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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. This thread has turned out from being a good thread to an outright funny and useless one.
  2. Because they hate us. Have a nice day.
  3. Everyone knows the same topics will be covered repeatedly. Don't worry, your fave threads will retunr. And, most likely your most hated ones too.
  4. Do you people really give a hoot about your posts? If you want you can have all my lame ones.
  5. Ultra crap controls. :angry:
  6. Pot. Kettle. Black.
  7. And, BIS has only done two. And, Troika has only done one. Your point?
  9. LOL Good for Mel. Now I know why I love his movies. B)
  10. Uh... Perhaps, that's because he's *not* trying to convince you but giving his opinion.
  11. Well.. I agree the combat was too easy; but it wans't easy because of the death rule being changed but because the Pc controlled charafcetrs were too powerful for the encounetrs they were sent against. I'd much have prefered a you reach 0, (or better yet the bleed once you hit negatives which is my fave) rule; but alas they chose a different way. There was a risk factor because if all your active characetrs were unconcious they would all be classified as death; plus there were mutliple times wher eyou forced to go solo. Still, the risk factor was lowered more ebcause of the eaisness of combat than the zero rule. Why? Because, i rarely even reached apoint wherea character even hit 0hp anyways. It was a rare occurance to begin with.
  12. You missed the point again, Drakron. It doesn't matter what the basic rules in pnp d20 are. It's totally irrelevant asince we are discussing KOTOR; the PC/Xbox game. It's not that complicated to figure out. It's obvious BIo as the DM opted for an OPTIONAL death/unconscious system which is their right as the Dma ccording to the one, and only TRUE d20/DND/etc. rule; and that is rule 0. All the resta re just guidelines. The concept should not be so difficult to understand.
  13. Youa re discussing pnp rules; not KOTOR rules. Get with the subject matter.
  14. As Darque mentioned, youa re *not* dead when your reach 0 hp. RTFM Hahah That wasn't nice. Sorry, Hades, you gace the game close to 90%. You loved the game. Deal with that fact, or the fatc you are lying to your readers.
  15. Huh? I never satted once you wnated the ECL dropped altogetehr. I said you wanted it lowered. Read there wemic. Oh, i forgot, wemics can't read. Explain to me how the ECL makes them crippled again? Bototm line, critters like wemics arenot supposed to be 'adventurers"; they are 'mosnters" so the ECL represents that fact very nicely. Deal with it, and stop whining. Or better yet, simply chaneg the darn thing. Rule 0 - Learn it, live it, enjoy it.
  16. Yeha, your favorite race just happens to have a high ECL and you whine about it being lowerd. Yes, that's powergaming as you want your pie (playing a wemic) and eat it too (make it an almost no brainer to be one by dropping the ECL). face it, the wemic's ECL is quite fine where it is. Only a powergame (ie. you) would want it lowered. That be like me wanting my fave race to gain some more abilities when they are just fine how theya re. Silly wemics. Don't ya know that adveturin' is for the "normal" folk.
  17. Please. The old editions could be just as bad in many ways or they were so limited within the rules that it was silly. Don't think so, read the follwoing class; Dwarven dwarf. Is that screwed up or what? Powergaming only occurs because players like Sarge like it (hence his wanting wemics' CR to be lowered; talk about a munchkin) even though he'll deny. I bet he, like most people who played PST, powergamed during it as well.
  18. New Reno is one of the two best cities in Fallout Lore. The other one is Vault City. Awesome, total awesome.
  19. KOTOR definitely has flaws; but presumably a sequel is designed to fix flaws and keep what it did well. Don't listen to Hades. He loved KOTOR1 and he'd buy the sequelk ina heartbeat. heck, KOTOR is one of his fave games of all tiem which is why he rated it almost 90% - one of his highest marks ever.
  20. Something about mothers...
  21. When it come sout on video/DVD/pay movie channels. I don't go to the theatre anymore - haven't for like 3 or so years now.
  22. Yes, but without advertisisng, racing would ceasse to be the non sport it is 'cause who'd pay the drivers?
  23. I agree. the combat was medicore.
  24. Iolo wins.
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