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The true nazis are the ones who call their political opponents nazis because they disagree with them.


Or communists, libtards and so on.


The "or" is unnecessary.




The true nazis are the ones who call their political opponents nazis because they disagree with them.

A true nazi is someone who:

-Genuinely believes Hitler was a good guy

-Denies that the holocaust happened

-But secretly wishes it did


Technically you're right. "Fascist" would be more appropriate. But I was responding to the particular quote that branded 65 million Americans as "nazis".




The true nazis are the ones who call their political opponents nazis because they disagree with them.


I understand it's annoying that your favorite political spectrum hosted such barbarism - and the word gets thrown around too much.


My favorite political spectrum? What the **** are you talking about?


"But this not pointed towards the average voter to the right, just like 'commie' and 'SJ warrior' should not be pointed towards anyone, simply because they are to the left of you."

Re-read Raithe's quote, it's clearly pointed at the average voter on the right.

But we are seeing a rise of nationalistic fueled racism, with some pretty scary undertones - calling people Nazi who advocates segregation, racial profiling, internment of political adversaries, curtailing basic liberties, censorship and hardcore spinning of news .. is not out of the line.

This is only happening in the fevered imagination of the left.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan


"Technically you're right. "Fascist" would be more appropriate."


I'd disagree. The holocaust is a specifically German Nazi thing. Fascism is more diverse.

No, you're agreeing. I meant I should've said "fascist", but because I was responding to a specific quote I used the other word.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan



I wouldn't put too much stock into that. Saddam was uncooperative to do anything about terror cells that he shrouded. Unlike Pakistan, we could do something about it. The real counter-weight to Iran in the region was always the Saudis anyways. We went in really to dispose of Al-Qaeda, and dispose of one of the axis of evil that H. W. and Clinton failed to ever follow through with. More than anything I think W. was trying to follow through on his father's legacy. It's a region that had long bleed refugees into the west with a long history of human rights violations; At some point you have to justifying taking things to the source. At least today it's a republic, even if it hasn't secularized.



(1) Iraq was secular* under Saddam, as baathism is a secular philosophy. Same as Syria is secular under Assad, and Libya was secular under Gaddafi.

(2) There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq prior to 2003, and no credible links between Saddam and Al Qaeda. That's as debunked as his active WMD programme in 2003.

(3) The Saudis were and are a joke, if a rather grim and unpleasant one. If it had been the Saudi/ Iran War instead of Iran/ Iraq War the IRGC would have been in Riyadh in months if not weeks even if they had to swim the Persian Gulf unless someone actively bailed KSA out. They have money, and use it to buy influence, and they have Mecca; that's the extent of their pluses.


Personally I don't have much doubt at all that GWB was more or less honest in his approach to Iraq and believed what he was saying the vast majority of the time, he was just wrong and sometimes handed incorrect information deliberately by others. The neocon wing (Cheney etc) and even Blair (who almost certainly didn't believe what he was saying but may now have convinced himself otherwise) are more morally responsible; Bush's main sin was naivete.


*pluralist, actually; even Kemalist Turkey wasn't really secular.

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Well damn, why didn't anyone think of this before. Must be some people out there that really dig this badass scthick :lol:

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra


Must be some people out there that really dig this badass scthick :lol:


Out there? I'm pretty sure we've got some here.

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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.




I wouldn't put too much stock into that. Saddam was uncooperative to do anything about terror cells that he shrouded. Unlike Pakistan, we could do something about it. The real counter-weight to Iran in the region was always the Saudis anyways. We went in really to dispose of Al-Qaeda, and dispose of one of the axis of evil that H. W. and Clinton failed to ever follow through with. More than anything I think W. was trying to follow through on his father's legacy. It's a region that had long bleed refugees into the west with a long history of human rights violations; At some point you have to justifying taking things to the source. At least today it's a republic, even if it hasn't secularized.



(1) Iraq was secular* under Saddam, as baathism is a secular philosophy. Same as Syria is secular under Assad, and Libya was secular under Gaddafi.

(2) There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq prior to 2003, and no credible links between Saddam and Al Qaeda. That's as debunked as his active WMD programme in 2003.

