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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/25 in all areas

  1. This keeps getting suggested and I've been opposed to the idea because, well, why would you ever NOT use your custom grimoire? Let me go off on a tangent here. With any other weapon (as in, "goes in your hands slot"), your best equipment is always uniques. Ain't nobody writing a guide for a barbarian-themed character and saying, and don't forget to pick up your endgame weapon, Superb Greataxe. But, with grimoires, you may actually prefer a plain one. Only unique grimoires can become legendary, gaining even more cost and cooldown reduction, but that's only exciting if you actually want that arrangement of spells. I'm working on a lightning-themed wizard and I fully expect to end the game with Superb Grimoire of Storms in my off hand. So, I don't think it would be too bad if instead I were stuck with some other superb grimoire, tailored to my build. As long as this custom grimoire has some sort of catch to it so that it's actually an interesting choice (as per my opening question), I'm supporting the idea. One catch is it doesn't go to legendary, or is extra expensive to get that far. Maybe Starmetal could allow it - that would be awesome. One chunk each for Legendary +0/+1/+2/+3. WRT grimoires possibly granting bonuses to all spells, not just the ones in them, here we run into the problem of the miserably small action bar, which encourages you to stick to spells in your grimoire. If not for that, I think it'd be a cool idea if Grimoire Mastery had the added bonus of conveying some percent of your grimoire's bonuses to spells that aren't in it. And remember, then we all get to be confused by percentage-of-percentage mechanics too, which is a mandatory annoyance in every RPG! But in case I wasn't clear, I'm not supporting the idea if it simply leads to ignoring all other grimoires.
    1 point
  2. I never tried if Murderous Intent works with the Trickster's Kalakoth's Freezing Rake. Could be great if that worked. Eye of Wael for +2 PL, White Witch Mask +1, +1 from Prestige, +5 from the Empower and then +100% crit conversion and +100% crit damage against bloodied or worse enemies... Ouch. --- Could also see a SC Trickster maxing deflection and using Whispers of the Endless Paths w. Offensive Parry + Riposte and pick Wall of Flashing Steel (the first time I'd use that tbh).
    1 point
  3. I restarted the Tusks storyline, and completed Marius' companion quest this time before facing Lodwyn. It let the quest proceed as it is suppose to. First time I just played main story and found the big.
    1 point
  4. Hi, I can tell how I'd play a SC trickster. You can get two powerful spells such as Kalakoth's Freezing Rake Wall of Many Colors And in addition Gaze of the Adragan and others with great effects since you can reach very high power level. And you have also great defensive spells. So I'd try to maximize debuff and buff duration and spell damage, and also chances to hit. Thus MIG, INT AND PER. DEX is always good, but you can wear light armor. But, you have penalty to sneak attack compared to other rogue, so you can "skip" the damage part and focus on debuff foes (and buff yourself). So max PER, INT and DEX. Mid MIG, low RES and CON. Occasionally cast Kalakoth's Freezing Rake on enemy with low freeze damage resistance. Confusion with intellect afflictions weakness can give actual satisfaction Wear items who give bonus to these stats or similar (i.e. grazes to hit chance for spells), I think you can help partu very well.
    1 point
  5. Well at least we wouldnt have to worry about global warming.
    1 point
  6. Because of the imminent release of the new Styx game I decided to play Of Orcs and Men Its a simple game but fun. The combat mechanics grow on you, in the beginning I was like " WTF ....this is boring " But it really becomes entertaining, I did end up in most tough battles adopting an effective strategy where Arkail drew the aggro but he was defeated and then Styx run away and let the enemies chase him and then he resurrected Arkail and so the battle continued It looked silly but it worked, sometimes I had to resurrect Arkail 3-5 times
    1 point
  7. Using the AI you can try to use "Focus is at maximum" as conditional and use a spell like Mind Blades (which won't be wasted) or one with long casting time (that way you have 2-3s to react before the spell is finished and switch to another spell if needed). After that you have to learn how many spells you can cast during the ascended phase - also finishing with spells with short casting times helps not losing them. However when you can fill your bar in 2-3 shots you stop worrying about these things because you will be ascended most of the time. Attack speed is also very important if you want to increase the number of spells you're able to cast while ascended - Captain's Banquet, Abraham + Contender's armor, dex bonuses/buffs...
    1 point
  8. This is usually the result of using the Divine Thorn ability (melee crouched stealth attack triggering the Godlike ability Divine Thorn). All enemies which don't dissolve into rainbowy petals will end up looking like this.
