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  1. Ok, now Priest trinkets. THey will be switchable like grimoires so you are not stuck with one during combat, you can use the trinket slot + Quick Item slots. Here are some ideas that I wrote down. Some of those spells are copies of other classes' spells, but they'd get their own icons and names and sometimes even altered effects. The intention is to make it less "cheap" to "steal" spells from other classes. But we have to widen the spell choice a little bit. Else you could only do 3 or so trinkets since the original spell choices of a Priest are not that numerous. Anyway here is what I came up with. Feel free to comment and post your own ideas: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dyrwoodan Prayerbook Why: Widen spell portfolio. Promote the use of the prayer spells which most Priests don't pick at level-up. Description: This small book contains simple and catchy prayers and litanies. Variants of those are used in most churches throughout the Dyrwood. Although the different churches all have their own interpretations they mostly have the same effect on the common believer. Contained spells: 1. - (maybe Blessing?) 2. Prayer for the Body 3. Prayer for the Spirit 4. Litany for the Body 5. Litany for the Spirit 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Additional effects: • +1 PL with Inspiration spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Sermon of Punishment and Redemption Why: Eothas-themed (because the whole game is about Eothas). Widen spell portfolio. Promote punishment spells for priestly DD builds Description: Saint Rumbalt was among the first of the Eothasian pilgrims to take up the Emperor's offer of resettlement in the distant territory of Readceras. A dedicated priest of the Shining God, Rumbalt was regarded as a leader in his community, known both for his unwavering dedication to his congregation and his stern vigilance against lapses in doctrine. What survives of his sermons reflects this duality, for he emphasized the redemptive power of the faith even as he warned against the dire punishments awaiting those who rejected Eothas' beneficence. Contained spells: 1. Barbs of Condemnation 2. Pillar of Faith 3. Divine Mark 4. Shining Beacon 5. Searing Seal 6. Pillar of Holy Fire 7. Storm of Holy Fire 8. Symbol of Eothas 9. Light of Eothas Effects: • +1 PL to all Punishment spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Building on Solid Foundations Why: PoE Nostalgia. This trinket brings back the Priest talents from PoE with which you could buff your Holy Radiance and Interdiction abilities. Implementation can be done differently (e.g. as different trinkets or as passive effects that get unlocked at the fitting PL). Also widens spell portfolio quite a bit (with this implementation). Description: This essay refers to the well known book „Daily Affirmations of Focus and Efficiency“ that is very popular among followers of Abydon. It describes certain excercises and techniques that allow a priest to improve and refine some of their basic abilites. Contained spells/effects: 1. Interdiction 2. Inspiring Radiance (+10 ACC AoE buff) 3. Empowered Interdiction (+10 ACC) 4. Aggrandizing Radiance (+2 to stats) 5. Painful Interdiction (weaken) 6. Brilliant Radiance (burn damage) 7. Intimidating Interdiction (frighten) 8. Reviving Radiance (revive like Revive the Fallen, but AoE) 9. Anathema (disoriented) Effects: • none --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Amber Star Why: themed on the Dawnstars - since they play a role in Deadfire. Widen spell portfolio. Lot of non-priest spells now "priestified". Enables to build a party healer as Priest (not Druid). Description: The six-pointed star is carved from amber. Numerous small pieces of violet crystal are entrapped within it. Contained spells/effects: 1. Restore 2. Light of the Dawnstars (The Moon‘s Light, Restoration) 3. Consecrated Ground 4. Aurora (Moonwell, Restoration, Protection) 5. Rays of the Morning Sun (...And Evil turned away from the Sun, Restoration, Protection) 6. Sunlance (Punishment) 7. Storm of Holy Fire 8. Hand of Weal and Woe 9. Light of the Midday Sun (Light of Pure Zeal, Punishment, Restoration) Effects: • Favor of the Dawnstars: +10% healing done --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Sentry Figurine Why: Widen spell portfolio. Promote the use of the unloved seal spells, make something for "tank priests". Description: This small figurine of an armor clad sentry is made of soapstone. A miniscule engraving on its back says „The guardian of our faith will let no heathen pass“. Contained spells/effects: 1. Halt 2. Repulsing Seal 3. Warding Seal 4. Wall of Flame (Punishment, Fire) 5. Searing Seal 6. Spiritual Ally 7. Shields for the Faithful 8. Sigil of Ardent Faith (Minoletta‘s Piercing Sigil, Punishment, Condemnation) 9. Incarnate Effects: • +1 Engagement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Feathered Monstrance Why: Widen spell portfolio mostly. If you get this trinket you don't need to pick those spells at level up which makes room for more circumstancial spells or for more passives. Hylea-themed because not much else is in this game. Focus on support. Description: This monstrance is made from colorful feathers and displays a central, opalescent tail feather of an unknown bird. Every time you look at it you feel uplifted. Contained spells/effects: 10. Holy Power 11. Holy Meditation 12. Holy Sh!t Dire Blessing 13. Devotions for the Faithful 14. Champion‘s Boon 15. Salvation of Time 16. Shields for the Faithful 17. Crowns for the Faithful 18. Soaring of Hylea (Light of Eoaths, but Swift for 30 secs instead of +50 health, Inspiration) Effects: • +1 to Inspiration Power Level --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finger of Death Appearance: a skeletal finger Why: Because you want to play a Deathguard, duh? Description: A remnant of Lord Raedric VI, the thayn of Gilded Vale and