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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/19 in all areas

  1. Salutations All Its mandatory to have a Christmas post over this festive time. What is everyone planning for Xmas and NY, this period is not just relevant for Christians but its where we can hopefully spend the time with family, friends or just relax with whoever we consider significant I am having Xmas in Durban with some of my direct family, this year most of family are going skiing in Lech in Austria so due to logistics and leave we not getting together at out beach cottage. I am not going skiing due to leave restraints so this Xmas I will be with some of my family. We going to be eating Turkey and Gammon as our main meal and for NY I will be flying to Johannesburg to see friends, we haven't decided what we will be doing yet So what is everyones plans and just as important what do you typically eat for Xmas and what do you normally do on Xmas eve and or day, I am always interested in these types of events Either way I hope everyone has a great time and here is to a good and prosperous 2020
    5 points
  2. Christmas Eve (today) is going to be spent with a bottle of nice Cognac... The following days, hanging out with friends... New Years Eve... getting senselessly drunk. I've given up trying to get a hangover, so no sense in trying Nearest family is 20.000+ km away, so it is going to be a week of hanging out with the friends I've made down here. Which is not bad at all actually. Made some very good ones the last few years. Chinese (mainland and Taiwan), Serbians, Aussies, Kiwis, various parts of India. Interesting bunch Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone
    5 points
  3. Greetings employees of Halcyon, We are thrilled to share with all of you that The Outer Worlds soundtrack is currently available to listen to on Amazon Music and is being made available on multiple streaming services over the upcoming weeks! We are so excited to be able to get this out to all of you and hope you enjoy listening to the soundtrack outside of the game. Soundtrack Locations (will be updated with links as the soundtrack is released on these platforms): Amazon Music Google Play Spotify Deezer iHeartRadio Tidal iTunes/Apple Music Amazon On Demand Pandora (coming soon) Napster (coming soon) TikTok (coming soon) Shazam (coming soon) Gracenote (coming soon) ToucTunes (coming soon) Thank you, everyone, for your continued support, and we hope you all enjoy listening to The Outer Worlds wherever you are! Now we would like to allow Justin Bell, Obsidian's studio Audio Director and the composer for The Outer Worlds, to share a message with all of you: Almost every day since The Outer Worlds' release, I've received messages of appreciation from folks who played the game and enjoyed its soundtrack. Many have wondered where they can listen to it online. Many more have sat on the main menu, volume full blast, unable to start the game because they have been transfixed by the title theme. To all of you who have been moved by TOW's score, I want to say "thank you" from the bottom of my heart. Your support is incredibly meaningful and is a continual source of inspiration for me. I'm so happy we're finally able to share the soundtrack to The Outer Worlds with you. Thank you for your patience and enjoy your musical journey throughout the Halcyon Colony!
    3 points
  4. I went to the grocery store on Saturday so I'm not planning to leave home until I go back to work next year. Christmas with the pups. The conversations on this board are often funny. Frequently thought provoking. Sometimes sad. Even poignant every now and then. But they are always entertaining. And that is entirely because of the unique cast of characters that post here. You guys are all awesome. Merry Christmas and Happy 2020 to all of you and your families too!
    3 points
  5. admission: there is one religion we wouldn't shed tears over if it were sudden outlawed and disappeared from human memory. am talking the religion which inspires nothing but hate and tribalism to degrees irredeemable. pettiness and ignorance are promoted by their clergy and the saints of the church are increasingly those individuals who flaunt any societal norms, embracing illegal and immoral behavior with callous impunity. the faith is a stain which will only be washed away by oceans of tears and blood. *shudder* HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  6. Well, both leave me sweaty, broken and dissapointed with my performance
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Merry Christmas guys, I'll probably be off until early January (as in Orthodox Christmas).