    1 point
  9. I am having this problem as well. I defeat Lodwyn and then there's no cutscene, no open path, and the objective stays stuck on "defeat lodwyn and the steel garrote..." with that little gray circle on the map. I've tried going back through my saves - older and older ones, trying to see if I can trigger the story to continue, but it seems to be totally broken. I can't progress at all.
    1 point
  10. If, and that is a big if, I remember correctly, I was doing something with some file/s, altering the points given by the achievements. But easy things, I remember some "notepad"-files, easy to read and easy to understand. I think I even started the game to "check on it" and then changed some more and such. But heck, what do I know. It has been a while, pretty long one, since last time around. I havn't used the Unity Console mod myself, lack in knowledge and moding, which dosn't make it something I would want to mixture with to much. "Worst case" scenario, I just let it be and go on with my life, let the adventure steer me forward with my Trickster in hand!
    1 point
  11. Iran is close to getting nukes And Israel and the US wont allow this. Its been explained many times and most people should be aware of this. A nuclear armed Iran would destabilize the entire ME But it wont be a WW3, that term keeps getting thrown around whenever there is regional war and it seems to be because of sensationalism, misinformation or fearmongering You can only have a WW if the worlds superpowers are fighting each other. A war between Russia and Ukraine or war between Iran and Israel\US is not a WW
    1 point
  12. Ah, sorry, my main takeaway was "where is the file?". Are you sure you altered it yourself? Because it sounds as if you got a an altered file and used it to replace your original one. You can use the Unity Console mod to alter the file. Unfortunately I don't know another (easy) way to make the file contents readable and editable. Or you could replace the file with one that has no Blessings - or only ones you think you originally had before editing it. Maybe there's someone here who has the Unity Console running (I don't) and could manufacture a fitting file?
    1 point
  13. I find it hilarious the country that changed the name of the Gulf of Mexico and wants to rename Greenland to Red and Blue Land is threatening to close their consulate in Johannesburg over the change of a street name
    1 point
  14. Thanks @Boeroer for a fast reply (and thanks for all the knowledge you bring in the forums, have been a great help for me back than and now!) Before I posted I did search and found just that post. But when I open the file in question I cant for my memory understand that this was what I saw back then - because if I cant understand the "hieroglyphs" in this document today, I couldnt do it then Do I need some sort of program more than notepad? And on this note, I have detected in game that I seem to have "coded" that every achievement is worth insted of 1 point -> 10 points, insted of 2 points -> 20 points and so on... I seem to have made them worth tenfold.
    1 point
  15. i'm not quite sure if i understood you correctly, or you misunderstood boeroer but I just want to say that effectively Bullet Time doesn't work. It says -100% reload time, but there's a minimum reload time for all reloading weapons. If you're extremely slow, you'll notice a speed up, but if you're close to the minimum reload time (not hard to hit when dual-wielding with dual-wielding style) there's barely a difference. but boeroer's basic point is that once you're recovering from a non-reloading weapon, you're stuck waiting for recovery, so I don't quite see how a reload time adjustment would be useful here.
    1 point
  16. Ja Rule and me are appalled. It was weird to see the crowd moving like that, but so far no one saw or recorded what actually caused it. The sound cannon from the pictures I saw should be fairly obvious, but I wouldn't put it past them...
    1 point
  17. MLB The Show - I haven't played since 2019, but they've definitely improved the Road to the Show since I last played. You start in High school and get a chance to go to college before you end up in the minors. One slightly odd new feature is the ability to upload your own face for the character. So I did it, using the companion app. It is eerily accurate. So now my 40-something bald guy is trying to break into the big leagues after winning his High School championship. My wife is creeped out by all of this.