devoted follower of Berath. During your rule in Caed Nua, a peasant brought you this piece of finger bone and insisted that it's the finger of Raedric who turned into a Deathguard after his death and was finally slewn. Contained spells: 1. Death‘s Cold Grasp (PL1, Kalakoth‘s Sunless Grasp, keywords: Freeze, Punishment, Condemnation) 2. - 3. Necrotic Lance (PL 3, keywords: Acid, Punishment) 4. - 5. Death Ring (PL 5, keywords: Acid, Punishment) 6. - 7. Touch of Death (PL 7, keywords: Punishment) 8. - 9. Cloak of Death (PL9, keywords: Punishment, Condemnation) Effects: • Apparent Deathguard: -5 CON, +3 RES • Champion of Berath: gives the wearer the passive ability "Come Sweet Winds of Death" (aura, 2.5 m radius, no phrase counting, no scaling)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Cadegund‘s Powder Horn Why: PoE Nostalgia. Brings back the arquebus as a chosen weapon. The scaling makes sure it's best with Magrinites, but other priests can also use it. Also brings back the special ability every priests got with that weapon talent in PoE. Description: Not much is known about Cadegund, a battlefield Priestess of Magran. Her name is engraved on the side of this battle-worn powder horn which she used to reload her trusted arquebus with. Sometimes you hear a faint crackling sound from inside of it. Contained spells: 1. Inspired Flame (Lesser Burst of Summer Flame, less base dmg: 14-22, keywords: Fire, Punishment) 2. Spiritual Weapon Arquebus (burning lash scales up with Aggressive/Clever and down with Passionate/Diplomatic dispositions; model: Arquebus_Superb) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Additional effects: • Magran‘s Drill: -20% reload speed with firearms (note that this will not stack additively with Maia's armor or Sure Handed Ila. So -20% and -20% --> NOT -40%) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sabhan‘s Rat Skull Why: PoE Nostalgia. Brings daggers as a chosen Skaen weapon. I tried shackles (Ball and Chain ingame model without the Ball) but it is not possible. Skean already got stiletto and club like in PoE, So I had to come up with something else and daggers seems to be a good fit. The scaling makes sure they are best with Skaenites, but other priests can also use them. Also brings back the special ability every priests got with that weapon talent in PoE (in this case Lesser Sneak Attack). Description: This skull of a rat is white and polished and has eyes made from blackstone. You have the impression that it squeaks in your backpack from time to time. Better to put it near you, that poor thing. Contained spells: 1. Insinuation of Rebellion (PL1, Whipers of Treason, Keywords: Condemnation) 2. Spiritual Daggers (dual, corrosive lash scales up with Cruel/Deceptive and down with Aggressive/Benevolent; model: Dagger_CRE_Animat ) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Prey on the Weak (Lesser Sneak Attack: +10% dmg, scales up with Cruel/Deceptive and down with Aggressive/Benevolent - note that this will stack with other additive dmg bonuses, e.g. when multiclassed with Rogue or Fighter and so on). Debateable if a Skaen/Rogue with perfect dispositions would be too good. Maybe remove the scaling? Or maybe it would just be like a Single Class Rogue's Sneak Attack. Also depends on the intensity of scaling of course. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: The Golden Bulla Why: PoE Nostalgia. Brings Morning Star as a chosen weapon for Eothas. The scaling makes sure it's best with Eothasians or Gaunites, but other priests can also use them. Also brings back the special ability every priests got with that weapon talent in PoE (in this case Hope Eternal - but adopted to Deadfire). Description: A gilded and sealed bulla. There are ornamental suns all over its surface and no visible weatherin marks. No matter how hard you try you can‘t open it. Yet when you touch it, you feel encouraged. Contained spells: 1. Soothing Warmth (PL1, like Lesser Lay on item Hands_Healing_Hands but with PL scaling) 2. Spiritual Morning Star (burning lash, scales up with Benevolent/Honest and down with Cruel/Deceptive; model: Morning_Star_Superb) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Hope Eternal: Resistance against Resolve afflictions (passive) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ivory Key Description: A key made from the tusk of an unknown mammal. The head is carved into the form of a human skull. Once you hold it all those distracting emotions get damped down a bit. Why: PoE Nostalgia. Brings Macer as a chosen weapon for Berath. The scaling makes sure it's best with Berathians, but other priests can also use it Also brings back the special ability every priests got with that weapon talent in PoE (in this case the Pallid Hand). Contains spells: 1. The Pallid Hand (PL1, lesser Concelhaut‘s Corrosive Siphon, 5 base dmg instead of 8, keywords Acid, Punishment, Restoration) 2. Spiritual Mace (corrosive lash, scales up with Stoic/Rational and down with Cruel/Passionate, only main hand; model: Mace_Exceptional) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Undying Gatekeeper: melee hits drain 10% of the damage dealt as health ---------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dried Ear of Grain (before you ask, an "ear" is not the thing with which you hear - in this case) Why: Due to the other nostalgia weapons. Couldn't let Xoti down. Description: Despite its fragile apprearance, this ear is surprisingly hard and resilient. It emits a soft warmth when you hold it in your hands. Contains spells: 1. Burning the Stubbles (PL1, lesser Torrent of Flame, foe-only!, 15-25 Burn damage, keywords: Fire, Punishment) 2. Spiritual War Scythe (weapon proficiency Pollaxe, burning lash, scales up with Benevolent/Honest and down with Cruel/Deceptive; model: Lord Darryn‘s Voulge) ◦ OR Spiritual Hayfork (weapon proficiency Pike, same otherwise; model: Lance of the Midwood Stag) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Bounteous