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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/24 in all areas

  1. Hey folks! Sorry for the state the forums have been in lately. From what we have seen, there has been a rather large increase in new members and even bigger increase in non-membered guests visiting the forums as of late, especially after Grounded went to PlayStation and Nintendo. We think the added traffic has been slowing things down a bit, so on Monday night (4/22), we bumped up our database service to try to help with performance. At the moment, I'm not noticing any slowdowns, but if you happen to run into any significant issues or slowdowns, please do let us know so we can look into it further and potentially increase the database service even more.
    3 points
  2. Is it my bias and/or political leaning that makes right-wing/conservative satire always seem so incredibly cringeworthy, or is it just really just cringeworthy?
    2 points
  3. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/whatever-the-fallout-tv-show-does-with-new-vegas-lore-josh-sawyer-doesnt-care-it-was-never-mine bla bla bla, Fallout, bla bla bla No new info regarding PoE2 production, but quite a bit of flavour from JS point of view:
    2 points
  4. Greetings Watchers, patch is live to all players! Please let us know if you run into any issues during your time with this updated version of the game. https://support.obsidian.net/contact The player log file has been moved by Unity and it can be found in the following location: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity It has been renamed player.log You can also opt out of this current update by using the Legacy branch in Steam. In your Steam Library Right click on Pillars of Eternity, and select "Properties" Select the "Beta" Tab, and click the Drop Down for labeled "NONE - Select "legacy - Legacy build" Close the Window, and you should have a download ready. Attempting to play the game should automatically trigger the download. changes are in bold. General: We have updated to Unity Version 2019.4.11. Updated graphics to DirectX 11. Fixed an issue where backer rewards would appear or unlock incorrectly. Also fixed a case where backer rewards might not unlock at all for users in the public beta. Corrected save file location for the public beta (You should no longer need to move save files into a _Local_ directory for them to show up correctly). Navigation: Fixed areas that could not be navigated in numerous scenes. The lake in Cayron's Scar should no longer be unintentionally traversable when submerged. Fixed some cases where NPCs would become stuck when pathing during cutscenes. Fixed some cases where NPCs would walk or run in place during cutscenes. Fixed a handful of doors throughout various scenes that could be walked through due to lacking proper collision. Visual and Audio: Fixed multiple cases where characters might T-Pose briefly at the beginning of a cutscene. Fixed an issue where paperdolls in character creation and inventory screens might appear blurry. Overwhelming Wave should more reliably play its visual effects. Fixed VFX issues with the Woodskin spell rotating or attaching incorrectly. Symbols western chamber of Lle a Rhemen should now properly light up when expected. Fixed redundant horn audio playing after the battle of Yenwood. Fixed an issue where attempting to open locked containers could play multiple voice lines at once. Fixed a handful of cases where dialogue audio wouldn’t play when certain nodes were re-triggered. VFX will no longer become displaced when a character teleports or uses a movement ability. Unstrung Bow’s visuals will now properly appear on the ground when discovered. Soul Whip VFX are no longer lost on save/load or transitions. Penetrating Shot, Vulnerable Attack, Savage Attack, and similar VFX should no longer be lost on save/load or transitions. Released soul VFX in Sun in Shadow should now display correctly. Fixed an issue with Ninagauth’s Freezing Pillar VFX overlapping other visuals. Gafonercos will remain correctly positioned after completing certain attacks. Potion of Fleet Feet now properly plays a drinking animation. Reading from scrolls and rites will now position the scroll correctly in the reader’s hands. Fixed an issue that would cause water VFX to display improperly in certain areas. Quests and Dialogue: Ready the Cannons side quest should now properly update its objectives. Dialogue from Buried Secrets quest should no longer allow the player to demand their payment more than once. Fixed an issue where multiple barked lines in Gilded Vale could overlap excessively. Fixed an issue where Eder’s bark lines in the Temple of Eothas may end abruptly. Fixed a case where Calisca could trigger the wrong bark line near the camp inside Cilant Lîs. Fixed bark lines in Defiance Bay cutting short after their first line. Crag Ogres in Flames-That-Whisper Cavern should now more reliably play their banter on approach. Prisoners in Icantha’s house should no longer respawn in certain cases after save/load. Combat and Mechanics: Earth Blights should no longer sometimes detach from their selection circles when dominated. Scroll of Ray of Fire should now appear correctly and more accurately match the behavior of the Ray of Fire spell. Fixed a case where manually resolving stronghold combat could sometimes yield no rewards. Fixed a case where prone characters might try to move while prone, resulting in sliding behavior. Concelhaut’s Draining Missiles should no longer occasionally show 0.0 damage in the combat log. Weapon Specialization: Peasant should now reliably add its damage to unarmed attacks. Fixed some cases where the Halt spell might confuse enemy AI, causing them to repeatedly interrupt and re-attempt their own actions. Removed errant untargetable Xaurip that could sometimes appear in Dyrford Crossing. Fixed a case where Sleafhota might teleport to an alternate location mid-dialogue before attacking the player. Attacking