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  1. Ok thanks, seems fair to me. I'm currently checking Zahua translation before uploading everything.
    2 points
  2. It counts as 0 now. It counted as 2 for Deathblows, and this is considered by many to be an oversight on the part of the designers, or at least not well considered. Rogue gets a ton of buffs in BPM to its other active abilities, some are pretty OP (Strike the Bell upgrade). The nerf to PD makes the class play much more like intended and much more tactical. Definitely stronger class w BPM, just less one note song.
    2 points
  3. I don't feel like I really need to elaborate- it's an unfun spam fest... How to fix it- anything you do to it can be considered an improvement- including flat out deleting it from the game. You have to spam hits to win- you have to spam health items to live- it genuinely is a test of endurance on how long can you click your mouse while spamming max heals- which AREN'T EVEN MAX HEALS -since it debuffs you so heavily. Here's a copy paste from my review script I'm drafting- sorry- this boss fight depresses me so much that I just can't bother re-writing this... but I will quickly censor the swears. Please enjoy the praises of the other bosses- cause they are actually well made- and all praise ends as soon as the Infected Broodmother comes onto screen. ******************** I was so ready to sing the praises of the Optional bosses when I first found them- -The Broodmother in the Hedge was a treat- and felt like a super Spider boss fight- with spiderlings and orb weaver's everywhere- exactly how you would expect it to feel. - The Boss weapon you get from the Broodmother is really disappointing- It's once again- a 3 hit combo that has no actual special features- no special hit combo- and it does less damage than most other weapons... -The Mantis fight inside the flower pot is more technical- as it has prowess in hand to hand combat- and requires a shield to block some of the attacks if you don't dodge or hide behind the bark of the flower Bush. It also has an earthquake attack that scared the hell out of me when it one shot me. - The boss weapon you get from the Mantis fight is also really bad- it's a scythe that advertises stronger hits- but still is a disappointment compared to most other weapons. -The Wasp Queen fight inside the storage box is really fun- as it requires more of those ranged weapons- and SOMEHOW - it makes use of the Green Magic Staff- since the orb produced by the staff flies- and bounces around while electrocuting the queen and her drones. - The boss Armour acquired provides buffs to ranged weapons- and any friends you may be playing with. It is consider "Bard" armour- and is generally useless in solo play. But then.... comes the Infected Broodmother.... This Boss fight is found inbetween the rocks near the pesticide container... and I genuinely wish it didn't exist... The infected Broodmother is an absolute **** disturber- and I cannot insult this awful fight enough. The Infected Broodmother is genuinely completely unfair- and it caused me to lower my difficulty to Easy for the first time in the entire game- but you didn't think I won did you? Noooo, NoNoNo- This boss fight is so unfair that even on easy I was having the worst time trying to defeat this thing. -The Infected Broodmother has 3 stages to her fight- the first phase is easy- she dies, and comes back to life- no harder than a wolf spider with extra health... -The second stage- sports the Infected Broodmother jumping around and producing huge spore clouds that prevent you from moving faster than a drugged snail- along with activating a self healing mechanic. This part is pretty bad, and causes the battle to be really hard as it is- since getting closer is more challenging, and she'll slowly heal if you don't get any hits in for a while. -The last stage of this fight is so awful I'm having a hard time writing this script properly- The Healing mechanic is turned up to 11- there are constant spore clouds restricting your movement- it now craps bombs directly below it- and it is jumping around like a goblin on crack. Any strategy you think this boss fight has- it does not have it- no matter what you do the Infected Broodmother heals constantly- even when you're actively dealing damage. It also applies permanent debuffs to you that stack- causing all damage and healing you do to be far less effective than usual. This- paired with it's crack head energy- causes you to watch as the health bar increases past the damage you dealt- often going back up to complete full health. I tried ranged weapons- magic- and every single weapon that sported the effects that she was weak to- none of it did anything to this monster. I found myself slogging forwards with my trusty Battleaxe- just spamming hits as much as possible- while spamming 50 of the biggest health drink I could make. Even after all of that- I still barely won, and my battleaxe was now half broken. If you enjoy clicking your mouse until you get carpel tunnel syndrome- then this godforsaken boss fight is for you. Oh yeah- the boss weapon is a really crappy reusable grenade that requires you to kill the boss 3 times just to have enough resources to build it... so yeah- genuinely the worst boss in any game I have ever played. If it weren't for the Infected Broodmother- and the awful Boss weapons- I would give the secrets of this game a 10/10 Due to the Infected Broodmother alone- I'm forced to give the secrets a 5/10 ********************* Please fix this awful boss fight It makes me sad that it even exists The boss weapons would love to be fixed too- but this fight is worse than pulling out my fingernails... and makes me want to rip out my hair.