Harvest: +1 spell use of spell level 1 per kill ---------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ice Shard Why: Due to the other nostalgia weapons. Couldn't let Vatnir down. Description: An ice shard from the White March which radiates cold. It is said that it was taken from the Russetwood crater. Oddly enough, it doesn‘t melt - even under the hot sun of the Deadfire Archipelago. It‘s really convenient to put it near your food supplies… Contained spells: 1. Glacial Gust (Druid PL1, Winter Wind, keywords: Freeze, Punishment) 2. Spiritual Battle Axe (two handed, freezing lash, scales up with Honest/Rational and down with Benevolent/Diplomatic; model: Beast of Winter "hammer" -which looks like a huge primitive wilder axe, but scaled down to kith size - if possible. Else Amra or Oathbreaker's End model) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Enigmatic Cold: while afflicted, Freeze damage heals for 10% instead of dealing damage ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name: The Executioner‘s Hood Why: Due to the other nostalgia weapons. Couldn't let Woedicans down. Description: This torn and burned hood can‘t be worn anymore. But every time you touch it you feel a surge of righteousness. It helps you to make all those hard but just decisions. Contained spells: 1. Guillotine (PL1 like Blessed Harvest) 2. Spiritual Executioner‘s Sword (Geat Sword, raw lash like Woedica‘s Spiritual Fists, scales same; modal: Great_Sword_CRE_Naga) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Coup de Grace: +20 health on kill ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Glass Eye Why: PoE Nostalgia. Brings Quarterstaff back as a chosen weapon of Wael. The scaling makes sure it's best with Waelites, but other priests can also use it. Also brings back the special ability every priests got with that weapon talent in PoE (in this case Incomprehensible Revelation adapted to Deadfire). Description: This doesn‘t look like the usual glass eye. Actually it looks like a real eye floating in a glass sphere together with some glitter. And you could swear it winks every time you look away. Contained spells: 1. Sparkling Glitter (PL1, Arkemyr‘s Dazzling Lights, keywords: Condemnation) 2. Spiritual Quarterstaff (like Wael‘s Spiritual Rod, model: Quarterstaff_Superb_Fampyr) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Incomprehensible Revelation: gain the Smart inspiration for 10 secs every time you confuse an enemy -------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it for now...
    6 points
  2. Great news, @Boeroer. Contrary to real life: never go without a priest(ess).
    1 point
  3. I also watch Captain Marvel. It was great once she got to earth. I loved the 90's references.
    1 point
  4. Loving the priest trinkets ! Great job @Boeroer
    1 point
  5. Also hazard spells afaik (Walls and Sigils Seals).
    1 point
  6. I actually don't know if Ancient Memory stacks with itself nowadays. But if it does I would only use that single phrase with Exalted Endurance. Winds of Death is weak if you are not solo. If it doesn't then I'd maybe combine the dmg shield phrase with Ancient Memory. Tekehu has foe-only Chillfog which targets fortitude. So I would maybe only use the Long Night's Drink with him. It's a strong phrase anyway - and if it overlaps you are more likely to keep most enemies weakened 100% of times. Or Mith Fyr since it's strong as well. Dragon Thrashed is really bad without a mod.
    1 point
  7. I would agree here. There's a bit of a conflict of build-up and payoff in the game as it exists now, in that a lot is invested throughout the playthrough to the mystery and wonder of Ukaizo, the notion that all major quests and all paths lead to clues of this mythical city and so on, and that when we get there we hardly get a chance to explore and witness this wonder ourselves. An out-of-focus parallax view of the city is the ultimate example of one of the few shortcomings in the game in neglecting the impact of actually *seeing* these lost wonders and ruins with our own eyes opposite to being told of or suggested as much (see several other dungeons across the game that would immediately teleport you inside, never allowing one to get a good view of what they were actually exploring). On a replay I appreciate the attempt to illustrate the same through a scripted introduction to each area, but I don't think a pen and ink illustration has quite the effect a fully-rendered isometric exterior does at the end of the day. Oddly enough, the comparison that keeps coming to mind regarding Ukaizo is actually Miyazaki's Castle in the Sky, whereby the film also follows a race to the mythical storm-ridden city of Laputa. The film does a wonderful job building up the expectation for the same, and then delivering it in the last act. The last act isn't a mere confrontation of forces at the footsteps of the city, we are literally taken for a tour from top to bottom of the same, the city and its 'secret' and history gradually revealed in the same. The fact that in it we learn more about the fate of its inhabitants, that in it we come to learn why the city died out and why it was as important and dangerous as it was, and coveted by the film's villain and so on, are all layers that add to its effect and enduring presence in our mind and so on. Ukaizo had components of the same, but felt almost like a sparknotes version, whereby the only elements keeping us from rushing from point A to B to C were a fight or two and not that, for example, we'd have to find our way and in the process learn more about Ukaizo itself. Every small area was a mere platform for a few scenes to occur in whereas the actual exploration of the city seemed to practically happen off-screen. Much more could have been done here, much more could have been learned, all of which would have led to a more satisfying final act. On the topic of Athkatla and Neketaka, I'll touch on the comparison soon if I can.
