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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Can't help myself, K. Sorry that I can't be the noble one.
  2. Kum: Heh. Ex: Sorry, once again, the majority's opinion here is irreleavnt. If Obsidian has no complaints about Grom's writing style, my spelling erorrs, your rudeness than those three things are untouchable whether you or your "cronies" (aka the Fake Majority you calim to speak for) like it or not. Bottom line, tough. If the worst thing you can say about Grom is that he types funny; then you lose big time. I'm not too worried about whether you understand me or not. I pointed out the obvious thing; you did not. Obsidian's opinion is more opinion than the "majority who patronize the board". Sorry, but that IS the truth.
  3. Not when I'm done with you; you won't be. B)
  4. Polite? Neither one of us could be considered that Ex so for you to demand it of others is silly. Accepted by who? Who makes this up? The majority isn't always right ya know. To me "We is.." is an acceptable writing style on an Internet Geek Message Board as it simply isn't important enough to go all official on. No one her eis in position to juudge anyone's posting style except Obsidian as it's their boards. We both lose.
  5. Ex: legitimate? Ha. Ok now. This is an Internet Geek message baord. It just isn't important. And, "piss poor" isn't really a good example of "legitimate" forms of communication either. Kharn: Good point; but I still say it's fine 'cause it's on an Internet Geek Message Board so it's acceptable where it's been posted. Nicloai: Yes, ye sit does. My typing is horrific. That isn't news.
  6. You've never met anyone who used we in English? I sure have. Even with the use of the word we; it is very easy to udnerstand what that sentence means. Really, if you can't understand that he means he dissaproves of your opinions then you really aren't no English major wananbe. Like I said, I nevr said it was proper English; I said it was *easy* to *understand*. Your comprehension needs some fine tuning, I beleive.
  7. Extium: Wow, that's quite an interpretation! Zant: Yup, I gues sit is.
  8. Extium, sorry, to say; but Grom's English is absolutely fine. If you can't understand it; it's YOUR grasp of English I'd be worried about. P.S. That may sound like a flame; but it's really not. It's just that Grom's posts are the easiest posts to read for the most part. They are very understandable.
  9. My my. Heated Internet Geek Arguments have struck here already. *sigh*
  10. True; but that can easily be fixed if the card game makes a return as that was a pretty common complaint (actually the only real complaint as far as the card game was concerned) so it should be remedied.
  11. Well... the card game was fun. :D
  12. We shall see, we shall see.
  13. Yes, inventory needs heavy upgrading. Very annoying espicially with data pads.
  14. If it's KOTOR2... 1. More class choices. 2. More combat options ala all other D20 PC games not counting POR2. 3. Better controls. 4. Less, or at least more fun mini games.
  15. Hey, sometimes I do!
  16. Obsidian's boards = their rules = if you don't like it either whine about it, leave stage right, or take them to court over infringing your so called mythical rights. Your call. To me, it's not important. I'll post as I see fit. If they don't like they can tell me they don't and if their request seems reasonable I'll change it; if not; I'll be executed. See, that way, EVERYONE wins.
  17. Here we go... Silly arguments over who'd make the best mods. Let's allow Obsidian to amke the chocie. I'd offer my services (for free!); but I'm sure many posters would hate that idea. Oh well.. I've survived this long without modship; I'll survive longer.
  18. Let's allow them to make their first game at last before we start the hangings...
  19. My character name is from my fave pnp character. I'm no god so I have no avatar, sorry.
  20. Theya re all united in one way - they ahte Volourn. However, I plead innonce of anything they accuse me of - espciially handsomeness, genius intelligence, physical strength or anything else I obviously lack.
  21. Ahh.. An already unimportant thread; and one that forced me to post anyways in it. Hmm.. :ph34r:
  22. KOTOR uses a much more basic version of NWN's combat engine due to the lack of combat options and chocies. However, the main udnerlying workings of it is basically the same. As for Obsidian, I'd rather them make an original game; but KOTRO2 is not a bad way to go if they fix KOTOR's weaknesses. *cough* controls *cough*
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