Osrya directly will now reliably engage with her revenant and skeleton minions. Fixed a case where all survival camping bonuses might appear after spending only a single skill rank on Survival. One-Eyed Molina’s Gold-Fingered Spike-Flinger’s last two soulbound upgrades now increase Reload Speed instead of decreasing it. Deadfire Pack’s soulbound weapons now have the Universal weapon group. Fixed an issue with status effects from old saves duplicating when loaded on newer builds. Battle-Forged Godlike racial ability should no longer trigger a hit on the owner when non-hostile abilities are used (E.g. Second Wind). Caedebald’s Blackbow and Llengrath’s Blunt Wisdom are now of the universal weapon type. Stalker’s Torc item should now apply and display its effects correctly. Psychic and Brutal Backlash now correctly respect their per encounter rules. St. Ydwen’s Redeemer no longer displays “Destroys Vessels” activations in the combat log when not fighting a vessel. Scroll of Minoletta’s Minor Missiles will now better match the effects of the origin spell. User Interface and Interaction: Fixed a UI issue where chants could sometimes clip beyond their scrolling frame. Fixed a case where the damage type icon on the character sheet might not position correctly. Fixed some cases where assigning companions to multiple stronghold missions at once might cause UI issues. Quick loading with the crafting or enchanting UI open should no longer result in a permanent black screen. Fixed a typo in the description of Animal Companions. Fixed an issue where highlighting certain parts of a defeated enemy would not allow you to loot them. Doors in some scenes that were difficult to interact with have had their collision revised and should now be more reliable. Fixed a case where the final pressure plate in the Temple of Woedica would not appear. Examining the wall trophy inside of Elm’s Reach should now be possible. Skipping intros when first starting the client should now be more responsive. Fixed accuracy tooltips not appearing on the character sheet. Interactable tree in the Abbey of the Fallen Moon now can be interacted with properly. Fixed a bug preventing interactable highlights from appearing after opening the map. Fixed an issue that caused tooltips to sometimes shake in the UI Known Issues: Displayed version numbers across platforms for this release are not accurate. (Don’t worry, all content is the same between versions!) Steam / Game Pass / Epic builds incorrectly display 3.4.xxxx, while GOG is correctly 3.7.xxxx. Platform Displayed version Accurate Version Steam GOG Game Pass Epic This issue has been resolved for the next release, and all platforms should use the same version numbers going forward. This update is currently unavailable for OSX & Linux. We are investigating bringing these platforms up to speed as part of a future patch. The feedback from the community surrounding this release has been wonderful. Thank you all for the continued support!
    1 point
  5. There's a lot of factors that go into humor, and that can definitely be part of it. But I would say framing also matters a lot, and one of the ways in which framing strongly affects humor is precisely who is telling you the "funny" and in what context. I have a friend that likes to occasionally link me clips from the demon/televangelist known as Kenneth Copeland... ...and in the context of knowing that my friend also thinks he might be a demon, the clips are usually pretty funny. But if I saw the same clips linked by one of his cult members (i.e. charitably, probably a moron...though potentially someone much more insidious than that), it would be a whole different story: you might well be able to apply a similar train of thought to some of the things said/linked to here, though probably for different kinds of reasons in different situations. I also think Alex Jones can be the funniest guy on Earth...sometimes, but I'm certain that I don't find him funny in the same ways that his true believers can, and I would no doubt be an alien in their midst.
    1 point
  6. every political comedy is cringeworthy to some degree especially if you don't agree with that viewpoint, but man nothing is so embarrassing as some woke stuff out there
    1 point
  7. Guess they'll finally drop the bridge. The articles amazed that US weapons do indeed work will be a good read.
    1 point
  8. It seems ATACMs will be part of the US weapons package. That should be about the last entry from Ukrainian wish-list. It will also increase the pressure on Germany to send Taurus missiles.
    1 point
  9. Yuppie Psycho. I played through this game once years back and loved it, now I came back to replay it and also to tackle all the achievements. One of the achievements is to play through the whole game without saving even once (howlongtobeat.com says it's an 8-10 hour-ish game, not including the extended alternative/true ending content that's a little tricky to get). I got like 80% of the way through the game and then died during a short (5 second or so) cutscene. I'd pressed a button that revealed a passageway, which the game panned over to show me, but the game didn't actually pause during said pan, and a zombie hyucked acid barf all over me and I died right as it came back to me.
    1 point
  10. If you want to play around with settings such a DEX, items etc. in order to get a feeling for attack speed in PoE you can try this attack speed calculator which gives you the resulting frames: https://naijaro.github.io/poe-speed-calculator/ There you can also see that DEX has its returns even if recovery is zero - because it still shortens animation time. Several attack speed buffs (which only target recovery as you said correctly) stack in a multiplicative way, giving you increasing returns - which makes it possible to drop recovery to zero frames. For example item buffs (speed on weapons or something like Gauntlets of Swift Action or Durgan Steel on weapons) will always stack with everything else in that way.