    1 point
  8. KD should go visit Kobe's doctor in Germany. Outside of that, I don't think he's doing much of anything on a basketball court next year.
    1 point
  9. On the positive side, you can be fairly confident that this is honest to goodness genuine gameplay and not a cutscene with someone pretending to "play" it, because no one would make a cutscene with gameplay that incompetent.
    1 point
  10. The Black Keep: This place is a bit of a labyrinth. Plus it's filled with Silent Legion skeletal soldiers. These guys are the worst. I got much better at fighting them as I went along and I got lucky since a couple of them dropped a ton of spiced haunches, which is a very strong heal (what skeletons are doing with cooked, spiced meat is beyond me), but even so, every time they hit you you gain corruption, which you can see as the purple starting to take over my health and stamina bars. I finally made it to the boss fight, The Kinscourge: He killed me the first time. It was a learning experience where I figured out his attack tells and patterns. He's quite slow, but he hits like a truck and has some attacks that cover a ton of distance. Luckily, I had dropped a bedroll right outside the entrance to the Black Keep, so I was able to quickly return and try again, especially since I now knew the layout. I got him on my second try, though it was a very lengthy, tough battle where I burned through almost all my healing, and I had a ton going in.
    1 point
  11. @up I don't remember what gear I had then( I switch a lot), but Str: 10+2BB+2bonus from bog+15monk+1gift+1Rabunya boon Con:10+2BB+2bonus from the bog+1belt(and +5 with infuse) Dex:15+2BB+2bonus from bog+5monk+1ring+1shoes+1 Rabunya boon Per:18+2BB+3Bonus from bog+1sagani+5eldrich aim(+1maybe background or kuaru prize) Int:15+2BB+2bonus from the bog+1ring+10 monk+2 necklace + 1maybe kuaru prize Res: 8+2BB +2bonus from the bog +2shoes+2Rabunya +2 Nature resolve More or less that what is on the screenshot , later I can check exactly.
    1 point
  12. I must agree here with @algroth. I found Neketaka to be one of the best cities in an RPG (better then Athkatla.) Grouping all "legit" factions in one cities makes story and gameplay sense, is convienient for quest purposes, and is a good representation of what Deadfire situation is at this moment in history. All factions have additional small settlements. Would it be nice for them to be bigger? Sure, but it is already a sprawling game working with limited budget. Granted, if individual faction settlements were seperate, allying with faction might have been a bit more extreme (like in New Vegas, where player will soon find himself welcome with one faction, while attacked on sight by the other). However, it is not the story Obsidian wanted to tell, as faction aren't at war with each other until endgame. They coexist, scheming behind each other backs, and that's where you come in - freelancing and working with each other, as long as you prove useful. Deadfire is not a very developed area of the world, and it makes perfect sense to have one major city, and multiple small outposts. It seems that really the issues OP has aren't with the city itself but that the game rushes endgame. We interact with the factions a lot, but don't really see the fallout of the conflict - rushed finale and ending slides is all that we have to work with. Seeing the city change is a great idea - and a very expensive one. I think a more realistic proposition would be - longer Ukaizo act, which changes depending what faction you ally with, or post game expansion were we return to Deadfire and see changes to Neketaka and surrounding areas for ourselves. I still thing that expanded Ukaizo would improve the game the most, alas the game is concluded. For the future: it depends what Obsidian has in mind. I think that sticking to one location served them well, allowing them to focus and fully explore limited culture in the world. WIth the potential introduction of fast traveling (valian experiments with adra) I wouldn't be surprised if we were to hop between major areas around the globe (Rauatai, Yekuza, maybe Aedyr etc.), especially if the game would move over to 3d engine, alla D:OS (practicality of 2d backgrounds might be questionable). That of course, creates a challenge of defining multiple places and cultures at once, which might be great if done well, and it might hurt if done poorly, due to how much needs to be defined/written. Coming back the the topic - I do think Neketaka to be a better version of Athkatla, however, sprawling adventures of BG2 were probably more satisfying. Replaying the game recently, it is important to remember how great the opening chapter of BG2 is, and how empty the city feels once the players returns there after Underdark (at least it is, if, like me, you complete all quests there before progressing the story with the factions).
