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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. No, no you can't.
  2. It's a question that I've foten asked; but get no real answer for it. If you aren't interested in it; why waste your time downloading it in the first place. Hmm..
  3. Zantesukin: No complaints there; but not the only reason. I just thought it was good road movie compared to most fo the trash that passes in hat genre. i espicially liked how they handled one of the main story archs (the reslution with the mother). Not too many movies (espicially movies like it) would dare to do soemthing like that.
  4. It's another way to justify stealing something that isn't yours. Pity really. "The companies have lots of money anyways" "I wouldn't have bought it anyway" "I'm just trying it out" And, more... These are all lame exuses to justify a poor morale behaviour, imo. Of cours,e if you have no problem with stealing then no surprise you'd ahve no problem with this.
  5. Come on, Sarge. We've delat with Kazry for a long time now. We can smell his posts a mile away.
  6. Actually, a D&D game did do well on consoles. Sege Genesis in fact. It was turn based to boot.
  7. A challenging; but money making game to make. B)
  8. Please Sarge. You were bashing NWN way before the game out just as much if not more than I was cheering it on. Heck, you even tryied to claim that it proabbly wouldn't eb released. And, hey, at least I admit the game (at least the OC) wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Of course, you claimed if it was released it would fail and BIO would die (due to your love affair with BIS) yet you haven't admitted to being wrong. So, the only way you were "lookinjg forward to it" was to see your divorced parent to fail.
  9. Karzak, no one in this thread has personally attacked me in this thread. Don't spread rumours, myths, and innuendo.
  10. I enjoyed Spears' first movie for what it was. she definietly won't win any Oscars though. Of course, I think people underrate her musical talent just becasue they don't like women who flaunt themsleves as she does. Too bad too; as her singing is pretty good, imo. As for her being in Bond, as Strider suggsted, that can't be all bad since we all are aware how Bond women tend to be half naked.
  11. Absolutely. :D
  12. Of course I would. That's undebatable. However, the point in contention is do the people want a spectacular mod like me? The answer according to the poll is no.
  13. And, then some.
  14. Yeah, but you a e the good kind of insane. B)
  15. Iolo: I must have missed that has I just briefly scanned the posts.. Hmm.. Wwell, it's up to him.
  16. Strider didn't make that clear which is why I suggested JE. We shall see when Strdier next posts. This is his show. He has THA power. :D
  17. You forgot Jade Empire unless you are just counting PC ones.
  18. I'm with Strider. Karzak, sorry; but people voting no in a silly poll does NOT hrut me. And, it doesn't count as a personal attack as I didn't take it personally. On top of that, I am of the beleieve, that i cna't be personally attacked on an Internet Geek Message Board as I live for it (no matter how much I post :D ) so be nice. And, Karzaky as much as I appreciate you caring about my feelings ( yeah, right ); you are being silly in your defense of me as it's unneeded. B)
  19. Yup, Zante, that is correct. B) P.S. Even though the MDK2 series didn't sell too badly. No BG numbers; but oh well; not too many games do.
  20. Darn.. He was my favorite Bond...
  21. Samamel, I doubt we'll be able to taste that theory. Yes, controls would have be done differebtly; but a console game can still be complex and definitely as complex as a PC game if the developer chooses it to be. Kumq, i didn't. I got used it after awhile; but definitely not a preference of mine.
  22. I've heard that a lot about KOTOR controls being better on x-box. That sucks; as they were horried on PC.. Talk about unfair.. :angry:
  23. Good luck, and enjoy the movies.
  24. I think it's more like BIo was going for a very simple combat system and concentrating on other stuff. i've seen more than a few "simple console games" be more complex than more than few of their 'deep PC game" relatives. I gave twoe xamples above that illustrates it just nicely.
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