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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Really? My mistake. I thought POR2 was released on PC... Maybe it was PS2 it was released on. And, I thought Chrono Trigger was released on console. My mistake. It was released on PC. I really do love generalizations which basically have nothing to stand on.
  2. I doubt the x-box was the reason for the dumbed own d20 rules. The reason for the dumb down rules was BIO looking for as simple a set of rules as possible. Don't blame the x-box; blame the bioware.
  3. LOL Spook; no; but that makes them stupid, imo.
  4. never played it; never know it
  5. I barely know what weed looks like. If you meant weeds, oops...
  6. It's not completely different. That's a myth, rumnour, and innuendo. It has differences; but it isn't even close to being compleetly different.
  7. Soule's best work is found in HOTU. He has other good songs; but he (and all other composers mentioned in this theead) are overrated by following their works that have been named.
  8. Yeah, Interplay is evil because they canceled GAME projects and fired employees they could no longer afford to pay (hence bounced checks). I guess that makes JE evil because he quit work in the midts of developing a game for them. No, I think not.
  9. Haha you two.
  10. I never said it was a copy. I said the differences between them are minimal at their bases - other than variant gods, and other world absed stuyff. Just because one came first; doesn't mean they're both not the same. GH came first, FR came in second, they basically took what worked in GH and expanded on it. GH slowly died out because of it.
  11. greyhawk was put in as defacto setting; because they knew very few people would buy any extra books for it but they weren't quite ready to kill the setting so theyd ecided to force the setting on people. Funny thing is people ignore that part of the PHB with ease. Not that I ahte GH; 'cause I don't; but I think many of my fellow "D&D veterans" overrate it. It's simply a weaker, less popualr version of the FR, afterall.
  12. Yes, but his target isn't the US or Iraq; but Obsidian!!
  13. Yes, yes he is which is why my excellent moderator expertise is not needed at this time. P.S. The above is just an exuse to hide the pain of not being chosen. :angry:
  14. Roshan is just jealous that no one - male or female - loves him. Don't worry, Roshan, you are my lover for all eternity.
  15. TOEE was bad due to ph@t lewt (+6 strength gloves WOWSERS!!!), + 3 weapns up the wazoo before even half way through game, horrible storym, unmemorable characters, no depth, frivlous opening vignettes that don't add to the gamer's experience, bugs up the wazoo, agood combat vsystem ruined by easy battles and the 75% of ther fights involved bugbears. yeah, tell me again, how that game is the best D&D game evEr?
  16. Fionavar, seriously, this should have been locked from the start. We all *know* I'm not becoming a mod so it's time for us all to move on. Visc, on the other hand, has a chance.
  17. Go play Fallout 1, and Fallout 2.
  18. As opposed to pixels in PST, Roshan? :D
  19. Uh... no. The only male I'm attracted to is you. Otherwise, I'm all for the women.
  20. Just because a game doesn't sell as much as ther Sims, Diablo, or Bioware games doesn't make them failures. SP, youa re silly in all that. The Fos eries while not selling millions of copies was successful. Why? It sold 100s of thousnads, it led to a sequel and two toher games that used the FO name to seel them. PST was also successful. You don't have to make a game that sells a million + copies to make money and stay profitable. I would think that much is obvious cosndieirng that a very small percentage of games do that.
  21. I think not Roshan. Visc likes gay porn; I do not. Axel, you make me shed a tear of pride.
  22. Sammael, are you simply making up random numbers now? I think it's pretty obvious more than 29 people would surely buy FO3 on the ancient FO engine.
  23. Man. I'm not that importnat. Obsidian isn't going to make a mod. I *know* this as a fact. P.S. And, Strider accuses me of never using facts to illustrate my points.
  24. How does the ability or the lack of ability to pause effect player interactivity in anhy way? That is weird to say. Pause n play, of course like all suystems, has its own weaknesses to deal with; but lack of interatcivity isn't one of them. In fact, lakc of interatcivity isn't it inherited to any combat system (RT, RT/w pause, and TB being the Big 3).
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