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. had leftover duck carnitas so we made duck carnitas enchiladas and spicy baked black beans as a complete unnecessary side. nothing green involved save for cilantro and oregano as part o' the carnitas recipe. on extreme rare occasion we do enchiladas with duck carnitas (am o' the opinion the crispiness o' the duck is somewhat undercut by using in enchiladas,) we typical we go with a mole or adobo but went straight traditional enchilada sauce for this eve. am pleasantly torpid. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  11. You can tell a badly written story by the fact that no one knows wtf is going on because everything is vague, incomplete, incoherent, things contradict one another and so on. Just look at the forum - endless debates on "what the writer had in mind". A good writer writes what he has in mind, and then if you have a deep mind you get even more out of it. A bad writer writes a lot of mumbo jambo and throws a bunch of "deep" words in in order to create an appearance of depth and meaning. Positive example here is Tolkien - his works are the result of clear and powerful mind. You know who is fighting whom, why, and what are their goals. If you have a sophisticated mind, you can get out of it a lot more than someone who only sees battles and adventure. His works produce awe and clarity. PoE story has the opposite effect on mind. So, that being said, can someone explain to me who is who in PoE because wiki is useless. 1. I supposedly promised something to Berath in PoE1. What exactly would that be and why is she still mentioning that? I played PoE1 a bit but I don't think I finished the storyline. I don't even know what Berath is about in any relevant way and as I said a wiki description of "oh that's a god of death / reincarnation / whatever" is by no means helpful in gameplay terms. These attributes are added to gods in some randomized pointless fashion, and thus for example Woedica seems to be a goddess of justice but she doesn't act like it at all, not in the least (bad writing is what it is). 2. What is Eothas doing? He wants to destroy the Wheel? Ok cool, and what does he want to achieve with that? I've seen countless pages written on this forum about that because no one understands anything (bad writing). So I'm supposed to make choices in an RPG game not knowing what it's all about? How can I side with or against Eothas if there is no story whatsoever? Gods don't explain anything because 'I'm only a Watcher so I don't need to know anything' (great writing), and Eothas also says "oh yea, you just let me do this thing and it's all gonna be great". Amazing approach, every justice system in the world should implement this. Forget witnesses and evidence, just go with the feeling and pick one side and rule in their favor. 3. What is Xoti about? Collecting souls in her lantern and trapping them there? Oh wait no, she's in fact freeing them! Spectacular writing, every totalitarian measure is introduced the same way - 'no no, we're not limiting your speech or freedom of movement, this is for freedom and protection!' Ok so what happens later? There are apparently some choices I can make with Xoti in the end, but what are those choices? Or do I need to let her trap souls whole game to find out in the end that she'll use them for some nefarious purpose? Why wouldn't I kill her right away and not risk it? And then I even read that, no matter what I tell her in the end, she might not listen to me. What? 4. What do I do with Eder? Oh that's right, I don't know, because I don't know who Eothas is and what he's doing. This guy fought against Eothas if I'm not wrong, and then if I'm not wrong it turned out that Eothas was doing something.. that's good? Whatever that is. And Xoti as a Priestess of Eothas is drooling all over this guy. Err, didn't he fight against her god, what am I missing here? Shouldn't she put Eder into the lantern? Right now I'm leaning towards endgame choice "Eothas, destroy everything", but I have a feeling the writer would be back in PoE3 or PoE2 DLC's.
    1 point
  12. I really don't know. The relationship between a person and God (whomever they acknowledge that to be) is actually extremely personal. A prayer is such a quiet thing. Words only meant for one to hear. It's ironic that such a private and singular connection is inextricably tied with collective activities such as public worship services in churches, temples, mosques, etc. I've managed to become a pretty religious man while eschewing any participation in organized religion. Going to church certainly reinforces faith. Doctrine gives it structure and differentiates on faith from another. But, to my knowledge, God himself has never issued any specific instructions regarding what those faiths or doctrines should be outside of the four eyewitness accounts of Jesus's life. And even then for those to be credible you'd have to acknowledge Jesus's divinity. Certainly something not everyone can do. And those four eyewitness accounts of Jesus's teaching do not exalt any faith over another. If anything they reinforce the idea that the relationship between humans and the divine in entirely personal and singular. When it comes to spiritual needs I think people want to know there is a meaning and purpose in life. That there are reasons why things happen the way they do. Maybe there is. Maybe there isn't. And even if there isn't it does not preclude the existence of God. And even if there is it does not mean it's something we can understand. Attending church services, salat in a mosque, shabbat in a temple, or mass in Rome will certainly make people feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. That might be called a spiritual need. The affirmation you are not alone. It's no too unlike being at a home game for your favorite sports team. I don't know if that makes you closer to God. But, IMO only, no matter what you are doing if you feel closer to God then you are. So I guess my answer is: Is there a meaning in life? Am I alone or part of a greater whole? The only two I can come up with. Edit: Just re-read this. I kind of wandered around it a little. Hope it makes sense.