(3) The Saudis were and are a joke, if a rather grim and unpleasant one. If it had been the Saudi/ Iran War instead of Iran/ Iraq War the IRGC would have been in Riyadh in months if not weeks even if they had to swim the Persian Gulf unless someone actively bailed KSA out. They have money, and use it to buy influence, and they have Mecca; that's the extent of their pluses.


Personally I don't have much doubt at all that GWB was more or less honest in his approach to Iraq and believed what he was saying the vast majority of the time, he was just wrong and sometimes handed incorrect information deliberately by others. The neocon wing (Cheney etc) and even Blair (who almost certainly didn't believe what he was saying but may now have convinced himself otherwise) are more morally responsible; Bush's main sin was naivete.


*pluralist, actually; even Kemalist Turkey wasn't really secular.



Secularism is all for naught when you live in an non-democratic society. Assad is part of a dynastic dictatorship propped up by Russia. If what I know about Gaddafi holds true though, what happened in Libya was some bull**** subversion by the DOD.


I checked on (2) and you're right, I thought that was part of the original justification. (It may have been, even though they were absent.)


No doubt W was naive.


Libya was also compounded by the fact that none of the combatants in the West went in to actually stabilize things. Obama tried to not make George W Bush's mistake by simply not putting boots on the ground and just ended up leaving a vacuum. As much of a multifaceted problem Iraq is, if Bush had pulled troops out right after felling saddam rather than stick around and help set up a government, Iraq could have been worse off.


We could have made Europe do it, but we're really the only one (well, okay, China could, as they have the numbers) with the resources to actually pull off a long term occupation.


Libya is Europe's fault, all the big movers were European (Sarkozy trying to Wag The Dog away his single figure approval ratings, and the UK primarily) and Obama probably would have liked to stay out altogether but couldn't let his allies fail. What happened after was stupid and predictable, but neither the US's fault or problem. Of course outside of Libya itself it's mostly Italy- that wasn't keen at all- bearing the brunt of the problems now, not France or the UK.


Few people really care about what happens afterwards anyway, not like there's a deficit of people wanting to repeat the same mistakes again as if there would suddenly be a different result.



Secularism is all for naught when you live in an non-democratic society.



Not really, 'secular' even with the quotes is better than fundamentalist whatever the system. In, say, Saudi Arabia you could be arrested for all the same things as in Syria- supporting reform, not liking the leadership etc etc- as well as practicing the wrong religion or being the wrong sect. You're also far more likely to evolve as a society if you're secular as you don't have to reform both the governmental system and the 'moral' system as well.


Hm, and now we're getting a rush of mixed reports of Bannon being out.

Has he gone? Has he been fired? Did he quit? Has he collapsed into a pile of necrotic tissue? No-one seems to know for certain and they're all a-flutter.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."


Hm, and now we're getting a rush of mixed reports of Bannon being out.

Has he gone? Has he been fired? Did he quit? Has he collapsed into a pile of necrotic tissue? No-one seems to know for certain and they're all a-flutter.


Some are saying that Trump wanted him out and Bannon and his allies are saying that he resigned, so, it's more like each side trying to spin it favorably.


Wow, Bannon out. Is there any precedent for this type of turn over?


After the election I was like, "Ok, gotta give the guy a chance to do his stuff." But it just seems to be getting worse and worse every week. How about just stopping with the tweets? That would seem to be an easy first step.

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Posted (edited)

How will Prietprat blow now with Bannon gone?


Is that like, the Russian translation of Brietbart?


Anyhow, they're definetly rallying to his defense, with one senior editor going #WAR in a tweet.


Incidentially, WH staffers are saying that he was supposed to have been fired two weeks ago, but it got put off.. Which gives some credence to the Brietbart/Bannon line that he had resigned on the 7th.




Wow, Bannon out. Is there any precedent for this type of turn over?


After the election I was like, "Ok, gotta give the guy a chance to do his stuff." But it just seems to be getting worse and worse every week. How about just stopping with the tweets? That would seem to be an easy first step.


The only real precedent is when a major scandal happens, but it feels like theres a major scandal or a major development to a scandal every week or every other week.

Edited by smjjames

Wow, Bannon out. Is there any precedent for this type of turn over?

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How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.


How will Prietprat blow now with Bannon gone?

Was wondering the same thing. I figured they'd stick with the Donald but a quick check of the site is giving me some hope

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