P.S. Did you know that the next Twitcher and other CDP's games are gonna have MP. l0LZ
  7. I could live with that. Or perhaps the caster needs to sacrifice some current health to heal another. ie. For every 10hp (or pick any number like 5 just an exmaple); they would drain a hp of their own to power the spell (that could be the component of the spell). Ressurection would need xp to power it or even a permenant loss of hit points so it wouldn't be overused to ilustrate the powerful nature bending of the magic being worked.
  8. Because it is a lame attempt to be edgy or cool or different. PSt fits the high fantasy genre to a tee and there's no reason to make up something new for it. To me, it's high fantasy done well. Nothing wrong with that.
  9. They can spam their nonsensical naming scheme all they want. PST - quality aside (and I love the game) - is decidedly high fantasy. Making up a delusional name to make it sound 'edgy' to confuse the customer doesn't change the facts. The game epitomizes what high fantasy is. Seriously, 'avant garde' fantasy is just plain dumb and simply doesn't make sense in any contest. PST is 100% high fantasy.
  10. Magic, by defintion, isn't 'realistic'. I think it's a mistake to mix up hardcore and realism. The GB games had hardcore system and they used the D&D cure spells just fine. As did other games. A high fantasy game like PE should have real magic spells. It doesn't make sense to make magic healing weaker than traditional 'realistic' healing methods. Why would healing magic be limited in that way? Why in a world where magic exist that allows you teleport (presumably), create fire out of air, summon creatures, and do all sorts of things somehow be handicapped healing wise? There is no game play reaosn for it to be like that and unless Obsidian has some 'world/setting' reasoning for it it just doesn't seem to work. But, then again, this is about optional ahrdcore settings so I guess they could be make it an option for those who wnat their magic decidedly non magical. We should have a fireball that is weaker than a natural fire pit.
  11. "ou would be foolish to go into this expecting a new Planescape game Rasmudd, Project Eternity has been marketed as a High Fantasy game, not an "avant-garde fantasy"." PST is high fantasy. People try to use 'high fantasy' as some sort of silly insult but, in reality, it is not.
  12. That's only one subrace of dwarf. P.S. She's H0T!
  13. Most of those are very good. Don't care for the party idea as if someone is in the party they should be invovled in any fights. I don't mind limited potions but I think magic - if existing - should be able to heal you - at the very least as good if not better than non magical healing or , imo, it defeats the purpose of being 'magical. Can't believe I forgot about the food/water thing. That's a duh moment since as an option that is a must. Also, light sources not being infinite. ie. need to buy torches, lanterns, and the like.
  14. Thought of another.... 6. Spell components for major spells - ie. a clear (expensive) beautiful crystal for a 'sight seeing' spell (that lets you see an entire map).
  15. "bastard!" :D I also want to face mages with unique spells that you can pick up after defeating them (through their spell books). I also want the oppurtuuity to be able to research new/unique spells as a mage even making it so you might get the chance to have to choose between two unique spells. Also, it be nice to have spell components for uber spells as it be another thing we'd have to account for.
  16. I'm sure they'll have lower hit points (as mentioned in the article), lesser attack bonus, and less combat/melee oriented feats as well. I believe the goal is to have it so they can hold their own in battle but they won't be near the equal of a warrior in a fight (without buffs obviously but that's true in D&D as well).
  17. "snt that what dwarf is...a short human?" No. Do some research. "As for dwarfs...has there ever been half-dwarf in any major fanatsy setting yet?" Yes, they exist in multiple settings including the FR,
  18. What's this obsession with real life athiesm beingd ragged into a fantasy?
  19. I hope there is a great variety of combat and non combat spells. Non combat spells should include teleportation/dimension door at the least. I want to be able to wear non idiotic looking robes and sexy caps while I cast all sorts of sexy spells.
  20. Since hardcore mode is basically gonna be officially within a day, let's list some options that could be included as options in said mode... 1. Limited rest (once every 24 hours of game time) 2. Limited ammo 3. Limited inventory which doesn't allow you to carry more than a handful of weapons, otr a million potions. 4. Weighted coinage 5. Permenant death (including unressecturable - if it exists in the world - death ala BGs) List any that I may have missed....
  21. Reapers aren't actually dead though in all the endings right?
  22. Oh, please. The dcos didn't leave beacuse of whiny fans. That was alreayd outed as a flat out lie by one of the docs. The docs ahve beend ealing with bashing for nearly 2 decades - way back with BG1 even. not to forget the whininess over NWN, KOTOR, and every other game they've released. TOR and ME3 did not fail. They both sold millions of copies. ME3 was/is on pace to outsell both earlier MEs. TOR is making money - not as much as EA foolishly expected considering what they spent on it - but it's no fialre. Even DA2 depsite selling less than DA1 has sold well consdiering it was much cheaper and quicker to produce. The reviews have been solid and better. Crybabiness of internet losers isn't new. I seriosuly doubt they quit because of that kind of ridiculous. If it was 'lack of success' they would have left after JE which while it sold alright it is the first (and only) major BIo release since BG that hasn't sold 2mil+ quickly. Yet, they trudged on amazingly well. L0LZ
  23. "Excellent update, what you guys are doing is amazing. One thing I beg you for though; please please please include atheist and anti-theist spheres for priests, monks and druids. Not as a fallen dark character either but as a paragon or noble character. It would be so very awesome if you could include this." Nah. The people in this world know gods exist and priests and priest magic is likely linked to gods so to have an athiest priest just doesn't make sense. if you want a non worshipping spellcaster take mage. It doesn't make sense at all to have an Athiest priest. I repeat ATHIEST PRIEST does not make sense. Obsidian would have to be loco to include ATHIEST PRIEST that have their ATHIEST spells. It's beyond illogical. It's one thing to be an athiest in the real world since there is no direct proof a diety exist. But, even in the real world, there is no such thing as an ATHIEST PRIEST. Which makes sense since priests, by defintion, are RELKIGIOUS leaders and cannot be athiest yet you want to have an ATHIEST PRIEST cast PRIEST spells. It just doesn't make sense.
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