    1 point
  13. I'll offer a counterpoint to your argument above: to me Athkatla was basically the finest city hub we'd seen in an RPG... Up until Neketaka. To me Neketaka isn't a problem in the game, if anything it is its biggest virtue; yet I see your post is less about an Athkatla/Neketaka comparison so I'll leave that for another topic, as there's much to discuss here already. Anyways, I feel that you are ignoring a lot of the aspects that grouping the warring factions in a single city add to the overall conflict and depiction of themes and so on. The conflicts surrounding Neketaka isn't just one of interest, it is likewise a cultural clash, and whilst we see plenty of it all across the Deadfire it is never clearer than in that single place where all cultures are constantly interacting with one another and melding, not just at an interpersonal level but right down to the fusion in architecture, aesthetics and the likes. There is a tension to the design of Neketaka that is not merely apparent in the dialogue and interactions, but in the city's construction, layout and aesthetic itself, which would never have had the same effect were we to split the influence of every faction evenly across the different smaller towns. For that specifically we already have a representative settlement for each, in the shape of Port Maje, Sayuka, Dunnage and Tikawara - what tensions and conflicts there are to explore in each I feel are handled solidly too, from the Huana camps in Sayuka to the history of conflicts with slavers and isolationist tendencies in Tikawara, and so on; and much as you propose in your alternative, I feel these already showcase perfectly the philosophies and worldview each faction holds. There was also a practical reason behind the presence of one big city opposite to multiple, from a production standpoint, which the devs spoke of a fair bit during production. As you probably are aware of, the first Pillars had two big city hubs opposite to a single one, in both Defiance Bay and Twin Elms. The response to this was... Somewhat mixed, from both the devs and players alike: the players felt Defiance Bay never felt as lively as an Athkatla, and that Twin Elms felt a little scarce in content, and the devs agreed on both cases and likewise felt like their time to come up with in-depth content and proper detail to render such areas was cut short by this division, forcing them to rush the two somewhat. Whilst having four city hubs with an adequate density of content and attention to detail would sound like a dream come true for many, the kind of work required for that would be exorbitant and the likely effect would be one where all four cities underwhelm instead (and as a small gameplay-related quibble here, if many of the quests across these cities would involve doing stuff in other cities, this would also add a lot of backtreading which is usually best avoided in any game, let alone RPGs which tend to be especially notorious for this). In theory one could split a city as dense in content as Athkatla or Neketaka into four smaller cities without losing on the amount of content present in the game, but in practice, psychologically at least the effect seems a lot less appealing. There's also the matter of what having four big cities means from a setting perspective too - the Deadfire isn't meant to be a place that's very securely settled and has had all these cultures inhabiting it and building settlements on it for centuries, they're literally new to the region, much of which is yet "undiscovered". The settlements are precisely that: settlements. You can see how the majority of Port Maje and Dunnage's buildings seem haphazard and not made with longevity in mind - in the former's case you can even see the state of the wooden planks comprising the walls of the Kraken's Eye for example already rotting away and losing their blue coat of painting. These settlements are *meant* to be small, they're there as an enterprise that even when we arrive to the place the mayor himself is unsure of its present or long-term success. Sayuka is very much a straight military camp. Tikawara has literally built huts out of ship hulls to try and show they're an actual village to those who come and visit them. To make any of these a city would be to dilute the point that all of this conquest, all of this expedition and process of colonization is at a very early stage and happening in the *now*, not decades or even centuries ago. That Neketaka's a massive city as it is has its reasons, but most of all it is because it's the centre of the Deadfire in terms geographical and power-based, it's the capital of the Huana as a culture and the one city presumably preceeding the colonist expeditions and so on. It is, strategically, the only place you'd want to set your base for your expedition (relating somewhat to theories of spatial competition and so on). And, to tie back to what we spoke of before, it also makes for an ideal case study and representation of the cultural clash between all of these factions. From a narrative perspective the "race to Ukaizo" I believe already does a fair bit of what you propose. Disregarding the incentives from our personal questline, each faction is already given a pretty clear and singular reason to why they want to make it to Ukaizo themselves: the Vailians are interested in what they can learn of animancy in what was once a major Engwithan landmark, the RDC's interested in learning more about the storms to see what can be done about the same in Rauatai, the Huana need it because the history of their people and culture is there, the pirates see it as a place with lots of potential booty and a good alternative to settle in and operate with relative impunity and so on. How we reach there also differs greatly given the choices we make and the faction and subfaction we ally ourselves with: eventually we are made to take part in some kind of move against one of the others and, again, we can see the eventual race pan out in several different ways depending on who we sided with and who we struck against in the process. To remove our attention from Ukaizo would be something that if anything would muddle up the narrative and reduce the stakes making our way there and to confronting Eothas and so on. If anything an issue the game had in its pre-5.0 iteration is that the faction conflict and the threat of Eothas didn't feel connected enough, and that's precisely something this last patch was attempting to address with its narrative additions and so on; so to create an ending that tends further away from the game's climax and thematic crux which is the whole event at the Wheel, I feel would only widen this divide instead. Here's the other thing too: I don't think it's an option to *not* finish at Ukaizo either; the narrative of the entire franchise so far has been built around the conflict of power between gods and kith, and the cultural shift from theocentric to anthropocentric instead. A Rauataian invasion to Neketaka or a Principi attack to Port Maje or Sayuka as expansions or replacements to the current final race to Ukaizo would be fun to play most likely, but would ultimately be rather meaningless spectacle, all in a saga that stands out for being motivated by themes and ideas first and foremost. Anyhow, some thoughts on my part.
