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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/20 in all areas

  1. All these open world games I don't care about getting forever sequels and remakes/remasters, meanwhile I'm STILL waiting for another Bully game.
    3 points
  2. You almost had me sold. But then you had to go and declare yourself president. Alas, it seems no one is immune to the lure of power. Reflect. Think about what you are doing. A peaceful transfer of power to someone who you know is much better suited for the job is still possible. Resign, and let Sunny bear that burden. For your sake. For all our sakes.
    3 points
  3. Vice President Smiles would like to assure all visitors of the Southern Hatchee Independent Territory that all gestures of affection and friendship expressed to the Senior Leadership will be returned in kind. Additionally she wishes to inform all visitors to the capital that any food items that land on the floor are the exclusive prerogative of the Vice President.
    2 points
  4. Ahhhh the sweet air of freedom will blow through the Southern Hatchee Independent Territory until November then! Hey five months is better than most start up countries can boast!
    2 points
  5. I doubt anyone will care or notice until it is time to pay your property taxes, GD.
    2 points
  6. but those are screwdriver heads not drill bits
    2 points
  7. I've been playing Dead Cells ever since it was discounted on GOG not that long ago. Finally managed to beat the secret boss (i.e. finish Hell mode, also known as "5 BSC"). The difficulty curve of the game is really weird. It starts out easy, stays that way until two boss stem cells, then becomes insanely hard, three and four stem cells is comparatively easy again and 5 BSC is... strange, because the only truly difficult part for me, apart from not paying attention and dying to something silly is the Hand of the King (final boss in 0 to 4 BSC). The first run I've managed to get past 5 BSC HotK was the one I beat the game at - I'll freely admit that I've watched a bunch of people kill the final boss on YouTube before ever seeing him so I knew what was going on, but still, killing him first try was weird. I've seen people on Steam and Reddit post that they can defeat Hand of the King with no issues but struggle on The Giant or the final boss. For me that's entirely the other way around. Both The Giant and the final boss have very well telegraphed attacks that seldom overlap into ridiculous stun lock insta-gibs. HotK can do that, his attack patterns are way too random, they can sometimes get stuck and heaven forbid if you whack his transition phase too quickly and he fist charges you into leftover Disgusting Worm bombs. It's also really frustrating when he summons exploding banners, follows this up with his super-souped up Telluric Shock and then forces you to eat the banners by dashing around. Anyway, fun game. Will probably play some more, there's this final, final ending left to see and all that. 140 hours so far out of a 10 € investment ain't half bad.
    2 points
  8. Baldur’s Gate 3 Early Access in august maybe. Newer gameplay reveal on June 18th
    1 point
  9. Well crap... now I do feel bad
    1 point
  10. I've mentioned it quite a few times.
    1 point
  11. I'm about 25 hours into a replay of Elex. I'm mostly done with Edan and Tavar and thinking about heading to Abbessa now that in terms of character strength I've finally gotten over the hump and don't have to run from every fight. Last time I played I joined the clerics. This time I'm thinking about joining the berserkers. What's surprising to me is how much easier the game is on a second playthrough. Mostly 'cause now I know when to run and when to fight and I'm not banging my head against a wall as much trying to do one quest. Instead if I can't beat a boss for a quest, I move on to the next one on the list and keep going and come back to it later. You know, like how the game is designed to be played.
    1 point
  12. every history teacher who ever had vol as a student is weeping. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  13. would be fun, just to see us get eviscerated on national tv for the second time in our life. am predicting categories such as the following: french poets, jazz, the kentucky derby, stamps, chinese emperors, seinfeld. ... HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  14. Volo, I have to get a medical procedure done and they're talking about making me take a test 3 days prior. Not sure if it's just to see if I currently have it or if they're doing an antibody test as well.
    1 point
  15. Little bit of theorycrafting on Demon’s Souls by Vaatividya or how it’s spelled...
    1 point
  16. Eco design of course. Recharchable baterries make lower carbon footprint *shrugs*
    1 point
  17. already were. edward g. robinson, an excellent actor who were unfortunate typecast a bit too often, were advocating civil rights reform and championing an end to workplace discrimination based on race way back in the 1940s. more vocal support such as his back in the 40s and we might not be where we are today. he also had an extensive private art collection, but am not sure how relevant such is. guy had gravitas even playing a scene with mcqueen, malden, calloway and ann-margret, 'mongst others. ... am also a big fan o' karl malden, but am honest not aware o' his political activities or skew. could show his famous on the waterfront scene, which would also be relevant in its own way. a few degrees o' separation makes near anything relevant if you got a little imagination and a bit o' trivia-level knowledge. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. not 100% certain what your personal pov is, but personal, we do this all the time. example: somebody gets apoplectic angry 'bout south park scientology jokes and we draw tentative conclusion the person is either a follower o' scientology, and/or is a person who will be offended by many o' our personal opinions 'bout scientology. depending on the nature o' our relationship, we will take the crude litmus test o' measured offense and decide whether or not to discuss scientology in the person's presence. reasonable and ordinary. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  19. Perhaps I should have named it the 5.0+ Build Compendium. The ultimate is in reference to the Ultimate Patch as opposed to the Ultimate achievement. And there are plenty of builds floating around, especially ones that are still playable from before 5.0. Additionally, spending just a little time reading on these boards, you can easily come up with interesting builds based on the dozens of notes posted by, for example, Boeroer.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. According to Fox "News" they were Democrats and got exactly what they deserved
    1 point
  22. Pillars 3 Stardust Crusaders
    1 point
  23. I think this sums up my stance nicely. Pillars 1 for Zahua the story, Pillars 2 for Konstanten gameplay improvements.
    1 point
  24. Pillars 1 for narrative Pillars 2 for gameplay
    1 point
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