Uber charisma, and uber wisdom isn't a Consular trait as my Sentinel had pretty good numbers there as well. Admittingly, +3DC is useful though.
Locks = Bash. That's so crude.I prefer opening them nicely.
Computers = Spikes. I;d rather spend my credits on other stuff. In the early part of the game I was *always* running out of them.
Persuade = Force Persuade. More effective? In certain situations, yes. In certain situations, no. Soemtimes it was more trouble than it was worth.
Not all of us are into powergaming, sorry.
My point is not that the Sentinel is some super power; but that it isn't underpwoered. All 3 Jedi classes have soemthing to offer depending what you are looking for. I mostd efinitely didn't notice this vastly underpowered characetr class that you guys are speaking of. Hmm.. It was definitely as useful as the Consular from what I saw.