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This works with the community patch and I am very happy and grateful for this awesome community.2 points
Gorecci Street is kind of biased cause it is so early that you have barely any time to "build" anything. It is a crash test, but not very representative.2 points
Version 2.6 has just been released (with all changes discuted above... and removing the Troubadour passive from small portrait UI Tooltip...) : Deadfire Balance Polishing Mod at Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) If you like the mod, don't hesitate to promote it a bit around, because it is not that well-known oustide of the official forum2 points
No, you have to spend 100 hours in the ship builder, because next to it even vi seems easy to use. And, just so you know in case you have never used vi, well... that takes some doing. Does that answer your question?2 points
I have been playing The Bookwalker. It is a small indy game with some first person walking about in the real world and isometric walking about inside the books. In this setting, writers no longer writers don't use their imagination to write. They enter books and affect them from inside. As such they don't really write anything new, they just murk about with existing stories. You play a writer who was sentenced to wear writer's shackles, to prevent you from doing writer stuff, until you work off your sentence. Of course you don't want to write drivel dictated by the state, so you do illegal writing for hire - basically you enter books and steal items from the books. You can kinda tell it is a game made by two European developers wanting to make something different. It is rather charming. People who may like this: Keyrock2 points
Dread Delusion It's still in early access and far from complete, so I just pop in periodically to see how it's doing. I'll start from the beginning when it fully releases, whenever that is. Still, it gives me the warm and fuzzy Morrowind vibes, on account of how weird and alien the world looks, it's worth it to me for that alone.1 point
It's possible to edit variables in the SkillManager object's SleightOfHandSettingsComponent which affects difficulty. VisionModifier & DetectionModifier - How much detection/visibility affects difficulty. LevelModifiers - How much the victim's level affects difficulty. ItemModifiers - How much the item's category (such as weapon, consumable, quest item) affects difficulty. It's also possible to edit the loot lists (though it's not possible to mod which characters use which loot lists), the loot lists can look like this: It's possible to add conditionals to whether a single loot item, a nested loot list, and/or the entire loot list itself should be loaded. It's not possible to make a specific item harder/easier to pick, apart from changing its category's difficulty.1 point
@Noqn might know. I'm guessing if you look in the right file you'll find some JSON that dictates the pickpocket difficulty as well as what treasure you get.1 point
Sure, you don't want porn mods popping up in a live streaming tournament that 8 year old little Billy might be watching and OH NO little Billy saw boobies now he's scarred for life or whatever. Won't someone think of the children!? /clutches at pearls I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there were no live streaming Resi: Revelations tournaments in 2023 and there won't be any going forward. Furthermore, the 160ish people still actively playing this 11 year old game are almost certainly the most dedicated and hardcore of hardcore fans of this game and they almost certainly all know each other by now. They can hash this out by themselves thusly: ChrisPunchBoulder762 - "Hey xXxA$$MASTURxXx, you mind not running that nude Rachel mod for this session? I find it distracting to see her running around with her milkers out." xXxA$$MASTURxXx - "Yeah, my bad. Hang on, I'll disable the mod and log back in, give me 30 seconds." Problem solved. Side-note: Rachel already has her milkers out in the vanilla game so when Capcom is accusing people of inappropriate character models they should first look in the mirror. Seriously, this is her in the game sans mods:1 point
Frieren 18 Frieren and Fern start their test to become a 1st class mage. The mages in the academy have no idea of who Frieren is. It's been 79 years, but shouldn't they know about the mage who defeated the Demon Lord? I hope they get a nice surprise later, when Frieren gets the license. That is, if she passes it. The first test involves teams and Frieren's is not the most harmonious one: They also showed a brief scene for Frieren's birthday. 21 candles? Is it one for each century?1 point
It is odd. The only information I have related to the modding from Capcom is that they consider some mods negatively affecting their reputation (because purposefully lowering the performance and removing modding do not /s). In the context, I assume it might be related to a modded copy of Street Fighter running during a competition. I hope that the blow to the public image from the DRM will be larger than from the nude mods, not to mention the time and resources it will take to implement. https://www.eurogamer.net/capcom-warns-of-reputational-damage-from-mods-which-violate-public-order-and-morals https://www.pcgamer.com/street-fighter-6-tournament-accidentally-broadcasts-chun-li-nude-mod-to-the-world/1 point
1 point
I've tried to play it on EGS, but the Ubisoft DRM kicked in and after several windows, the demo still was not running. So, I guess, missing this one. I doubt that it will be available on GOG or Steam/EGS without double DRM. The RPS review was favourable and I like the screenshot-on-the-map feature, accessibility settings, and the visual style.1 point
I played through Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown demo. It looks quite excellent. it is also first time I noticed that Ubisoft games are missing from Steam - I suppose it shows how much I care for the usual Ubi releases. Last game I bought and played was from the very same studio - Rayman Legends. Hard to believe it's been 10 years already.1 point
Slayer Seeker Survivor Standalone mod. Make a custom lvl 16 party, but any equipment you want, reach lvl 20 quickly, use it vs various foes. The mod is basically made for this.1 point