    1 point
  13. So I was just wondering what everyone named thier character? I know it makes no real difference to the game or story, and is just personal choice, but have you chosen funny / silly names or proper sensible ones? I have gone for, so far, MALCOLM REYNOLDS (because, let's face it, this game is Firefly the videogame! ) and ALEX HAWTHORNE (so my character doesn't have to lie about his / her name! )
    1 point
  14. Trying to compile a list of collectibles that have been found throughout the game. Just anything that you've picked up or have been rewarded that ended up in the Captain's Quarters or a Companion's Room. There seems to be quite a bit of stuff I've found, but there's no way I have everything.
    1 point
  15. So it actually is masturbating, then?
    1 point
  16. You meant "pointless". Have a nice Christmas y'all!
    1 point
  17. Is that some euphemism for masturbating ?
    1 point
  18. Washer has been giving trouble, first intake valve was leaking so we had that fixed and now the pump is acting up - well I think it is. So no washer for a good chunk of time, sort of a pain to hump laundry over to a laundromat, especially with the amounts we have to do. Thinking about just getting new ones, but as it's stackable we'll probably have to change the washer and dryer (physical size is going to be an issue as well as warranty) at the same time and Bosch, our preferred brand, only makes condenser ones which won't work for us.
    1 point
  19. thinking something similar and you may ask yourself, well how did i get here? same as it ever was same as it ever was same as it ever was ... HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  20. am not sure what happened, but for us the linked video channeled a bit o' charlie daniels. regardless, somebody needs get that guy in orange a ricola. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  21. Yeah, Sydney is burning... or at least it's closing in on the suburbs. Adelaide is feeling the smoke too. Speaking of Australia, the 2020 underwater hockey season is about to kick off. Yes, it's a thing https://vuhc.org.au/category/news/
    1 point
  22. A Mongolian/Latvian mix. I often like unusual, new creations
    1 point
  23. Spent a good chunk of the day working on rust busting the stove. I got the door open and removed it. The inside isn't too bad. I ordered a few bottles of Birchwood Casey Blue and Rust remover. I've already gone as far was WD-40 can go. Time to get serious.
    1 point
  24. Should have made it a Roguelike Point & Click Adventure game. With procedural generated interactive points for QTE pixel hunting.
