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Why does Hearts and Stone (sp) show up right away in my quest log when I arrive in Velen, but there's no mention of the other expansion Blood and Wine (sp)?


Hearts of Stone is an independent story that doesn't connect with the overarching story of W3. Blood and Wine does, and, more importantly, is supposed to be a big send off for Geralt. Narratively, Hearts of Stone fits best before the start of the game while Blood and Wine belongs at the end. B&W becomes available (though I wouldn't do it that early) after finishing the A Poet In Need quest.

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I tried We are Dwarves.... it might be  a good game for the needle in **** hole crowd (that's what I call game masochist who think that every grating design flaw is a virtue) but I generally don't like playing games where the developer decided that there is only one specific way to progress and unless you do those arbitrary thing you not advancing. So **** them and their particular way to play their low key game.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Jade Empire is a fire and forget type of game.


I may have even played through it twice but I don't remember anything at all about it.

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Started playing some Mount & Blade Warbands for a few hours and then switched to Fire and Sword. I can really see the awesome in this game, but it also has so many tiny flaws that annoy the hell out of me...

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Downloaded a demo of Monster Hunter 4 on the 3DS to see what all the fuss is about. Seems like all the worst parts of an MMO and Dark Souls rolled together, the grind, the needless complexity and obsession with vapid mechanical systems - without any story or atmosphere.


My first and only reaction to these type of otaku games is "kill it with fire"



Meanwhile: playing Ocarina of Time at a leisurely pace. Its quite enjoyable

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Went back to Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen for a bit and finally killed Death in Bitter Black Isle. So now I can start ignoring the bugger until NG+ on Hard mode.


I also found that the room before the final boss of BBI is pretty good for getting all your gear Dragonforged as lots of Dragons spawn there and the ones in BBI have a rather higher chance of Dragonforging than the ones in the main game.


Next up: beating Daemon to a pulp. Then maybe go back tot he main story for a bit.


As for my Ghost Dishonored playthrough: successfully took care of the first target "ghostily". Holding off on continuing for a bit until I have the time to run through the next mission in one go.

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I remember rolling on the ground in laughter when I used my Jedi Mind Tricks on him for that quest.

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“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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Jade Empire is a fire and forget type of game.


I may have even played through it twice but I don't remember anything at all about it.


I liked it.  Maybe it had more to do with them at least attempting a different setting.

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"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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As for my Ghost Dishonored playthrough: successfully took care of the first target "ghostily". Holding off on continuing for a bit until I have the time to run through the next mission in one go.

Clean hands or kill? The first target is ... Rather difficult to do on both.
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To complete the objective, you have to do more tho - you need to take the High Overseer into the interrogation chair and brand him there, which makes quite a lot of noise. I think I had to clear the entire level (level of building, not game level) of guards for nobody to raise any alarms, which felt rather tricky to do, especially with their perception on highest difficulty. Then again, I suck at stealth games so it might have only been tricky for me.


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seriously, if KOTOR II had a better combat system, it would be my second favorite Obsidian game. the writing is just that good, I'm amazed how fun it is just to follow dialogue in this game. it's basically PS: T in space if you ask me

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Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Still on my indie binge


Cave Story + 


For a one man show its pretty damn good. 

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None, what is that


I'm looking at screenshots but they're not telling me anything

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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Oh just... One of the best written games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Think Lovecraft meets Pratchett in a game which allows you to explore massive underground ocean in the Victorian period. Your home port is London, naturally. It's underground because bats stole it. (the lore is one of the highlights, by the way - it starts off seeming like a mangled mess, but in fact it's shockingly coherent.) I might be a bit of a fanboy.





Edit: As to what it is, it's an open-world-ish exploration game with survival elements. Default mode is Iron Man with the world and a bunch of stories reshuffling around on each death, but there's also a free saving mode. It leans heavily towards presenting a great story and interesting world with amazing atmosphere. And it's magnificent because there's nothing else quite like it.

Edited by Fenixp
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As for my Ghost Dishonored playthrough: successfully took care of the first target "ghostily". Holding off on continuing for a bit until I have the time to run through the next mission in one go.

Clean hands or kill? The first target is ... Rather difficult to do on both.



Both. I have this tendency to choke out as much guards as possible anyway. Think I only left 1 guard standing in the building, so dragging the guy to the chair was easy as there was nobody left to detect me... I considered killing him anyway, just for the achievements since I left all of them alive in my last playthrough, maybe if I ever do a "high chaos murder everything" playthrough.


I also did all secondary objectives as Ghost (Granny Rags was interesting, had to use Time Stop, or w/e it is called). Now attempting Ghost + not killing any targets + low magic *that* would be *hard* (or just infuriating ;-))...

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I feel like I'm the only person who didn't really like Dishonored. Only got around to playing it a couple months ago as a free PS+ games. And I stopped right around the start of the third act.


Maybe it's because I refused to kill anyone out of fear of the things I heard about the chaos system. But I saw absolutely nothing special in it. Felt like all the other stealth games I've ever played. Walking up behind people, shooting them with tranqs from a distance, save scumming to avoid being detected.


I was left maintaining the opinion like that entire genre peaked back with Metal Gear Solid 1. Where you didn't have a billion tools and every room felt like a puzzle that required rhythm and movement.


Edit: Mark of the Assassin was great, too.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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