    1 point
  18. Hey, fellow elder gamer here. It can be tough at first for sure. There are things that help a lot later on. Not sure if you're on PC, but maybe you could rebind your dodge button. Seemed a bit off to me at first, but am now great with it. Maybe you could bind it an extra mouse button. There are bonuses to increase your dodge distancing on rings and think I remember having boots that helped with that in the first area. If you find your losing a battle, no shame in running away till you're stronger. Some other thoughts: As some have mentioned, Arcane Veil is great as long as you level it up. If you have two points into it, but are using a grimoire with that in it, it works as the third point, so you can save points that way. Also, if you skills that are in your grimoire vs. on your hotbar, it will use less essence. I never used it, but if you are really struggling at the start, you could a point into Shadowing Beyond in the Ranger tree. Going invisible to get out of tough situations can be of great help. Also in getting to and reviving a downed team member. Frost skills can be good. You can freeze them and reposition. Blast of frost is good for that. Try to find a place you can be elevated. If you haven't figured it out yet, this game works differently. You need to upgrade your gear to compete with tougher enemies. If you see 1 or 2 skulls above an enemy's head, they have better gear and you will hit less and they will hit harder. 2 skulls will be tough, 3 will kick your but, at least early on. You leving up is only to add new skills. Make gear is leveled up before going into the 2nd area. Weapons and Clothing(except rings, gloves and boots). I think it found it necessary to upgrade a common set of clothes, but really, try to only upgrade unique items. Some can be upgrade thoughout the game and take you all the way through. When you are in came, get used to cooking at the cauldren. You don't keep just popping potions, it's better to have foods you use. Some will give you health and essence, or both and some will temporarily up your stats, like Intellgence, etc. Make lots of Grog. It heals poison, fire, etc. Some items, mostly necklaces will give you power to create a creature to join the fight, for as long as the cooldown is. You could get the Bear in the Ranger tree. If you put two points into it, he will roar pulling agro. It gets easier when you get your second teammate. Not sure if you have that yet, but all I'll say is, they have an ability to stop people coming after you. I don't really level up grimoires. You generally find and upgraded on while looting. I only ever bought one. I stuck with light armor. It's just works better with a Wizard if you can handle it. If you get heavy armor, you need to waste points to mitigate using it. Look for and target anyone enemy doing magic. They will heal everone and make the encounter tougher. Try and synergize your gear as you get farther in the game. I went with a frost mage with the Grimoire of Rime, which is all frost damage, so I only need to add two point to those skills in the skill tree to have the fully leveled. Other than that, most of what I learned was searching Avowed Tips and Tricks on YouTube. Legacy Gaming has some good videos. https://youtu.be/TyILIWFKd9s?si=uPzj6lRSwOME0gs9 and https://youtu.be/zG86yLpF9HY?si=QLc2L1inPLR7Y1gu . Get the lighting wand they talk about as soon as you get the 2nd area. Good luck!
    1 point
  19. Chances are JD Vance will take a break from playing CK3 with teenage nazis long enough to derail that because of some dip**** meme.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I'm having the same issue. No matter how slow or quick I kill everything the game will not progress. It's almost like there are a few dreamthralls stuck where they can't be reached
    1 point
  22. Not sure what the bug was that was fixed in the last patch (Only got here after the patch.) I have a problem where I walk down the path, trigger the cutscene, and after that cutscene, one dreamthrall burster rushes us while Lodwyn kills an armored person. It feels like its already bugged in this state, as if I should have a bigger fight there. But I kill my target, and Lodwyn tells me to not be shy, and come talk to her. If I do, she is standing there in her battle-pose, and I can even push her around. She wont talk to me at all. If I save then and jump off a cliff, it will trigger the dialogue with Lodwyn. I have to kill myself, quicksave and quickload is not enough. One thing I notice is after triggering the cutscene, the armored guy she killed gets turned into a placed "body chest" not a dead body with loot (I can tell cause it makes the shimmer sound.) During the fight, Lodwyn is lobotomized, she is not aggressive at all, and stands still for most of the fight, occasionally she will throw a fireball or summon a shade, but only very rarely attacks me with her sword, she does execute her combo in this case. She seems to loose tracking of me regularly. (perhaps an issue with the map changes from the mushroom growths?) If I go really hard to kill her, I get only one round of adds, and after her death she just dies. Killing all the dreamscourge then leaves me with the "Defeat Inquisitor Lodwyn and the Steel Garrote Dreamthralls" objective, but it will not progress. If I take it very slow, I can get two additional waves of Thralls. I get some chatter from my allies for each wave, "More dreamthralls!" and "I think they are coming from the camp." The dreamthrall spawning seems very close to me as well, and they just pop in, with no entering animation. If I go slow and get all the waves, the same result, the quest does not progress a step. The whole fight gives off very clear "this is not working right," vibes the whole way through. After I am stuck with the objective not completing, it does not matter what I do. I can save and reload, save and jump off a cliff, stand around for a very long time... I am just stuck. I get the impression that Lodwyn is not supposed to die, or not "just die" without first talking to me or something. In my game she acts like any other mob... And in fact, I almost always turn her to dust (my build tends to do that to people.) She always drops the same loot, including bespoke coin piles, which I have never seen before, so her loot table seems to be working? Either way, this bug prevents progress on my game save. I have a manual save from just before entering the summit, so hopefully this gets fixed in a future patch.