    1 point
  25. Sounds like it's a problem with you, wussy casual.
    1 point
  26. earlier in the thread we mentioned the appeal of straightforward villains and simple answers. immigrants are the problem, so build a wall. religion is the problem, so outlaw faith. is childlike in simplicity, but am suspecting that is the appeal. if a solution cannot be summed up on a poster or hat, then it will fail to resonate with many people. is why education is so important. hurl, thanks to his history education, recognizes the abject failure previous attempts to outlaw religion has suffered. those nations which has outlawed religion to varying degrees didn't see a reduction in fear, hate, bigotry or any other evil often attributed to religion. and yeah, is easy to point to highly educated individuals who nevertheless deny history and facts, but educate society as a whole results in lessening o' ills even if pace o' change is glacial. argue that benefits o' religion is outweighed by evils? sure. however, outlaw religious practice and belief is a far different thing than debate social ills for which religion is blameworthy. 'course even education may be twisted by oppressive authoritarian regimes and their attempt at control. is only 1% o' the population and yet the chinese are going to extremes to control. is not gonna be a satisfying answer, but consider what is most important to people. love. family. justice. such things ain't real in any sense save that folks believe they is real. even family. child accidental switched at birth. child don't know he/she isn't real family, yes? parents with switched child don't know either. family bond exists 'cause you believe it does. could we exorcise family bond in a generation? sure. take all children from their birth parents and have 'em raised by the state ignorant o' their biological mother and father. do such for two or three generations so nobody recalls "family" save for The State. am guessing fruit o' such an experiment is you end up with a nation o' psychopaths, but family as we know it would be fundamental changed by such control, no? gd would die and even kill for a rusty chainsaw. is 'cause o' what he believes the chainsaw represents. such belief is not real and tangible, but gd's belief is genuine and earnest, yes? from our pov, "real" is the least important query. when we consider what we would die for, and what is worth living for, such stuff is almost never real save for 'cause we believe. liberty. faith. love. god? tell us family and love is more real than god? dunno. seems thin. power o' such stuff comes from belief, and belief can be the most real thing there is. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. Besides a sense of tribalism, what good is religion? For the first 9-11 years, most of us absofeakinglutely believed in Santa Clause. Why? Because that's what we were taught. Then one day we learned, haha no, its our family. That's the same reason people believe in "god". Monkey see, monkey do. Somehow they just never outgrow it. Theres 10's-100s of thousands of people on Earth right now that have seen a UFO, but not one has seen god. There isn't a single shred of concrete evidence of god in our historical records...its like a worldwide mass hallucination brought on by fungus infused rye.
    1 point
  28. The 2016 Cowboys accept your challenge.
    1 point
  29. Oh come, we got Wikipedia for our factual needs and Facebook for our spiritual needs. We don’t need religion and priests anymore
    1 point
  30. Yes! /frown Just kidding. Correct away.
    1 point
  31. I still feel frustrated about PoE2 because the experience felt like a good game stuck behind a pair of, well, boat anchors. If one took out the clunky, repetitive ship combat system and replaced it with a quick-resolve dialogue interface, it would immensely improve the exploration feel. Likewise, chasing giant body of a god was very distracting to the remainder of the game. If they just dumped the body on the first island and left the outcome a mystery to the end, the mid game would have been much more enjoyable.
    1 point
  32. Okay, this is by now an old thread but I thought I'd update it, if that could be of any help. I've filled in some of the blanks from the reply above. Vicar Max's Quarters Pocketwatch (Phineas' secret lab) Nyoka's Quarters Snake skin (Roseway, locked house near the main gate of Roseway) Ellie's Quarters Medical Journals (Auntie Biotics lab, top floor, on a table in the central room) Felix's Quarters Terror on Monarch poster (Botanical lab, Edgewater) Tossball 1 (Fallbrook, Monarch, near Westley Alexander) Tossball 2 (Scylla, close to where you find SAM's decorative lights) "Danger!" sign (Raptidon pen, Aunt Cleo's covert lab, Roseway) Dissident magazine (this is an item that Felix brings with him to the Unreliable)
    1 point
  33. Had you finished the first game, you would know that you had to make a promise to a god to reach the boss. And "and thus for example Woedica seems to be a goddess of justice but she doesn't act like it at all, not in the least (bad writing is what it is)." Is not bad writing- all the gods are massive hypocrites and are portrayed that way. It's even stated outright in the first game that despite being the goddess of justice, Woedica is the goddess who is most willing to break her own rules (just as Rymrgand wants to annihilate all souls- except the souls of his followers that sustain him- those he preserved forever, thus denying them the Nirvana they seek).
    1 point
  34. Once in a while I turn on something besides FFXV. Once in a while. --------------- I'm not sure yet if I find this cute or scary. The contrast between more realistic/detailed animals and the "cartoonish"/low-detail humans is a bit disconcerting. Odd decision. Gameplay seems decent tho.
    0 points
  35. I've never finished the first game, because the "look around in the environment"-puzzles were so damn boring.
    0 points
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