    1 point
  14. I'm not against it. But the focus atm is on Priest and Druid trinkets since there is need. For other classes I would like to do trinkets that don't necessarily have bonuses but that somehow change some ability mechanics. For example a cipher trinket that lets you cast ally-only spells as self buffs (but you'll lose the ability to cast them on allies). Or a Fighter's healing (Constant Recovery + Unbending) would heal in an AoE but not the Fighter.
    1 point
  15. Implementing the romance can hurt the end user, if much of the character content of the NPC is locked behind the romance (note this doesn't hurt just the romance hater, but it effects all users presuming multiple romances Some can - and have - made the argument that a proper romance is beyond the scope of current games. However your argument here is a strawman, because you're abstracting a specific point of gameplay to the larger idea of the game itself. One only need to look at any game with a maligned minigame (which right now, Romances are treated as) and you can understand the idea. If you can't implement your lockpicking idea without it being frustrating to the end user, why implement it? They keep repeating it because Developers have made this point. people who aren't developers keep saying this point is invalid. I also find it charming that you think "writing a romance" as not being difficult, when its as difficult (or not) as any other thing you write. But as for resources, lets look at a theoretical implementation of a romance choice. Romance Option (RO) needs to be a fully fledged character whether you romance them or not This means RO needs to have two dialogue trees, one for the romance, one for not having the romance For RO to be a character (and not a puppet of the player), there needs to be conditions for a started romance to fail other than the player failing it. This means that some way of tracking this must be created and implemented Any reaction that RO has to story elements needs to have two reactions, one considering a non-romance option and one considering a reaction consistant with the progress of the romance The world itself needs to recognize the romance; what does the rest of the party think of the romance, if you stay at an inn, do you need a different rate because of a private 2 person room, do people recognize you as a couple. Should there be romance specific quests, what happens with these quests if the character doesn't romance RO? Does the scope of the game make a romance make sense? If you meet RO today, and the game only covers a week of life at best, is there enough time to develop a full romance? Should RO get mad if they are left out of the party? If you don't talk to them? Are they jealous of other ROs? Does the PC get affected by what happens to RO in combat and vice versa? Are there any systems that need to accommodate the romance? Probably much more to think through, but I hope this points out a romance is not a trivial thing tossed into a game at a whim with no cost to other parts of development. I don't believe anyone has been advocating that Romance = Sex. I have seen many people dismayed, in fact, with the lack of romance options that don't give a gratuitous sex scene before the climactic last fight, bioware style.
    1 point
  16. One or two of the 'stupid arguments' that you think you're refuting aren't simply reasons that people think games shouldn't have romances; they are reasons that the developers of this game have announced that there will definitely not be romances in this game.
    1 point
  17. OK, that's all I've got today
    1 point
  18. Who the **** romanticises Stalin? The best I've heard about him from socialist and communist wannabes is "he wasn't one".
    1 point