    1 point
  4. I've been in stitches for the past day since starting to watch Love is War, my eyes are hurting from all the tears from laughing and the pain in my sides. The show is really cuuuute, sometimes painfully so, but the english narrator really lifts it and turns the humour to new heights!
    1 point
  5. Rogues get 25% sneak attack +5% per PL. BPM Trickster get 5% sneak attack +5% per PL. Both get an ADDITIONAL 50% with Death low. So BPM Trickster starts a bit low but ultimately does comparable bonus damages, while getting 1 additional free ability per Tier. Still very strong IMHO.
    1 point
  6. I have released a 2.6.2 with minor spell tweaks, Wild Leech rework and Rejoice Comrades buff accross the board. Deadfire Balance Polishing Mod at Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Sorry if I didn't wait to include the translation but I wanted to release something this weekend due to personal constraints. I might be unable to make new releases for a couple of weeks. The only change to the text files is a new text for Wild Leech ability description (which is in the nerf package due to not being a strict buff from vanilla game and CP versions). So only 1 change in "abilities" file in nerf package.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Fair enough, making the scenes more dynamic and cinematic does indeed increase cost. However, Obsidian was one of Microsoft's big acquisitions and is being prominently pushed as a 1st party developer for them. Microsoft didn't exactly have a wonderful 1st party 2023, what with the that is Redfall and the wet fart that is Starfield. They desperately need a big hit or two this year. If Microsoft wants to compete with Sony they gotta go HARD. Toss Obsidian some more money and hook that $#!+ up. They ain't gonna beat Sony by half-assin' it. All the bells and whistles or they gonna be playin' second fiddle forever. I don't know, maybe Microsoft is cool with being second place? That's all they've ever been, except for the times they've been third.
    1 point
  9. I have to say, I dislike the cuts they make between episodes. There is no need to rely on cheap tricks when the show is more than good enough to get people to watch the next episode. Then again the manga wasn't that much better in that regards...
    1 point
  10. Delicious in Dungeon 3: Another good episode with an interesting challenge. Laios shows that he is crazier than the dwarf. Living armor isn't edible. Or is it? Frieren 19: Frieren and her team decide to use a strategy that will challenge every other team in the test. Fern gets into a battle and her opponent underestimates, her. The next episode will be interesting.
    1 point
  11. If YT gives you any trouble with your ad blocker, you can just install Ad SpeedUp. It works without a hitch and has (probably?) the advantage that the creators still get a cut of the ad revenue. Not sure, but I guess the companies running the ads through YouTube might be a tad unhappy about it.
    1 point
  12. Honestly, they just took their source graphic files and didn't shrink them down on export. Then they cranked a few graphic settings up and called it a day. Calling this a "Remaster" is either hilarious or extremely dishonest, or probably both. Sure they apparently added some new game mode, but that easily could have been just a 10 bucks DLC like someone else said... of course it wouldn't sell as good as "hey look, we REMASTERED the game!"
    1 point
  13. I pick greed. The answer is greed. The reason for this existing is greed. It's something the studio can whip up quickly with little resources spent and shove it out the door to make a quick buck AND as a bonus keep their name on peoples' lips. It's not exactly the AAA equivalent of an asset flip, but same idea. Minimal effort for a quick buck. I think Skyrim is one of the worst things to happened to gaming recent-ish-ly. Skyrim showed publishers that they can release the same game a hundred times and there are plenty of people out there dumb enough to buy it a hundred times. Edit: I guess we can go back further than that with Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Super Duper Extra Hyper Street Fighter 2 Turbo Alpha Diamond Edition, and so on. Thanks Capcom!
