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What You Did Today


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Going to start working at 50% today, not too confident to be honest.

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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i burned my hand, turned a pair of pants into swiss cheese and i almost burned my house today... all while doing something i did 1000 times: fried potatoes.

i put the pan on the stove and while waiting for it to heat up i went in the bathroom for number 2 thinking it would be fine. as soon as i got back in the kitchen though, i saw the oil in the pan boiling violently and went to take it off but before i could it burst into flame. my initial thought was to dump it in the sink but knowing that water and oil is not a good combination in this case i did not and while thinking how to get rid of it the fire got bigger. it took me just a few moments to came up with the idea to just dump the whole thing out in the garden where the moist grass will keep the fire from spreading and i could use the hose to keep it contained but in these moments the fire got too intense and i barely made it out of the door before the burning in my hand got so painful that i just threw the pan away without caring where it will go.

the oil splash put holes in my pants and made small burns on my legs, the area between the thumb and the index of my right hand got the worst of it and hurts like hell, a bit of oil dripped on my left ring finger, i have soot all over the kitchen, a burned patch of grass and a ruined pan... and no lunch yet.

the one obvious solution that i did not think of until now that i'm writing this, was to put a lid and a weight over the pan to starve the fire from oxygen

Edited by teknoman2

The words freedom and liberty, are diminishing the true meaning of the abstract concept they try to explain. The true nature of freedom is such, that the human mind is unable to comprehend it, so we make a cage and name it freedom in order to give a tangible meaning to what we dont understand, just as our ancestors made gods like Thor or Zeus to explain thunder.



What? You thought it was a quote from some well known wise guy from the past?


Stupidity leads to willful ignorance - willful ignorance leads to hope - hope leads to sex - and that is how a new generation of fools is born!

We are hardcore role players... When we go to bed with a girl, we roll a D20 to see if we hit the target and a D6 to see how much penetration damage we did.


Modern democracy is: the sheep voting for which dog will be the shepherd's right hand.

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at first i moved the pan over the sink to dump the oil there before i remembered that it was a bad idea and some of the oil spilled... the blaze in the sink was huge but fortunately there was nothing that could catch fire. luckily my cat was out roaming the streets and not on her usual spot in the garden or i would be eating fried cat for lunch

The words freedom and liberty, are diminishing the true meaning of the abstract concept they try to explain. The true nature of freedom is such, that the human mind is unable to comprehend it, so we make a cage and name it freedom in order to give a tangible meaning to what we dont understand, just as our ancestors made gods like Thor or Zeus to explain thunder.



What? You thought it was a quote from some well known wise guy from the past?


Stupidity leads to willful ignorance - willful ignorance leads to hope - hope leads to sex - and that is how a new generation of fools is born!

We are hardcore role players... When we go to bed with a girl, we roll a D20 to see if we hit the target and a D6 to see how much penetration damage we did.


Modern democracy is: the sheep voting for which dog will be the shepherd's right hand.

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Glad you're okay and the fire didn't spread  I've never had a kitchen fire (thankfully) but the experts seem to say you should be able to smother a fire in a pot or pan with a non-glass lid to cover the pot/pan and turn the heat off.


Baking soda (not powder) can be used to smother small fires as well.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Glad you're okay and the fire didn't spread  I've never had a kitchen fire (thankfully) but the experts seem to say you should be able to smother a fire in a pot or pan with a non-glass lid to cover the pot/pan and turn the heat off.


Baking soda (not powder) can be used to smother small fires as well.

we got one fire extinguisher in the house and is no coincidence it is kept in the kitchen. small fires can indeed be extinguished with baking soda. am s'posing we should get one o' those costo-sized boxes and put it near the stove. unfortunately, most o' our baking soda is in the fridge (way in the back behind the pickles or yogurt) or is in our dry ingredients cabinet, and no doubt approaching emptiness.  as such, it would alternative take prohibitive time to get the fridge baking soda, and our ingredients baking soda is likely to be of sufficient volume to smother a fire no larger than a quarter. 


regardless, a fire extinguisher  in the kitchen is a must.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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i went to the hospital to get the burns checked because my mother insisted when i told her about it, but they just told me what i already knew: the burns are superficial, they did no damage to the skin or anything under it and besides a blister, that should go away in a week or so but could be very painful if popped, there is nothing to worry about. i just have to keep the burned areas clean and dry for a few days until the blister goes away then put some cream on to restore the skin's humidity to normal

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The words freedom and liberty, are diminishing the true meaning of the abstract concept they try to explain. The true nature of freedom is such, that the human mind is unable to comprehend it, so we make a cage and name it freedom in order to give a tangible meaning to what we dont understand, just as our ancestors made gods like Thor or Zeus to explain thunder.



What? You thought it was a quote from some well known wise guy from the past?


Stupidity leads to willful ignorance - willful ignorance leads to hope - hope leads to sex - and that is how a new generation of fools is born!

We are hardcore role players... When we go to bed with a girl, we roll a D20 to see if we hit the target and a D6 to see how much penetration damage we did.


Modern democracy is: the sheep voting for which dog will be the shepherd's right hand.