  19. This is the list of all current commands in the game. Extracted with dnspy from the assambly-csharp.dll under CommandLine [Cheat] AddExperienceToActiveCrew(int xp) [Cheat] AdvanceDay() [Cheat] AttributeScore(Guid character, AttributeType attribute, int score) [Cheat] ChallengeMode(ChallengeMode setting) [Cheat] ClearSkies() [Cheat] ClearStash() [Cheat] CloseCharacterCreation() [Cheat] CraftingDebug() [Cheat] CycleWeather() [Cheat] Difficulty(GameDifficulty setting) [Cheat] DisableWeather() [Cheat] EnableDeepWaterTravel() [Cheat] EnableWeather() [Cheat] EnchantingDebug() [Cheat] Fog() [Cheat] ForceShipAiAction(ShipDuelActionType action) [Cheat] FowDebug(bool value) [Cheat] FreeCamera() [Cheat] FreeRecipesToggle() [Cheat] GiveAllConsumableItems(int qty) [Cheat] GiveItem(Guid itemGuid) [Cheat] GiveItemToObject(Guid objectGuid, Guid itemGuid) [Cheat] GiveMoney(int amount) [Cheat] God() [Cheat] ImportCharacter(string filename) [Cheat] Invisible() [Cheat] ItemDebug() [Cheat] KillAllEnemies() [Cheat] LevelUpSoulbind(Guid owner, Guid item) [Cheat] LevelUpSoulbindObject(Guid item) [Cheat] LoadLevel(string name) [Cheat] LoadPartyMemberInSlot(string prefabName, int slotIndex) [Cheat] ManageParty() [Cheat] NoDam() [Cheat] NoDamage(bool invulnerable) [Cheat] NoFogWorldMap() [Cheat] NoMiss() [Cheat] NoShipDamage(bool state) [Cheat] OpenInventory(Guid target) [Cheat] PopParty() [Cheat] PrintLoadedLevels() [Cheat] Push(Guid character, bool left) [Cheat] PushParty() [Cheat] RefillShipSupplies() [Cheat] RemoveItem(Guid itemGuid) [Cheat] RemoveItemFromObject(Guid objectGuid, Guid itemGuid) [Cheat] RemovePlayerShipUpgrade(ShipUpgradeSlotType type, int index) [Cheat] RevealAll() [Cheat] SelectAbility(Guid ability) [Cheat] SelectAbilityByIndex(Guid objectGuid, int abilityIndex) [Cheat] SetClassLevel(Guid characterId, Guid characterClassId, int level, bool resetOtherClassValues) [Cheat] SetCurrentWeatherCondition(string weatherConditionName, float duration) [Cheat] SetCurrentWeatherForecast(string weatherForecastName) [Cheat] SetFog(bool enabled) [Cheat] SetForceCombat(bool state) [Cheat] SetGodChallengeEnabled(Guid challengeId, bool state) [Cheat] SetLocalizationDebug(bool val) [Cheat] SetPlayerBackground(Guid newBackground) [Cheat] SetPlayerCaptainLevel(int level) [Cheat] SetPlayerCulture(Guid newCulture) [Cheat] SetPlayerGender(Guid gender) [Cheat] SetPlayerName(string name) [Cheat] SetPlayerRace(Guid race, Guid subrace) [Cheat] SetRandomEncountersEnabled(bool state) [Cheat] SetResourceLimit(bool enabled) [Cheat] SetShipDrinkSupplyRate(ShipSupplyRate rate) [Cheat] SetShipFoodSupplyRate(ShipSupplyRate rate) [Cheat] SetShipRepairPriority(ShipRepairPriorityType repairPriority) [Cheat] SetShipWageSupplyRate(ShipSupplyRate rate) [Cheat] SetSubclass(Guid characterId, Guid characterClassId, Guid subclassId) [Cheat] SetTime(int milliHours) [Cheat] SetUnrestrictedInventory(bool state) [Cheat] SkillCheckDebug(bool value) [Cheat] SpawnPrefabAtMouse(string prefabName, float xOffset, float zOffset) [Cheat] SpawnPrefabAtMouse(string prefabName) [Cheat] SpawnPrefabAtPoint(string prefabName, float x, float y, float z) [Cheat] TestTutorial(Guid tutorialGuid) [Cheat] ToggleObjectHierarchy() [Cheat] ToggleResourceLimit() [Cheat] ToggleShipCrewDebug() [Cheat] ToggleUnrestrictedInventory() [Cheat] TransferControl(GameObject target) [Cheat] TransferControl(Guid targetGuid) [Cheat] TransferControlToHoveredCharacter() [Cheat] UnlimitedMoney() [Cheat] UnlockAll() [Cheat] UnlockAllMaps() [Cheat] UnlockBestiary() [Cheat] UnlockBiography() [Cheat] UnlockPets() ActivateCameraSplineFollow(float followTime) AddCameraSplinePoint(float x, float y, float z, float zoom) AddCameraSplinePointAtMouse() Aggression(Guid character, AutoAttackType aggression) AntiStagingWorldMap() AO() ApplyProgressionTable(Guid character, Guid tableId) AuditSaveGame() BatchDelay(float seconds) BatchDelayFrame() BatchDelayRandom(float minSeconds, float maxSeconds) BatchDeleteVar(string variable) BatchEnd() BatchGoto(string label) BatchGotoIf(string label, string conditional) BatchLabel(string label) BatchLetVar(string variable, string expression) BatchPrint(string expression) BatchRealDelay(float seconds) BatchRealDelayRandom(float minSeconds, float maxSeconds) BatchWaitForCombatEnd() BatchWaitForCombatStart() BatchWaitForCutscene() BatchWaitForIdle(Guid characterId) BatchWaitForLoad() BB() BindCommand(string key, string command) BloodyMess() Breakpoint() Bug() CastAbility(Guid casterId, Guid ability, bool empower) ClearAchievements() ClearBoundCommands() ClipCursor(bool active) Cls() ConditionalBreakpoint(string conditional) Cosmic(string code) Damage(Guid targetObject, float amount) DamageQuarterHealth(Guid targetObject) DeletePrefs() DumpPanelsWidgets() DumpUiFromHovered() DumpUiHelper(GameObject obj, StreamWriter writer, string indent) E3() EnableSceneStreaming(bool value) EnableShipDuelLogging(bool enable) Eval(string conditional) Exec(string filename) ExportCharacter(Guid character) ExportGlobals() Find(string name) FindCharacter(string name) FindConditional(string