    1 point
  23. inorite Nothing he was doing had any effect, nor did he have any reason to believe it would. That borders on the definition of a witch hunt. This is exactly the sort of thing a dirty animancer would say...
    1 point
  24. inorite Nothing he was doing had any effect, nor did he have any reason to believe it would. That borders on the definition of a witch hunt.
    1 point
  25. How exactly were Raedric's methods efficient? How did they improve the situation?
    1 point
  26. The fact that most modern games have conditioned gamers to take twists or claims by certain characters at face value is actually something that really, really bothers me. I would've given a lot to actually be lied to convincingly, or have "good" decisions come back to haunt me because I was gullible. But it's practically never the case. I agree with you 100%, but in reality, we all "know" that we weren't lied to, and that their claims are true, and that they end up as hard-working people in an inn in Defiance Bay. And that gets to me. It's the same with Raedric, although there being completely rational arguments that could be made, is clearly made out to be the bad guy, and there's no real effort expended in trying to rationalize his behaviour beyond "Like. Berath.". And probably countless other offenders, spanning entire genres of gaming. I want to go "But I truuuusted yooou! D:" at least once.
    1 point
  27. No, I dispute this on several points. Firstly, D&D's Law vs. Chaos is (at least on the mortal scale) about behavioral consistency and internal rules, not about obedience to external social strictures. The lawful good character believes to some degree that good upholds a set of rules and procedures, which likewise uphold good; what's crucial is not any particular strictures so much as it is the clear, embodied nature of those strictures. Chaos, on the other hand, is about freedom, spontaneity, and formlessness - it may help to bear in mind that planar chaos strives in its purest form towards the infinite possibility of nonexistence. Chaotic good characters react according to what they feel is right in the situation, rather than trying to force that situation into a set of principles that can be articulated. Second. It's important to bear in mind that concepts like vengeance and justice don't actually map to the aforementioned alignments. Certainly, organizations like the Mercykillers are lawful in being obsessed with a very clear and specific form of justice. But that's not because they're interested in law, it's because they're interested in justice, law being what we extrapolate their philosophy out to on examination. But a chaotic character is just as capable of vengeance or retribution or even resorting to the law of the land, it's just that they're going to do it when they feel like it. Likewise, a preoccupation with happiness is not a distinctly chaotic good characteristic, or even a distinctly good one. The alignment wheel cares a lot about means and intended ends, but not much about underlying emotional motives. What you're presenting with the happiness thing is a sort of consequentialist-deontological set of motives as driving LG characters. But while it might be fair to say that LG characters are more deontological by nature whilst CG characters are more utilitarian, a CG character could just as easily be portrayed as having an inclination towards virtue ethics, while a LG one might be seen as a rule utilitarian. Planescape-era alignment wheel stuff (the only time the wheel has been coherent) is grounded less in "x philosophy equals y alignment," and more, "alignment as a literal term for the relationship between an individual's worldview and cosmic forces sitting on either end of the fulcrum of existence." Thirdly, and I want to stress this, any judgment of Nonton and whatsherface ultimately depends on whether the Watcher believes anything they say, and on whether the Watcher believes themselves capable of making that judgment. Sure, the two claim that Parley was a bad dude and that they needed to kill him to escape his bad dude behavior, but we actually see zero evidence for this claim. In the language of PoE, a Benevolent Watcher is charitable not just for letting the two go, but also for believing them. In the language of alignment, either a Lawful or a Chaotic character might see this as an understandable reason for skepticism, and feel that it's better to let a magistrate or other qualified individual sort the whole mess out.
    1 point
  28. You are one that knows about the crime, you are only one that has any evidence that there has been a crime, so what those people in question deserve hangs fully on your characters judgement. If your character is soft hearted and thinks that people should be able to get another change after bad deed and therefore your character lets said people go, then benevolent is quite accurate way to describe your character. If your character just want to punish them for sake of punishing them then your character could be described as cruel. If your character don't see that deed has been done and nothing will bring said man back and there isn't really need for seeking justice for cruel dead man, then your character could be described as rational And so on. It is how dispositions should work in PoE.