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That sucks, tekno


Reminds me I burned my hand a couple of days ago while making a steak. Seared a large filet before popping it in the oven to cook to a nice medium/medium rare and then pulled it back out to let it sit for a couple minutes while I made my sides. Problem was that I forgot I stuck the whole skillet in the oven so I just reached over and picked it up by the handle with my bare hand. Dumb move. The skillet hit the ground but the steak never did


It was delicious too but cutting the steak with one hand proved difficult but I wasn't going to go through all that and not eat it

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Free games updated 3/4/21

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That sucks, tekno


Reminds me I burned my hand a couple of days ago while making a steak. Seared a large filet before popping it in the oven to cook to a nice medium/medium rare and then pulled it back out to let it sit for a couple minutes while I made my sides. Problem was that I forgot I stuck the whole skillet in the oven so I just reached over and picked it up by the handle with my bare hand. Dumb move. The skillet hit the ground but the steak never did


It was delicious too but cutting the steak with one hand proved difficult but I wasn't going to go through all that and not eat it


Goddamn I want a steak...minus burnt hand but it's still a price worth paying.

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Metallica is in town so might try for tickets. Of course mentioning that had some guy at work chime in that they are crap since Cliff died and newer bands are progressive, etc. Metal fans sure are tiresome. :lol:


Is a small venue - 400 people - so will be interesting to see what scalpers sell them for

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Got a strange schedule coming up. Currently am a bit on tenderhooks about this overtime pay law thing that a judge is deliberating on because the next rung in my company is going to be bumped up in terms of pay to cover it.


Three day weekend (tues/weds/thurs) then I work for 5 hours on black friday... then saturday, sunday off.


Need to find a week to get out of dodge before the end of the year to burn my last vacation days.


Hurlshot, that's where you use the fact she's a "Special Wizard" as leverage to get your kid to do stuff.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Ive got a nice four day stretch off work. Were going to my mother-in-law's house for turkey day some Im looking forward to some delicious eats. This woman, somehow, someway, has managed to create the only sweet potato pie on the planet that I like but then my wife informed me that its no longer on the menu because "mom" has diabetes. :(  Probably slip in a day or two of garage drinking with my neighbor too.

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Just got back from a Universal Studios Hollywood vacation.  It had been about 2 years since we went last, and they changed a lot.  The studio tour continues to be the highlight, it was awesome and had some great additions.  The Harry Potter world was well done.  It was super pricey, in fact I feel like they've upped all the prices since the last trip, probably because Harry Potter makes it a lot more popular.


The best meal we had was at a hole in the wall vegetarian place.  Need to remember to venture off the beaten path a bit more next time, it was also a bit more affordable.

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Getting into the 2pm to 10pm shift for the Christmas casuals at the Post Office. Making sure I get plenty of walking back and forth....

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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My back is killing me. Working is definetly not helping, some of my exercises are helping, but not as much as I'd like. Hoping to get more extension on the sickleave tomorrow.


I'm not looking forward to monday, they've already called in people for an extra shift on Sunday, something wich I'm not allowed to accept; Even though I badly need that extra cash. I expect Monday will involve alot of overtime if nothing else.

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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had a bike accident a couple days ago. equipment failure + user fail (stoopid speed) = a couple cracked ribs, and an impressive amount of skin lost.  our coppery complexion hides much o' our bruising and there were no injury to our face or head, so our two-wheeled fumbduckery has remained a private humiliation-- explain away our frequent wincing with a deadpan explanation o' "overly rough sex."  our questioner experiences an uncomfortable laugh followed by silence.  


only reason we share is 'cause o' the curious half second o' reflection we experienced immediate preceding our inevitable crash.  as we noted already, we had equipment failure which made our fall an inevitability given our reckless speed. nevertheless, we had time to consider our situation.




not fear or anger.  best we could (couldn't?) muster were ennui.  managed to relax before the fall, though the sensation o' feeling ribs break mighta' spiked our adrenaline a tad. 




our reaction were rational given the circumstances.  even so, am nevertheless disappointed in our self.  indifferent resignation strikes us as so... banal.


HA! Good Fun!

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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Pretty much the only cousin of mine that I actually like died from a random bicycle accident a few weeks ago. Life is so sudden and chaotic. Good to hear you're still kicking.


How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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not fear or anger.  best we could (couldn't?) muster were ennui.  managed to relax before the fall, though the sensation o' feeling ribs break mighta' spiked our adrenaline a tad.

The shocking realisation that you are getting old and things that used to upset you doesn't seem quite as important anymore?


"overly rough sex."... thanks, I didn't like the (now coffee soaked) keyboard much anyway :lol:


Good to hear you're recovering though. For what it's worth, I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one who would miss you around here.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Grom I have noticed moderate amounts of high quality bourbon have a nice anesthetic effect on aches and pains from minor accidents. Glad you weren't badly injured.

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Geez Gromnir, Im glad you okay  :thumbsup:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I'm glad to hear you're relatively okay Grom, was it a bicycle or motorcycle you rode?

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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Glad to hear Grom is still kicking.  I also didn't realize Raithe got a job at the post office.  I'm not sure how it is in the UK, but that's a pretty good gig to get in the States.  Grats. 


Well, its only a 5 week gig over the Christmas period, but every little helps.

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US. Happy Thursday to the rest of you fine folks.

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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