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  1. https://imgur.com/a/ldkHKdl
    3 points
  2. "I don't know why I would use this platform"
    3 points
  3. In Germany we have the perfect term for that (I mean as usual right? ). It's called "Bauernschläue" - which would translate to "farmers' smartness" or something. So basically agri-smart. It describes a certain form of cunning. Ha... I just learned that it can be translated to "peasant's cunning" - according to dict.cc. Is that a real thing? So Edér is def. bauernschlau. And funny, too.
    2 points
  4. I'm of the belief that Bernie would have won in 2016 as I don't believe that level of support for Trump existed then as it does now. To your point, I also knew people that hated Trump but voted for him as the lesser of two evils but have since turned into Trump diehards in the following years. Anecdotal but I've heard other people say the same. It's part of the reason I got off social media, got tired of old friends and acquaintances becoming more politically radicalized. Complete disengagement may not have been the best answer for civil discourse but was the best choice for our sanity.
    2 points
  5. Just tested (running the community patch and UI patch) and Garrote passive heals me with a scepter. Nice synergy there, if you aren't needing the heals to sustain in melee, you heal most of the DMG from the scepter modal (15% vs. 20%). Let the ranged paladin builds commence!
    2 points
  6. I can see how these teams lose to -15 boys team.
    1 point
  7. On the other hand we have the saying "Der dümmste Bauer hat die dicksten Kartoffeln" which would translate to "The most stupid farmer grows the biggest potatoes". With a little bit of fantasy you could also translate that to "The most stupid farmer has the biggest balls" - which would make even more sense somehow I guess. And suddenly the himbo circle is complete.
    1 point
  8. Good point about unkillable phantom.
    1 point
  9. Small and medium shield modals do give a recovery penalty, though. That might be the confusion.
    1 point
  10. I'm watching this since a few days. It made me lol a few times already.
    1 point
  11. @Guard Dog am not certain why the candidates aim so low on what amounts to fantasy offerings. would get more mileage if they claimed, if elected, every US family would get a free robot butler/supercomputer with drone capability... 'cause some folks like drones. tell people the robot could be leased out to companies so that an individual would not need go to work anymore if they did not wish to. or why not offer every american a personalized executive order grant? end income tax. abolish Congress. compel journalists to be unbiased. why limit to possible when is obvious that fantasy is an option? heck, could say you would give hbo 100 days to start filming a better season 8 for got and if that don't happen, harris would then use executive order to make'em do so. am betting harris woulda' gotten better feedback with our GoT option. wasted opportunities. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  12. Yeah that's nonsense. Shields don't make you slower. They don't give you any speed or recovery malus. They can give you an accuracy malus (medium and large ones). And that's it. Some shields even count as offhand weapons. If you equip one of those you will be dual wielding and using a shield at the same time. And that makes you faster. You can even pick Two Weapon Style then and Weapon and Shield Style - they will both apply. Those shields are rel. rare though. I think we have three in the game: Tuotilo's Palm, Magran's Blessing and the one from the SSS DLC. The spikey one I forgot the name of...
    1 point
  13. 1a) correct, 2.5. Main hand's recovery gets omitted because of Full Attack and offhand's reload gets canceled by the switching. 1b) 2.5; the reload would be longer due to single handed -> but it gets cancelled anyway by switching. So only switching recovery remains. 2) no. Only Quick Switch and Black Jacket. I never tested Blade Cascade from Scordeo's Edge with switching though. 3) as above. Streetfighter bonus does not influence switching time of 2.5 secs. 4) nothing. Action Speed bonus is the same mechanic as Action Time reduction by the way. So if you read about both don't be confused. Sometimes the game shows Action Speed Bonus in one place - but Action Time reduction in another. Example: look at Frenzy's description which uses Action Speed bonus as value. Then (when frenzied) look at your weapon's attack speed and see how that action speed bonus translates to the actual action time reduction (the seconds you spare).
    1 point
  14. No, that would be completely new to me. The weapon switch itself adds a fixed amount of recovery. Iirc 2.5 seconds. This additional "switching recovery" is not influenced by the weapons you wear. It only changes with Quick Switch (-1.5 secs) and Black Jacket's passive (-1 sec). But of course: if you strike with a dagger and switch immediately then you have to wait for the dagger's recovery (3 sec) plus the switching time (2.5) until you can strike again. With a sword you would have to wait 4 + 2.5 secs. You can't cancel the recovery times of weapons or spells with switching in Deadfire. You could do it in PoE1 - but not PoE2. What you can cancel with it is reloading. You can fire a gun or crossbow and then switch to the next weapon set. The reload will be canceled (will be resumed later though should you switch back to that weapon). So it will not get added to the switching recovery. In most cases this is faster than reloading - even if you don't have Quick Switch etc. But you can't cancel weapon/ability recovery. A Black Jacket with Quick Switch can switch with 0 additional recovery. That means he can fire up to 4 weapon sets of reloading weapons once without any recovery/reload. He can also switch recovery weapons all the time and it will not slow him down. It's no difference for him in speed if he switches or not. This is all meant for Real Time with Pause though, not Turn Based Mode.