I just load up some random savegame, use the console to create the character in question and then spawn some appropriate enemies.1 point
1 point
Here's the list of ammo types in Starfield: Why the **** would you do this? What is wrong with you, Todd? How is this beneficial to gameplay? (side-note: "How is this beneficial to gameplay?" is the question that should be asked whenever anything gets added to a game.) Here's the complete, unabridged list of ammo that should have been in the game: Handgun bullet Rifle bullet Shotgun Shell Energy cartridge RPG Grenade1 point
Additionally to episode 18, Fern and Frieren gets assigned to two different groups (of mages) for the test, so not on the same team. Frieren ends up with two constantly fighting girls and Fern ends up with an imperial court wizard (that killed his opposition to get the position) and a psychopath young girl, that failed her previous graduation from class 3 mage to class 2 mage, because she killed the class 1 mage proctor of the test... We never really get any hints, that Fern is a curvy young woman besides Frierens references. Probably because she is dressed up like a Taliban bride (minus the headwear), covering her body fully. In Episode 3, Frieren "notices" the differences between the two of them Stark was a local village hero, because the village thought he subdued the dragon threatening the village (in reality, he was frozen to the spot in fear and the dragon lost interest in him). In episode 6, he gets persuaded by Frieren, that they can kill the dragon, freeing him up, so he can join her and Fern as the groups front line fighter. The plan is, he has to keep the dragon distracted for 30 seconds, giving the mages time to prepare magic for blasting the dragon to pieces. After some very long 30 seconds, Stark has unknowingly defeated the dragon all on his own and gives Frieren an earful because she is holding back and haven't delivered the killing blow yet (because he doesn't know himself, that he actually killed the dragon already, he whinges loudly that he has kept his part of the agreement, but Frieren still hasn't finished the dragon off)1 point
style is nice dialogue is absolute chuuni at least second season have sakura ayane in it1 point
Frieren 18... the little group has decided they need to be proper licensed mages. Fern is already a "class 3 mage", because she aced the test as the youngest participant ever. When asked why she went straight to grade 3, it was because it was the first upcoming test date Frieren herself is "unlicensed". Apparently the regulatory requirements and the institutions change every few centuries, so she couldn't be bothered to try to keep up. Frieren decides that she and Fern both are going to apply for the first class mage test. and they hitch a ride on a wagon to the city, where the test is administered. The conversations are a bit "strained" Fern makes a comment, that despite Frieren actively suppressing the power she radiates, she still radiates with the power of an experienced old mage (despite showing like 1/100th of her power) Because Stark took a dig at her in episode 6... Better just to sleep on it for now, because Frieren being Frieren, it's nap time (old people need their beauty sleep after all) There is very little innuendo in this anime, but what little there is, can be quite funny (this is a bit of an obscure reference to a scene in episode 3) I'll add a follow up with the two scenes referenced1 point
I have 3h 25m logged apparently, all on (fake) launch day. With every passing day it becomes less likely I'll ever come back to it. I like Skyrim well enough, and have in the order of 150 hours in it. I gave both FO3 and FO4 more of a chance than I did Starfield, but even then I'd had enough after 20-odd hours. And I absolutely despise Oblivion. Even as someone who had used vim extensively, using vi was a harrowing and arduous task. (For context, after a year of using vim for all my regular coursework, exams were conducted on machines which only had plain vi)1 point
For the new year, I bought a new road bike. I've had my Specialized Roubaix for 6 years, and I've put 20k miles on it, along with a few major crashes. So it was definitely time for a new bike. I went with a Specialized Aethos. It's a pretty good upgrade and has the fancy electronic shifters. I love it so far. I'm still using the old bike for my commute, but the new bike will keep me happy on weekends and for races. https://www.specialized.com/us/en/aethos-comp---rival-etap-axs/p/199444?color=335127-1994441 point
At least in retirement we'll have time to play this at launch.1 point
1 point
Vampyr Chapter 4, boss battle Chapter 5 Some random vampire in the sewers, because there was no boss battle in this part of the city yet. Found a police officer, but was unable to report anyone, except a dead vampire and a still-alive vampire hunter. The only way to deal with the murderous civilians was to bite them lethally. And the game seems to suggest doing just that. Somehow disappointed that the MC's father's watch is technically junk. Could not help the NPC - the vampire mind-controlling her was not in the game and just killing her would have messed up my run. Chapter 6 Was bitten. The mini-boss was nameless, but the door I needed to access was not interactive while he was not sufficiently dead. The final boss. Epilogue1 point
https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/resident-evil-revelations-update-reportedly-adds-drm-to-decade-old-game-breaks-it-then-removes-drm-for-now It is always disappointing to see such customer-hostile actions, but even more so concerning older (and presumably, safe) software.0 points
SoZ is the only form of NWN2 I played with any seriousness, though even then I quit just at the doorstep of the final dungeon because I didn't feel like I needed closure. I have very little memory of the original campaign, I couldn't even tell you if I got out of the tutorial because I don't remember anything other than something something village attacked, standard Obsidian temporary tutorial companion dies, then who knows. For MoTB I very clearly remember I quit the tutorial dungeon because a dungeon full of backstab-immune enemies is just no fun.0 points
Moddable? Rewards improving with level means coding NPCs with more items that have a requirement? That’s just some spreadsheet and itemization work, yeah?0 points