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Everything posted by RevBlue

  1. Is there any command to de-level an NPC? basically redo his level up?
  2. Could be a bug, but there is a way to "get around it" without too much difficulty
  3. 1. In conversations it you that does the talking always, but for that i think that only Lore may be helpfull. Conversations usually use more attributes than skills. In scripted situations you can sometimes send companions to do stuff. 2. You don't get enemy info from Lore if im not mistaken. Its from fighting that certain enemy that gains you info about them in the bestiary. But lore could be usefull for anyone you want to use scrolls. 3. Depends on your class, but they all have benefits for everyone 4. I would say its best to focus hard on 1-2 skills per character. Every rank takes more skill points to raise so it would be wiser that way. Make one with high mechanics for spotting traps and disarming them. Maybe one with high athletics. And so on....
  4. Its been less than a week, you can't expect a thriving modding community yet. Gotta give it time
  5. I went through that level, don't remember a shimmering door....where is it?
  6. I read on a different thread that it is due to you stealing the scroll earlier. But they also mentioned that if you go into the temple while stealthed, then the NPCs in there won't be hostile towards you, weird bug but seems to work
  7. I've started on Hard, and I loved the challenge and feeling of accomplishment when winning a hard fight, but I got tired of doing every fight 3-5 times, even against normal mobs :-/ So I've recently changed to normal, and I feel its too easy, I seem to be blasting away at enemies, maybe its just a perception issue after being used to Hard, but I wish I could find a balance....
  8. perfectly fine. These games tend to have at-least 60 hours of gameplay to them, so dont worry thats ok
  9. its a known bug, and a pretty damn annoying one. I hope they release a fix for it soon
  10. didnt take that spell, found it redundant what with arcane veil and all. Although I did just recently start to use slicken (and im lvl 6 currenly ) and I gotta say, that spell is pretty OP, love it for CC
  11. You can see their spells in thier character sheets, although I agree its a lot less comfortable. I wish they had thier own "grimouire" to look at like the wizards
  12. dont remember the race/class bonuses. that may be the case. or maybe some talents they have? Or it could be they designed the companions to be a bit "special"
  13. I killed it. Sagani and Eden seemed to approve
  14. its only for the priests in the temple, meaning the floor where you find them. Other floors have soldiers and mercenaries not priests. It all fits
  15. They went down from endurance dmg? If so unless you have a spell to revive them in battle im pretty sure you'll have to reload as the battle wont end with those lurkers around them
  16. Why would you want to walk? whats the point?
  17. Yep it does seem to inflict both, which is awesome. To bad the game doesn't display/convey it better :-/
  18. really? 12? I mean im already at 6 and i dont think im halfway through the game yet :-/
  19. its not empty, scroll around and you'll see the first floor. Nothing on there about the floors after that, not sure if THATS a bug or what?...
  20. Just a little thing the developers must have forgotten about, to put a bit of code to let him notice it and mention the fact. I would hardly call it a problem with the race....
  21. SPOILER FOR THAT EVENT Actually, there isnt as much consequences as you think. You can't put it on yourself, but if you go to the door theres a dialogue option that lets you put it on. It mentions how it looks weird and stuff, but you can still get it on. Although it really isn't a "story ruiner" since you can go in without the hood and fight
  22. Bigger spell selection. For instance my wizard focuses mainly on CC, tho i do have 16 might so i can still do some dmg. I have a lot of AoE spells but a lot of them cause friendly fire, when my group is in a fight that has them all muddled up that just means i cant use any of those spells, so i just switch to another grimoire that has more focused dmg spells
  23. Why do I see a lot of hate for the engagement system? Its basically the same as attacks of opportunity from D&D
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