    1 point
  15. As much as I hate DnD5e, why even bother with it if they're going to do their own **** anyway?
    1 point
  16. Maybe from a gamer position. I like modding games and even with Steam that is usually possible. Streaming on the other hand will fully rule this out, as you never get access to the important files.
    1 point
  17. Ah, sorry, i meant carnage. I sometimes play english, sometimes my native language, and things get mixed im a strange ways
    1 point
  18. Andrew Yang, he's a silicon valley entrenpuer. edit: Ninja'd, but anyways..... I saw on the 538 liveblog that he spoke little because he was sticking to the debate time rules (inexperience?), but he, like Williamson (the author shadysands is referring to), didn't get many chances to speak either. TBH though, the debate format of 10 people all at once just doesn't work all that well. It didn't work well in 2016 and it still doesn't work well. I know the DNC is trying to appear as inclusive as possible after the debacle of 2016, but theres gotta be a better way to handle debates and large fields like this.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. sign o' the apocalypse? enjoy-joy your stay. HA! Good Fun! ps if they figure out a way to leave a taco on your pillow, we might be won over by 'em.
    1 point
  21. They make more money by selling full priced games. The 'rent' equivalent is the actual subscription service which is their selling point, but that won't get all the new release games to encourage people to buy instead. It's the same general theory EA has with Access: you pay a bit per month to get older games, you pay more per month to get newer games and perks, you can still buy the new games; and it's best for EA if you both buy the new games and subscribe since you're double dipping on the costs. But then Origin Access is also very good value, so long as you're sensible, and I doubt Stadia will be for most people. It's kind of exploitative, but the average tribal gamer moron is pretty much asking to be exploited.
    1 point
  22. Himbo a good-looking but unintelligent young man. "how did she trick audiences conditioned to drool over himbos into falling for a middle-aged guy with a slight case of rheumatism?" I have never heard this word in 29 years of life. Err... Yeah I guess he is! Although isn't he meant to be middle aged? Edit: Since my girlfriend just falls asleep when I go on a rant about meaningless things, my only outlet is online. I can't stand portmanteu's of words. They always come off as a desperate attempt to appeal to the hip and young or whatever but always seems like a boardroom of executives and marketing people came up with it! I think the worst part of the entire Britian voting to leave the EU thing is that AWFUL TERM everyone has decided to use. I refuse to say it, it's so stupid and that will be the word that goes down in the history books. At least one day the sun will become a red giant and all history of this nonsense will go forever. Unless someone managed to figure out the secret to interstellar travel and takes our pointless history with them!!!! /rant
    1 point
  23. and that is why Gromnir goes the extra mile and pays for hookers. 'pon reflection, is possible our observation ain't exactly the anticipated takeaway gorth had in mind when he shared the anecdote. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Ideally none of those, because they are very binary, and therefore such path is picked once, and mentaining it is dull, with clear cut choices (see all Bioware games). My fav. RPG roleplaywise are once when choosing a path isn't as simple - you create base goals and ideals by which your character lives, and try to go through the game and examine decisions by those ideals - sometimes you will do good, sometime you will do bad. I am yet to see a straight up "bad" path done well. Being cruel, for cruelty sake never made much sense, especially if being good is just as beneficial. Not many games a brave enough to "punish" player for being nice. Pyschopath was never appealing to me, as combat generally isn't the most appealing thing about RPGs - therefore willingly engaging with combat, and locking myself out of the good part of the game isn't my idea of fun. So I hope that marketing is just easy to consume representation of something more nuanced and interesting.
    1 point
  26. good news, bad news. while we weren't a fan o' dos2 combat neither, and as such a larian bg3 is not a slam dunk for us, the interviewer in our link were a larian fan. the thing is, the larian guy kinda pushed back on the notion o' bg3 incorporating dos2 gameplay. made clear that, first and foremost, bg3 were gonna be a d&d game. whatever liberties the developers is taking with the rulez, they is making efforts to replicate a tabletop d&d experience... to some unspecific degree. the thing is, d&d 5e might not be gifted's cup o' tea neither, so... regardless, interviewer did a poor job o' revealing much 'bout bg3 save for accident. when larian guy were correcting preconceptions and expectations o' the journalist, then we learned a bit. HA! good Fun!
    1 point
  27. Im less than enthused that Larian is making this game. I don't think I played more than 1-2 hours of Original Sin...I just didn't like the combat. Ive heard OS2 went even further off the rails wrt combat so I doubt their style will suddenly appeal to me.
    1 point
  28. The Ranger Class Is Getting Some Changes In D&D (And Baldur's Gate 3) if already linked, then am apologizing for repetition. too lazy to check. ... actual listened to podcast. ... needs to be a new word to describe these guys who interview game developers and publishers, 'cause journalist carries with it undeserved preconceptions. from the podcast we learned more 'bout the interviewer's crpg preferences and opinions than we did 'bout bg3 development. call somebody a journalist is unfair 'cause it carries with it expectations o' minimum competence and professionalism. given what is diminished standards for game journalism in 2019, is perhaps unfair to burden these folks with the baggage Gromnir brings. need a new word which ain't inherent condescending, but am kinda at a loss. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
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