    1 point
  29. This is what I was thinking. I've got a lot of criticism for a lot of the Disposition dialogues in the game, but this really isn't one of them. This is in fact one of the few times the game gets it right, by not moralizing over the disposition itself, and manages to underline that Benevolent does not mean "Good". There's other instances in the game where it feels like they've attached "Deceptive" on something just because it's evil, not deceptive at all. Don't get me started on Cruel. There's so many cruel options that never get tagged with the Cruel disposition, because they are morally righteous, even though they ruin someone's life largely out of spite and vengeance. They kinda dropped the ball with the dispositions, and should probably have had a lot tighter guidelines over what should constitute each of them, and hired the job out to a high-functioning autistic guy with antisocial personality disorder, to make it as impassionately applied as possible. Rational is another one that appears to be applied seemingly randomly. If you value benevolence above all else, yes, you will be a hypocrite. Nobody ever said you couldn't be both. There's a lot of situations in the game where you'll have the opportunity to do benevolent things that has nothing to do with doing what is right or wrong from a legal or socially acceptable perspective. The only sad thing is that if you always and forever go for benevolence, it never really comes back to haunt you, even though it absolutely should, imo. The game is already way too black and white in most regards.
    1 point
  30. I don't know. It seems to me that " benevolent " here means being a hypocrite. I mean, you show compassion by breaking the law, letting those murderers free. No way. Who are you to judge who deserve mercy ? By showing your misplaced compassion, you judge in your way those criminals. But you can't replace the law, you can't take this kind of decisions... Being benevolent, in my opinion, means indeed showing mercy and being compassionate, but... following the law. If a murderer deserve to go to jail, if you are benevolent you do all you can to put him in jail instead of killing him. You do not let him go, because in that way... Yes, you are benevolent because you forgive the murderer. But what about the one that got killed ? His killer got away without paying for his crime. So, you are surely not benevolent to the victim. ----------------------------------- So, what's better ? Put the killer to jail --> justice served for both killer and victim or Let the killer go away --> mercy for the killer while the victim is forced to suffer, because the one that killed him got away ? --------------------------------- Choices...life is full of them. If you kill, it's your fault : you chose to kill someone and so you deserve to go to jail. Benevolence is following the law in the less painful and more merciful way. But nonetheless you have to follow the laws. Oh, and morality too. Because if you only follow the law, you could follow the laws of a tyrant. So, you should follow both. Morality + law, always. That's my opinion on the matter. Ok, let me put it this way. You are the one that murdered one guy that was an awful human being and defended the woman you loved. A man shows up and knows about it. He's armed, and knows every detail of how you murdered that guy. After explaining your motive, he lets you go and show sympathy for you and your situation. What would your opinion of that guy be? The dispositions are there to represent how people sees you. Accumulate enough points and you earn a reputation of being X (in this case, benevolent). Here, this guy see that action as a benevolent one, and that helps getting the voice around that you're a compassionate guy. That's all there is to it. It's not a moral compass. If it bothers you, just deactivate the option to see the dispositions in dialog (in my opinion it works a lot better)
    1 point
  31. "Benevolent – charitable, kind, soft, or weak." - from the game's manual. The victim's dead anyway, and you can't do anything for him. As Miquel93 have put it - you present yourself as a soft-hearted person relying on compassion and mercy, not the rules. That's generally seen as benevolent in the game's terms. You might not consider it to be good, moral or lawful. But it matches the definition of benevolent reputation.
    1 point
  32. Benevolent doesn't mean "morally correct." It means "benevolent." Letting them go is charitable, but not necessarily right.
    1 point
  33. The dispositions are not some sort of moral compass, exactly, and more how other people will value what you do or say. Here it is benevolent because you show comapssion to these people. Yes, they've done something bad, even if it may have been justified, but your action towards them is a benevolent one.
    1 point
  34. Assuming that what they say is true(and I think we have to, otherwise discussion would be meaningless), letting them go with money is the choice in which you strive to improve the world around you through empathy and understanding. It seems that benevolence in the game is often understood as dealing as little pain and suffering as possible, which includes mercy and forgiveness. Revealing people to the law usually achieves nothing in that direction, they'd probably hang. So the choice might not be just, but is benevolent. It's similar to the choice of what to do with Wirtek, the man who betrayed Eothasians.
    1 point
  35. A regional nuclear exchange could have a world-wide climate impact. It depends on the amount of carbon aerosols thrown up into the upper atmosphere. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033056
    0 points
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