    1 point
  14. welcome thoughts, comments, feedback. I love em though!! Templar [MC]: Hand of Bërath Priest (Berath) Paladin (Shield bearers) Race (Nature Godlike) Primary role (Tank) Additional roles (Healer, buffer, DPS magic with scrolls) Weapon style (Sword and shield) Primary mid-game weapon (Sword: Min's Fortune) Primary end-game weapon (Flail: Magran's Favor) Small Shield (Xoti's Lantern for thrashing aura) Active (Arcana 20+) Passive (Religion 20+) Hunter: Flavio del Maricón Ranger (Sharpshooter) Cipher (Beguiler) Race (Orlan) Primary role (DPS ranged) Additional roles (Crowd control) Weapon style (Two-handed) Primary mid-game weapon (Arquebus: Red hand, for 2 shots per turn) Animal companion: Boar Active (Mechanics 20+) Passive (Bluff, Survival, Streetwise) Sage: Tama Pièdmont Monk (Shatterpillar) Wizard (No subclass) Race (Aumaua) Primary role (DPS melee) Additional roles (None) Weapon style (Two-handed) Primary early-game weapon (Summoned staff) Primary late-game weapon (Summoned lance) Headgear (Thaos Headdress) Active (Alchemy 20+) Passive (History, Insight, Diplomacy) Swashbuckler: Jack Spãrrow Rogue (Streetfighter) Fighter (Unbroken) Race (Human) Primary role (Tank) Additional roles (DPS melee, debuffer) Weapon style (Sword and shield) Primary late-game weapon (Sabre: Aldris Blade of Captain Crow) Medium shield (Lethandria's Devotion) Medium armor (Casità de Samilta) Headgear (Fair favor) Active (Sneak 10+, Sleight 10+) Passive (Intimidate 20+) Theurge: Saruwūman the Blue Chanter (Troubadour) Druid (Fury) Race (Moon godlike) Primary role (DPS magic) Additional roles (Healer, summoner, debuffer, buffer) Role (DPS magic, summons, buffing) Weapon style (Sword and shield) Primary early-game weapon (Scepter: Any, for modal) Primary late-game weapon (Wand: A Whale of a Wand) Large Shield (Cadhu Scalth, for scaling buffs) Active (Athletics 20+) Passive (Metaphysics 20+)
    1 point
  15. Since this a Deadfire forum I think the title is spoiler-free. I hope. Would have posted in stories forum but seems completely dead. Anyway, Rymrgand says and does things that makes it sounds like he is somehow different from the other gods, like he has a more fundamental role in Eora? In particular this line from Beast of Winter has me wondering. This isn't really a spoiler except to tell you that in The Beast of Winter you talk to The Beast Of Winter, but I'll tag it anyway. Read it and tell me what you think. He says
    1 point
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7FLCg4KdyE this is the best video essayist join us
    0 points
  17. Hazbin Hotel. I really liked the pilot...that released four years ago on YouTube. It was pretty messy, it tried to do too much in too short of a time, the animation was a little janked at parts...but as someone who almost universally hates adult animated TV shows and who doesn't normally give anything they don't immediately like much of a chance, liking it at all was pretty much a miracle. A while back, it was announced that A24 had picked it up to adapt it into a full series, and I got excited for it, and there are now four episodes out, and I watched all four episodes, and...I just kind of hate it, as it pretty much categorically misses every single thing I liked about the pilot and just feels like a flanderized parody. The lesson I have learned here, for the umpteenth time, is to never get excited about anything.
    0 points
  18. In addition to Sarex points, head bob and weapon sway are two more that will get me. Basically whenever Im looking at my own two arms then Im too close in. Even slightly over the shoulder view is ok, but looking out of my "own eyes" is . Goes all the way back to Doom/Duke Nukem/RoTT/Heretic/Hexen. Hell, even watching my own kid play Overwatch would give me a headache after about 15 minutes.
    0 points
  19. Based on the photographic evidence, it looks like some sort of Kinect revival game is on the cards.
    0 points
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