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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Can you build it? yes; but you can't role-play it. You can't be pacifist in FO1. Period.
  2. Shadow: 1. Going back to that topic, the lack of actual combat feats. In NWN, you have many active combat feats like knockdown, called shot, and diarm just to name a few. You don't really ahve that in KOTOR at all. You click, and point and you heal in those rare times the combat is even hard. Sojiro: 1. Yes, yes youa re a masochist. You hafta be to debate with me. :ph34r: 2. yes, yes you can play a 'tank' in NWN. Your point? 3. It's not my fault youa re twisting the definition of pacifism.
  3. Sure. If you want to twist definitions to fit your belief, I'll elt you think you are right accoridng to the new twisted definition. Period. P.S. Pacifism is the total lack of violence and last i checked setting oiff bombs is violence. Period x2.
  4. Hades explained his post above. he emans not killing someone ocne. He is mistaken hwoever as in FO1 you have to kill people. You have to kill the mutants and scientists when you set off the explosion at the Army Base whcih is where I came in said you can't be a pacifist in FO1. 'Close' but no cigar. He even admits that it ma not be total pacifsm but it's close enough for him. Bottom line is that you have to kill in both Fallouts. Period.
  5. Wha tare you babblling about? Visceris quite clearly stated you can be a pacifist - as in thou shall not kill - in the Fos which you cannot. period. Your logic is about twisting that meaning. Period.
  6. So, one who kills with bombs is a pacifist? Weird... I guess suicide bombers are pacifists... Beserk: If the Master sets it off; it's not your fault. But you are forgetting the Army base where you have to be the one to set it off...
  7. Really? you are wrong. It's really that simple as that as I have shown with one certain fact time and time again. Setting off bombs that kills multiple bad guys is not pacifism. Period. You are also very original as you can't even come up with your lame comments.
  8. You can't be a 'total pacifist' in the Fo games. Stop spreading myths, rumours, and innuendo.
  9. What do you mean, Newc? Other than the fact that the IE games you had full control of the npcs and that NWN had more tatical options the combat at its most basic level run exactly the same way. Shadow, as Drakron pointed out, the reason why KOTOR;'s combat is much more simple than NWN's has nothing to do with not being D&D. D20 which KOTOR uses (to a degree) has lots of incldued combinations. Of course Drakron exaggerates and lies at that. It had nothing to do with laziness and lies; but the fact is the combat rules wasn't BIO's main concern when it comes to KOTOR. For a guy who hates BIo so much he sure scoops up their games very quickly so it only entails me to believe he lies when he states how much he hates them.
  10. Huh, Shadow? That's werid. I love NWN combat. It's much more tatical, intuitive, challenging, and fun then KOTOR's. KOTOR may have the same basic combat system as both NWN and the IE agmes; but it was way to simplistic and along with the awful controls (relatively speaking) it just isn't up to snuff.
  11. When he read that BIO was developing it... That said, I didn't reallyc are for the combat either. Not completely horrible; but it was overall too easy and the crappy controls didn't help much. Improve them both. Of cours,e unlike others, i realzie that the majority loved the combat as is. Deal with it.
  12. Yiu didn't like chocobo racing? How dare you! True, after awhile like most minigames, it got a little boring; but that's too be expected. While it lasted; it was great fun.
  13. Precautions don't work on the net...
  14. Final Fantasy 8 rocks! Best FF ever, and one of the best role-playing games ever! Rock on FF8! And, scenes like the one described in this thead is the reason why.
  15. FO wasn't great because of its story. Anyone who says it was misses the whole point of FO. Tsk, tsk.
  16. I know. IIRFC, when the BIO baords first went up, you and I were abttling for #1 and #2. Heh. I don't post a smuch as I used to either. Not even close.
  17. You mean them disallowing spam even in the OT foroum? Anyways, what forum do you post to now?
  18. I like that word. You are all BIoweenies whetehr youa dmit it or not stressing the weenie part.
  19. Amentep doesn't spam. He's spreading rumours, myths, and innuendo again.
  20. The in game tutorial iN TOEE was a waste of precious words. The manual should have been more than enough. Give the manual another 50 pages max, and it would have been able to cover most everything. Then those words could have actually been used for the actual game. If youn't udnerstand the options in TOEE, NWN, IWD, or any other DnD game; perhaps you are playing the wrong games.
  21. Not too many companies don't have their share of Qa problems. difference is when BIo QA screws up; you'll be sure to have another patch to fix said problem and usually at a reasonable time.
  22. Who give a flying horseshoe. KOTOR was a betetr game than MW. Period. That's all that matters.
  23. What a silly thread to ad to other silly threads. This is why ia void BIo's OT forums... And, oh, hi.
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