    1 point
  11. I dont want to oversell it, so lets call it "lite" exercising. I dont go to a gym or have any machines (I do have a workout bench), I just do bodyweight and dumbbell exercises in my own bedroom. With that said, once a day, every single day, I do the following: As many pushups as I can do before I cant get up off the floor. Minimum 20, current max 23 80 crunches (20 top, bottom, r-side, l-side) 20 dumbbell bench with 25lb weight 20 dumbbell butterfly with 25lb weight 40 dumbbell curl with 25lb weight (20 right, left) 40 dumbbell lift with 25lb weight (20 right, left) As you may notice, Im throwing the kitchen sink at myself and my methodology goes against recommendations of working muscle groups on certain days. Like back/biceps one day, chest/triceps the next day...that sort of thing. I just do everything everyday and let my body sort it out. However having exercised 112/114 days so far this year has yielded noticeable improvements in my stamina, physicality and internal health.
    1 point
  12. I had my annual physical last week and everything is looking good. I was even able to lower my cholesterol by 24 points by altering my diet and exercising. And fish oil, a whopper of a fish oil pill every day. Im also happy to report, that after ~7000-9000 years of human society, the finger is no longer the best tool in our toolbox to check the prostate gland. That test has been completely abolished and replaced with a blood test. HUZZAH! Now just to mail them back a box of poop and I can forget about it all for the next three years.
    1 point
  13. I, too, had random back pain yesterday. Clearly we are being targeted by the Russians.
    1 point
  14. I knew this day would come and I'm glad I watched Neil Breen's latest MASTERPIECE before the RLM gang got their video out so that I don't have to avoid it until I see the movie myself, on account of having seen it already. I'm actually off to a BBQ party (the weather cooperated) right now, but I'm glad I saw this because I now have a very special treat to look forward to for when I get back home.
    1 point
  15. Hi folks, sorry for the delayed response, we've been heads down working on the deployment of this patch. We're anticipating to release in the coming weeks, we're just locking in deployment on the various platforms now. Currently we are targeting Steam, Game Pass, GOG, and Epic Store for PC. We've also been working on Mac and Linux builds, which we're hoping to push in a separate patch along with more continued improvements and bug fixes. Thank you all for your patience and support.
    1 point
  16. Tried to access the beta but there is none - am I correct that it is only accessible with the Windows version and not Linux? Edit: uninstalled - reinstalling it while forcing Proton, maybe that'll do it. Edit 2: nope - that won't let me start the game at all. Too bad - but I guess this will happen without me. Edit 3: funny - I reverted back to ye olde linux version and suddenly (once I opted into the beta branch) I got the new update. Jucheissa!
    1 point
  17. Are we back?? IM THINKING WE’RE BACK
    1 point
  18. I just want to say how delighted I am to see POE get some attention after all this time.
    1 point
  19. Hey folks, It's great to see so many familiar faces, and new ones too! Right now we're taking a lot of caution to make sure the game is stable with the unity engine update and we aren't introducing any major new issues. However, I'll make sure we investigate both the trap potency and the cursor flickering issues as well. It'll be great fix up some of those long-time nuisances. (and a few others too!) @callistege - Yes, you should be able to continue your current play-through on the public beta branch. However, please note that the branch is a newer version of the game, and we tend to restrict loading newer saves on older versions, so any save games you make on the public beta won't be valid on the Release branch until the new patch goes live. Thanks everyone for your support, and if you happen to find anything else you'd like to report feel free to pass them along and we'll do our best to track and work through them!
    1 point
  20. Guess it's time to pick it up again and finally get to those 6k hours...
    1 point
  21. Whoa You know what? Sure, I'm in. It's time.
    1 point
  22. Still struggling along with my sister getting my fathers things sorted after his passing. Not sure if the bereavement has kicked off the disrupted sleep issues the past month or so or something else, but has meant pushing through in a fairly constant state of tired bleh. Pondering on if that's a symptom of depression or if it's just the tired bleh talking. Need to figure out if there's a decent financial advisor to talk to about mortgages in the area, so I can start making decisions on whether I can buy out my sister's half of the house or I need to join her in selling it so I can get a new place. I do not want to move my library....
    0 points
  23. I swear, this forum has THE WORST ****ING SOFTWARE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE ****ING LIFE. I have seen Geocities sites that were less of a pain to use. Whoever programmed this COLLOSAL PILE OF ****ING GARBAGE, I hope they were fired and never worked in software ever again. I put up dealing with this DUMPSTER FIRE for as long as I did because I like Obsidian as a developer and I like many of the community here, but I just can't any more.
    0 points
  24. I hurt my lower back when I was 19 and every couple of years it returns. It's usually something stupid and not in the least bit strenuous that sets it off. Sometimes I, like @Sarex, can't even figure out what caused it.
    0 points
  25. My lower back just started randomly hurting me yesterday. I was standing up and doing nothing. Could have been something else in the area too though.
    0 points
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