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Everything posted by RevBlue

  1. why all the hate for the nature godlike? Whats wrong with bonus to dmg+health/endurance/fort+action speed/ref??
  2. To be fair, its not like the old IE games had such brilliant path finding. Maybe its not a bug, its a feature!
  3. Its not single target, its still AoE but will just make it affect the enemies once and not multiple times. A decent balance since slicken was just a way to disable all the enemies in every fight. Also Itchthyic, Im playing a wizard and I find good uses for every spell, just because you don't know how to use it doesn't mean it doesn't work.
  4. You CAN move them in waypoints, and que actions as well. Just hold the shift key when clicking
  5. 1.Plan ahead 2.Plan ahead 3. Not that many that can do that, just 2 i can remember off the top of my head (shadows/beetles) 4.Why are you just staring at them being beat on? 5.Agreed there may be some pathfinding issue, still with proper management shouldn't be any serious problems 6.Plan ahead, check the range of the spell, also if you try and cast and the spell icon has little feet on it, it means you are outside the spell range and the character will move. Plan ahead 7.Not sure what you mean about that, what spell effects on the ground? Seriously people, this is a *tactical* game. You can't just click on enemies once and expect the engine to do all the work for you. Micro managment is the name of the game.
  6. Yeah I know about the double-clicking bug, but I didn't think it was relevant since I don't usually equip stuff that way. I drag and drop. But I'm fine with waiting for the patch and hoping it will fix it if I did do it once or twice and forgot about it. Thanks anyway
  7. Basically what the title says. I'm running a nature godlike and I suddenly realised I was never sure if i saw my racial at work, its supposed to give some attributes bonuses when below 50% endurance. Anyway I looked at my char when i was with low endurance and didn't see any buff icon, or change in the stats in the char screen. Don't even see the racial listed anywhere in the char sheet.
  8. Oh nice, glad he changed that, i'll have to update! Bttw, did he also fix the lvl1 ability duplication bug? Not sure what duplication bug you're tlaking about, so I guess yes?
  9. Don't see how its really possible as it just update with every action in battle. The only way I can see it slowing is slowing the battle, and for that you can just use slow mode while in battle
  10. Man, I keep seeing you making posts about how this system is wrong, or how this isnt balanced right because of "nitpicky and pedantic/irrelevant reason" Now you're complaning about dying in a CRPG? Either just play on easy, or realise you DON'T.LIKE.THE.GAME and stop playing already, stop trying to make it what its not.
  11. Cage Cursor setting should not turn off after loading a scene or cutscene and is now on by default.Oh THANK GOD!
  12. thanks, I actualy tried again with durance after leaving the map i was in and for some reason it worked also, for grieving mother just "grieving" also works Can anyone else confirm that this doesnt mess up the watchers abilites later on?
  13. I have 2 questions for anyone who experimented with the de-leveling commands in the IE mod: 1)for some reason it doesn't work on durance, i get his player name and enter the command for the de-leveling, but nothing happens. Pressing Enter doesn't seem to even enter the command at all i can still write in. 2)For the PC character, I read that it removes your Watcher abilities but you can also add them back with the IE mode, the question I have is does it mess up his progression and getting new abilities later on? Thanks!
  14. I had an option to tell her Wael told me to hide it again. And she believed me
  15. So I recently got Pallegina(sp?) and sent Kana to the stronghold (the chanter looks to be increadibly bland and uninteresintg, was using only his starting chants, bacuase he basically didn't get any new ones untill lvl 7, and even then the selection is tinyyyyy and boring) Anyway, i took off all his gear and transfered it to her, does it matter when I send him to do quests and stuff? Is his gear taken into account? Also can somebody explain to me how the whole turns thing works in the stronghold? I didn't find any explenation on that
  16. I gotta say so far the stronghold seems underwhelming. I was expecting it to be a little class specific, like in BG2, and to give you special quests and special items available. Man the Planar Sphere in BG2 was just amazing
  17. It seems very strange to me that the only difference between normal and hard is only enemy numbers. I mean I started on hard and after maybe ~15 hours or so switched to normal. I loved the challange and feeling of accomplishment when winning a hard fight, but I had to redo every fight like 4-5 times, or exaust all my resources on a normal mob fight that should be "easy". Yet in normal mode im blasting through enemies. It seems like in hard mode enemies were inherently more difficult to fight, not just a numbers change
  18. sacrificing what reward? i remember getting that when asking for extra or something like that
  19. Yeah its weird, I went there at lvl 6, tried the fight maybe 4-5 times everytime only the big one was left badly injured but killed all my party. Went back at lvl 7, beat it first time with no difficulty at all. The gap in difficulty is just weird
  20. So I just finished the quest for The Man Who Waits. After you talk to the kid in the call, and he starts the fight with all the patients. I win, I go to Azo and tell him I'll expose him and he attacks me so I kill him as well. Problem is, when I go back up to the first floor, the entire place is hostile against me, causing me to kill the animancers and lose reputation with defiance bay, also the headmaster's statue wont talk to me anymore. Is this intentional or a bug? EDIT- ugh never mind, I saw there was another thread on this. Apperantly talking to Azo before killing all the golems triggers this for some reason? And my only save earlier to that is 2 hours ago I guess this thread can be closed, sorry for not checking first
  21. If im not mistaken it uses the accuracy of the weapon you have in your hand, plus whatever accuracy bonus is specified in the spell
  22. There are no ability mods in this game, this isn't DND. Each stat improves something by a certain %. Int inproves AoE area and skill/spells/whatever durations. So if your int says +9% duration. Then your spell duration will be 109% (it tells you what the base is and what it is with the bonus)
  23. With all due respect, I feel like there are many many other fixes that should come before adding these custom options that only appeal to a very, very small number of people.
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