name) FindGameData(string name) FindObject(string name) FindPrefab(AssetBundleHint bundle, string name) FlickerHud() FXFade(float f) GetTransform(string objectName) HideGraze() IRoll20s() KeyDown(KeyCode keyCode) KeyPress(KeyCode keyCode) KeyUp(KeyCode keyCode) LearnAllAbilities(Guid character, Guid tableId) LockMapTooltips(bool state) LogAllObjectDebug() LogConversationsTo(string filename) LogDebugName(Guid dataId) MouseClick(int buttonIndex) MouseDown(int buttonIndex) MouseToObject(Guid instanceId) MouseToScreen(float x, float y) MouseToUiElement(string path) MouseToWorld(float x, float y, float z) MouseUp(int buttonIndex) MultiSamples(int multiSamples) Occlusion() OpenInCharacterSheet(Guid character) OpenInInventory(Guid character) PartyPathToObject(Guid objectId) PartyPathToPoint(float x, float y, float z) Pause(bool state) PauseEditor() PostToggleMessage(string name, bool state, string append = "") PrintConversationWordCount() PrintExecs() PrintGlobal(string name) PrintInstance(Guid id) PrintMaxFPS() PrintMultiSamples() PrintQuestEvents(Guid questName) private static string GetAllObjectDebugString() RecacheExportedCharacters() RefreshAllPanels() ReloadMasterUI() ReloadMods() RemoveAllAbilities(Guid character) RemoveCameraSplinePoint() RepeatCommands(int quantity) RepeatLastCommand() ResetAICooldowns(Guid character) SetAutoAttackState(Guid character, AutoAttackState autoType) SetCachingEnabled(bool enabled) SetCameraMoveDelta(float value) SetCameraTransparencyMode(TransparencySortMode sortMode) SetCharacterStatsDebug(bool state) SetCharacterStatsDebugFeature(CharacterStats.DebugFlags flags, bool state) SetCharacterStatsDebugSticky(bool state) SetCompressionEnabled(bool enabled) SetDefaultLegacyHistory(string historyFileName) SetDurabilityDebug(bool state) SetExternalCrashDir(string crashDir) SetFollowCameraEnabled(bool enabled) SetFollowCameraSpringTuneValues(float x, float y, float z) SetHudObjectEnabled(string name, bool state) SetInstructionSet(Guid character, int value) SetMaxAutosaves(int quantity) SetMaxFPS(int value) SetMaxQueuedFrames(int frames) SetModEnabled(string mod, bool state) SetModLoadIndex(string mod, int order) SetMouseFollowStrength(float strength) SetRelationshipHistoryLimit(int limit) SetSceneLoadBackgroundThreadPriority(UnityEngine.ThreadPriority priority) SetThreadCulture(string culture) SetUILayout(int layoutMode) SetZoomRange(float min, float max) ShowCommandBindings() ShowGodChallenges() ShowMods() ShowScalers() ShowVOIcons(bool setting) Skill(Guid character, Guid skillGuid, int score) SlowTime(float slowTime) StartStopwatch() StopAllExecs() StopExec(string filename) StringDebug(bool setting) Test(string message) ToggleAchievementDebug() ToggleAIScheduleDebug() ToggleAnimationOptimization() ToggleAttackDebug() ToggleCameraDebug() ToggleCameraSplineZoom() ToggleCharacterStatsDebug() ToggleCharacterStatsDebugFeature(CharacterStats.DebugFlags flags) ToggleCharacterStatsDebugSticky() ToggleCompileLowFrequencyScriptsOnDemand() ToggleCursorDebug() ToggleDebugEngagement() ToggleDispositionDebug() ToggleDrawCameraSplineDebug() ToggleDurabilityDebug() ToggleExecDebug() ToggleGameStateDebug() ToggleGhostDebug() ToggleHairTransparency() ToggleIgnoreZoomRange() ToggleIntroDebug() ToggleLegacyHistoryDebug() ToggleLevelScalingDebug() ToggleLights() ToggleNavMeshVisible() ToggleObjectCountDebug() ToggleOcclusionQuality() ToggleOceanMaskQuality() ToggleOnScreenErrors() ToggleOnyxGUIDebug() TogglePanelClippingDebug() ToggleParticles() TogglePartyDebug() TogglePause() TogglePrecompiledScripts() ToggleProjectileCameraTracking() TogglePseudoDeepProfile() ToggleRelationshipDebug() ToggleResolutionDebug() ToggleResourceDebug() ToggleScaler(DifficultyScaler scaler) ToggleSceneLoadDebug() ToggleScriptHistory() ToggleShadows() ToggleShipAIDebug() ToggleShipDuelLogging() ToggleShowFrameTime() ToggleSpellLimit() ToggleStatusEffectStatModification() ToggleTimedScriptsDebug() ToggleVegetation() ToggleWallMeshVisible() ToggleWeatherEffects() ToggleZoneDebug() TooltipCombatAbilities(bool state) UnbindCommand(string key) UnlockBestiaryEntry(Guid bestiaryId) UploadCharacterFileToSteamWorkshop(string characterFile) UseInstructionSet(Guid character, bool enable) UseStaticWindowSize(bool isStatic)
    1 point
  20. I use to be addicted to doing the Hokey Pokey. Then I turned myself around.
    0 points
  21. 0 points
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