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Kickstarter disappointments


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I should probably wait for games to be released before buying.


This is what I've been doing, haven't backed a single kickstart as I would rather see the actual product I'm buying, not just a page of plans.


Though it's starting to look like Pillars of Eternity is shaping up being a game that will make me feel bad for not backing. It remains to be seen will Torment Tides of Numenera do the same.

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@ Slinky; It's not too late ;)

You can still become a backer TODAY...





I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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@ Slinky; It's not too late ;)

You can still become a backer TODAY...



Yeah, but the actual kickstart that gave life to the game is long gone. I'll hang back and look how the game progresses and throw my money at it when there is no longer any room for doubt.


If PE delivers, I'll be right there backing the next kickstart from Obsidian as long the game sounds good to me.

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I completely forgot about LSL Reloaded which makes sense as I thought it was an enjoyable enough but also forgettable remake

Yep, my thoughts exactly. It was exactly the game they promised, decently enjoyable, but thoroughly unremarkable.

Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Shadowrun Returns was my big disappointment. And I backed Haunts which didn't even get made :p


Small World 2 was rather disappointing, seeing how the PC version is a crappy iPhone port. They also pissed people off because the Steam price on release was lower than the backer tier to get the game. $15 as a backer, $10 to buy it on Steam.... I don't mind the price reallty myself. I do mind that it is badly made.


Giana Sisters is an amazing gaming. The devs were the disappointment though: after the intial launch they concentrated nearly exclusively on the Steam version, leaving the gog, GamersGate and physical disc versions months behind on patches and updates. Let's not even talk about the backer version. Way to tell part of your customers and backers that you consider them second rate.


I had only heard the name Godus. Then I heard who's project it was and I lost all interest.

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Then I heard who's project it was and I lost all interest.

But melkathi, Peter Molyneux is going to revolutionize gaming.  This is going to be the most important game in the history of gaming, nay, the history of the world itself, nay, the history of the universe.  This game will induce the human species to have the largest leap in evolution it has ever had.  In fact, we will no longer be Homo Sapiens Sapiens but become Homo Sapiens Molyneuxis, a glorious new race of enlightened, advance beings that live in harmony and have the entire universe as our oyster.

Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Didn't think SRR was really that bad.

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Didn't think SRR was really that bad.


I pumped 80 hours of time into it in about a week, so I can't complain.  The toolset was the real gem for me.  If you own Shadowrun and haven't tried at least one of the user created adventures, you aren't really making full use of the game.  Although I think it will be more interesting to see how good the mod community after a year and the expansion.


Heck, they already fixed the save system.

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I love SRR, even vanilla, though having all the user made stuff definitely makes it better.  Heck, I'm going to buy it again just so I can play it on my Android phone also.


Funny thing about opinions, people have differing ones.  :)

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Thus far I've backed PoE, Wasteland 2, T:ToN, and D:OS--all (more-or-less) party-based CRPGs. I like a lot of what I've read in their updates, but then I'm not an overly critical person. (My biggest disappointment by far was that the Wasteland 2 developers decided not to use hexes for combat. :huh:) I would have backed Shadowrun Returns if I'd got in on time. However, now that it's out I'm waiting until it has sufficient content to enjoy for an extended period of play (and is well patched).

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I've played a few Kickstarter games and enjoyed all of them.


Mercenary Kings - 2D sidescrolling shooter

Expeditions: Conquistador - Turn-based rpg

Shadowrun Returns (Backed) - Turn-based rpg

Faster Than Light - Survival game in space

Cthulhu Saves the World - Turn-based rpg

Grim Dawn - Hack n' Slash

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I forgot Cthulhu Saves the World's PC port was kickstarted. That game is fantastic.

I also forgot I had the Larry 1 remake. Exactly. I was looking forward to remakes 2 & 3, because P&C. Now with no Al or Josh...

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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After the DRM-thingy on Shadowrun, I was really pissed at them. But times have changed and so has their stance on DRM free distribution. So I have now played the game and am pleasantly surprised :) Really good atmosphere and writing, don't even dislike the looks or linearity :)


Bought both Expeditions Conquistador and FTL from regular channels (gog and humblebundle) not from kickstarter and have played them through (ok, haven't beaten the second phase of the end ship in FTL yet nor do I have all the ships at my disposal, but hey... ). Addictive games on different levels :)


So all in all, I have not been disappointed in any KS-game I've played :) Looking forward to the next releases, Banner Saga and Wasteland 2 in my case.

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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Released games I've backed have all been fantastic: Shadowrun Returns, Gianna Sisters:Twisted Dream, Broken Sword 5.


The reason I didn't back Godus was the tablet focus of the project, it seemed very clear to me in the subtext that this was a tablet game first, but also I don't believe developers have the money to dedicate the time to create two interfaces, major differences in assets, so they go for the lowest common denominator, the PC version suffers.


Ouya was disappointing because of ****ty behaviour like charging delivery for non-US backers when shipping from Hong Kong and incompetence in creating gamepads (thankfully 360 and PS3 pads are supported), it's pretty great despite the lack of games, if you want an Android box with Ethernet and standard HDMI, there's nothing close in terms of price/performance until Amazon and Google enter the market.


Broken Age, despite raising many times the funding goal, and adding to it from funds they received from selling other games, they're still going to only release part of it to sell for funding to make the rest, that's disappointing because it's deceitful. I don't mind either way, I would have backed this game if it had been pitched, but it's bad for KickStarter to have developers disregarding the campaign and doing what they please.


Shadowrun Returns and the DRM situation was disappointing, but KickStarter in general has been a force of combating that situation with large publishers, licensing IP, and DRM.

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Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is pretty doggone good.  I didn't list it because I didn't back it, I bought it when it released.  Really fun platformer.  I love how the world changes when you switch from cute to punk Giana, and vice versa, and the nice touch of how the music changes along with it.  Little things like that make a big impact on the enjoyment of a game.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Overall I've not had too many major disappointments with the projects I backed. I can only think of two off the top of my head:


1. There are some disappointments to be had with Shadowrun Returns. First was the DRM snafu, primarily because they mentioned the licensing/rights issues -after- the fact, when it really sounded like there wouldn't be any problems. They gave everyone three Steam keys, which didn't do much for me since I don't use Steam. Fortunately, they released the game on GOG, and provided backers with a GOG key as well. Now if only they'd fix the broken USB dog tags...


2. There was a Firefly USB flash drive project wherein the appropriate licenses were acquired, so everything was moving smoothly. Then Fox comes along and cancels the project. Apparently Fox owns the rights to Firefly, and even though said rights were properly licensed, their legal department claimed to not know what a Kickstarter was, and pulled the plug on the project. Crazy stuff.

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Had no problems with mine, though the lack of the top guard did confuse me for a moment. But besides that one time I plugged it in to test it, I doubt it'll ever be used again.


A case where two style-over-substance designs clash: the USB dogtags lack the upper guard for the connectors. My Samsung convertible keyboard dock has its USB ports on an angled section of the body, where half the support for the bottom part that'd normally be there is missing. (This is a terrible design and even regular USB plugs wobble badly in them) I suspect if I ever tried to use them together, I'd have to physically hold them together for the duration to even get usable contact.


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