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Basically, by being quadruple A, Skull and Bones won't fit in any remote control. Kinda pointless game then.2 points
New version availble, Mostly addressing Wild Mind and Biting Whip reworks, so feel free to test them. Deadfire Balance Polishing Mod at Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) By the way, Wild Mind works with existing save by re-adding the "ability" by console command.2 points
I'm curious what's on your list of weapons, armor, or accessories that don't really make sense to use. Is it because they are just weak compared to other options, bland in their design, or something else? I'm slowly working through a list of items that I think fit the above - namely that I can't figure out a situation where I would use them - and trying to "fix" them via modding. My goal is to preserve the item design philosophy of the original item, overall itemization design of the game, and avoid power creep. I want each item to be useful in some situation or for some build, but not a new default best choice. An example case is Queen's Rule. The on use ability seems cool enough, if situational. But that's all that the item does, and it has to not only compete against other 2H weapons, but also against a stacked deck of great sword options. My first draft fix here is to add a new enchantment to the base item that improves it's power mechanically, and fits a tactical and battlefield control niche. Commanding Presence: +2 all defenses per engaged target (stacks 5 times) (that's for each target you are engaging), +1 enemies engaged. In addition, shift the on use ability to 2/rest or 1/encounter. So what items would make your list? Have you thought about how to fix them if you could?1 point
It's the amount of content they cut out of the game to sell back to you at a later date.1 point
most of the trinkets, honestly. 6s is a really long time for a once/rest effect with huge interrupt risk. my last run i forced myself to use a lot of the trinkets, and most of them were a lot of fun to use (sidenote: holy crap Muatu from SSS is extremely good, especially if you infuse him with souls). i think if their cast times were shrunk down a lot, they would be easier to use w/out causing major distortions in power (once/rest is a pretty hard constraint). that being said there are still trinkets i didn't bother with, but maybe i'd bother with them if they were cheap in terms of action economy. in terms of "normal" items that stand out - i basically don't bother with unique war hammers. bland and niche effects. Sanguine Great Sword - never use, it's really just underwhelming for the hoops you have to jump through to get. Rotward Amulet - too small a resist for such a narrow set of abilities. Futility - the recovery penalty is soooo minor.1 point
Mātakau would be no. 1 on my "I don't ever plan to use this"-list I guess.1 point
is not even tic-tac-toe. trump just says what he thinks his base wants to hear, and sometimes he says stuff 'cause he assumes his base wants to hear same as himself. the thing is, even when trump goes too far even for his base, they will make excuses... says he is joking or that unlike a politician, trump talks like a real person. back in summer 2020 multiple obsidian boardies laughed off trump suggestions he would contest the election if it didn't go his way... and it weren't just trumpers or conservatives trying to suggest trump weren't being serious or somesuch. one poster suggested the media were to blame for fear mongering by giving credence to trump claims... that didn't age well, did it? another poster laughed off the potential threat 'cause even trump had to know he couldn't get away with refusing to leave office. ... at the time we marveled how after three years o' trump, people continued to pretend as if impossible or abject stoopid were obstacles to trump doing. we even predicted the eventual legal mechanism which would be exploited by team trump. jan 6. build the wall. send fed troops to portland. muslim ban. etc. not just one-offs. nevertheless, here we are in 2024 and people continue to pretend as if impossibility and too-stoopid-to-be-real is meaningful hurdles for trump. only the Courts and Congress may limit trump 'cause the trump base is all-in and the rest o' the gop believes it needs the trump base. Court integrity has sadly been hit and miss but they has refused to embrace the most extreme trump efforts such as trying to steal the election (so far) and his attempted muslim ban. on the other hand, Congress is so divided and partisan that unless democrats managed 2/3 in the senate, am not certain trump could be convicted o' any crime or wrong no matter how vile. am no longer genuine surprised that so many liberals shrug at trump excesses. just another social media post, speech, sound bite, declaration o' unconstitutional, etc. ho-hum. am no longer surprised when s'posed conservatives make improbable excuses for trump ... US tribalism to a degree we never woulda' predicted during peacetime. HA! Good Fun! ps worth reading the following 'cause in spite o' fact we noted earlier that the recent special counsel report found there were not enough evidence to prove willful retention by biden insofar as documents, we keep seeing media sources reporting much different. https://twitter.com/rgoodlaw/status/17567256897246209211 point
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Ho Chi Minh really looks like a weird Chinese martial arts master in a cheap 80ies movie.1 point
through the looking glass. s'posed a bastion o' conservative american news, this story is not a headline at the main fox news site. try and imagine imagine if obama had said the same thing. what would fox news look and sound like the day after such a story broke? 2024 tucker carlson fans don't get @Gorth surprise. in fact, before 2018, tell us a significant % o' republicans would shrug off the nato comments you quote coming from the likely gop candidate for President and we would think you were chemical impaired. HA! Good Fun!1 point
I made steak on toast. Cooked the steak in herbs and butter, as is our way, and then sliced it and put it on toast and drizzled the butter pan sauce on top.1 point
You can't make this stuff up... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68266447 "Donald Trump has said he would "encourage" Russia to attack any Nato member that fails to pay its bills as part of the Western military alliance. At a rally on Saturday, he said he had once told a leader he would not protect a nation behind on its payments, and would "encourage" the aggressors to "do whatever the hell they want"."1 point
I think I have an exported character with only Ngati's Tusk somewhere if you need it. You can also export a "cheated" character and then edit the file (it's just a text file basically) and set the according boolean back to non-cheated - so that said character wouldn't disable achievements when imported.1 point
I'm not sure there could be 12 hours of material otherwise.1 point
I soloed the game potd with every char execpt ranger, in my opinion Chanter is by far the easiest one. But is more about how you want to play than anything else: i like to never run and do encounters without cheese tactics ( kiting, split pull ecc), and atm my fav chars are1) Chanter ( builded full def, dragon trashed) 2) Druid ( storms, cc spells, more storms, shapeshift and eat survivors) 3) Barbarian ( more builds possible, i most like Godansthunyr+dragon maw or spelltongue) 4) Monk ( more builds possible, i enjoyed my anvil build, search in the build archive) They are all robust and capable for good aoe dmg. Clearly other very good choices are wiz and Priest, but as i said is a matter of playstile. But returning to your question: Yes, Chanter is an Easy and fun way to complete the game solo potd, imho also the best one of you want to try the "ultimate"1 point
PotD solo... god, do you have a rough idea of what percentage of your time is spent backtracking and on loading screens back to Caed Nua to rest? I think I'd lose my sanity.1 point
Bought NBA 2K24 from a shady key reseller so now I'm re-installing Steam and downloading the game.0 points