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Use a normal Great Scythe + 15 instead of Lifehunt.


As for BKS weapons you can't go wrong there.  I would also recommend Man- Serpent Sword, at +15 of course.


Although the most fun i had in Souls games was as a simple Longsword  and Mace/Reinforced club plus Heather shield user. :) Even in PVP i was constantly underestimated. The only downside was that i had to have 40 in STR and DEX to deal enough damage compared to other weapons.

It was more of a weapon master build, since i could effectively use almost everything.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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I've been putting in time with Batman AO on the pc and AC 4 on the PS4. Playing through both of them has been somewhat difficult due to their similar and not similar play style. Enjoying both so far but I will say playing Batman, I wish that AC had some kind of crouch button. At least aesthetically. Anyone else feel the same? I know it's a small thing and I understand AC is about being in the crowd but when I'm on a roof at night it would be cool to be able to squat down.

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Finished Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag, and I must say that this is the best story line in the series so far, at least as far as the characters are concerned. I actually felt a little invested in them, so it was sad to see them die. As for the ship battles, they get boring after you defeat the legendary (strongest) ships. Anyways positive experience from this game.

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"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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Thinking of getting some games that are on sale/cheap.  Dark Souls, Dishonored, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, and Devil May Cry are at the top of the list.  I'm just not sure which ones will actually interest me.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Thinking of getting some games that are on sale/cheap.  Dark Souls, Dishonored, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, and Devil May Cry are at the top of the list.  I'm just not sure which ones will actually interest me.


Won't go wrong with Dishonored, as for DMC, it's ok but DMC3 is still the best one for me.


edit: Dark Souls on PC is unplayable without the mod, I can find the link for the mod if you want.

Edited by Sarex

"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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About to start LOTR: Online in about 15 minutes. I hope it's good. I'm not big on MMORPGs, so we'll see what I think of it.


Good luck.  It's my favorite game ever.  


Interesting. Will share my thoughts after 10-15 hours of playtime.

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About to start LOTR: Online in about 15 minutes. I hope it's good. I'm not big on MMORPGs, so we'll see what I think of it.


I think I lasted about 15 minutes in that game before moving on to greener pastures.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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About to start LOTR: Online in about 15 minutes. I hope it's good. I'm not big on MMORPGs, so we'll see what I think of it.


Good luck.  It's my favorite game ever.  


Interesting. Will share my thoughts after 10-15 hours of playtime.



I'd probably say my only advice would be to not rush.  Enjoy the different areas that Turbine has recreated from the books and movies. There are loads of easter eggs.

Edited by Hurlshot
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Thinking of getting some games that are on sale/cheap.  Dark Souls, Dishonored, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, and Devil May Cry are at the top of the list.  I'm just not sure which ones will actually interest me.


Won't go wrong with Dishonored, as for DMC, it's ok but DMC3 is still the best one for me.


edit: Dark Souls on PC is unplayable without the mod, I can find the link for the mod if you want.



Should have specified.  I'm playing on the 360, not the PC.  All those games are currently at reduced prices, so I was trying to figure out which one(s) to get.


The write-up for DMC sounds a lot like what Max Payne 3's gameplay was like, and I wasn't really a fan of the frenetic non-stop action.  So I'm not sure DMC would be for me.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Got an email for the Elder Scrolls Online beta so that should make for an interesting weekend

I'd be interested to hear what you think about it after you have seen enough for an opinion. No need to say anything the NDA forbits, just general feel of it is enough.


ESO and Wildstar are the only coming MMO's that I might like.



I'm pretty sure I'm not even allowed to say that I got picked for the beta and all the screenshots I took have my email address watermarked all over the background but if anyone is genuinely curious please feel free to drop me a PM

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Got an email for the Elder Scrolls Online beta so that should make for an interesting weekend

I'd be interested to hear what you think about it after you have seen enough for an opinion. No need to say anything the NDA forbits, just general feel of it is enough.


ESO and Wildstar are the only coming MMO's that I might like.



I'm pretty sure I'm not even allowed to say that I got picked for the beta and all the screenshots I took have my email address watermarked all over the background but if anyone is genuinely curious please feel free to drop me a PM


You have mail.


I got beta invite to Wildstar, currently installing. Can give first impressions once I look up what exactly I'm allowed to say and once I have played it enough to form an opinion.

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Finally got my hands on GTA V!

Only a few hours in the game and I can already testify that it's a lot more appealing compared to GTA IV.  I also play Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad for a couple of hours every day because of the awesome atmosphere and gameplay...Rattenkrieg FTW!

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Hm, I have to admit, at the moment I'm more tempted by what I've heard of the swashbuckling open worldness of Black Flag then GTAV at the moment.  Ah well, either way it'll be a wait before I both picking up either, if at all.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Or people with jobs that play the game enough to justify $15 a month :p

"with jobs" and "play the game enough" kinda contradict each other, no?  :rolleyes: at least, for me to justify tossing $15 out the window every month I have to play the game at least 20 hours a week. and even now, while I'm a student, I can't dedicate more than 4-5 hours a week to games, let alone one game.



Most of the people I play MMO's with have full on careers.  The key is that all they really do is work and play the game, and they play that one game exclusively.  When you work and 8-10 hour day, you still have time to come home and play for 4-5 hours.  Cut back on the sleep a bit and you can get even more.  I did join a guild once where it seemed like quite a few of the people were on disability, that scared me off pretty fast.    


I go through spurts like that, maybe a week or two where I'm really enjoying the game and putting in a lot of hours.  But I get burnt out quick, and I like to play a variety of games. 



and that is the reason why I stopped to play MMOs, to dedicate at one game only is just waste of fun and I need enough variety to have fun :)


the second reason is, that most of them play the same... so after playing 4 or 5 years of wow, i get bored with every single MMO in under 1 hour... including WoW...

Edited by Mamoulian War

Sent from my Stone Tablet, using Chisel-a-Talk 2000BC.

My youtube channel: MamoulianFH
Latest Let's Play Tales of Arise (completed)
Latest Bossfight Compilation Dark Souls Remastered - New Game (completed)

Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 1: Austria Grand Campaign (completed)
Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 2: Xhosa Grand Campaign (completed)
My PS Platinums and 100% - 29 games so far (my PSN profile)



1) God of War III - PS3 - 24+ hours

2) Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 130+ hours

3) White Knight Chronicles International Edition - PS3 - 525+ hours

4) Hyperdimension Neptunia - PS3 - 80+ hours

5) Final Fantasy XIII-2 - PS3 - 200+ hours

6) Tales of Xillia - PS3 - 135+ hours

7) Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 - PS3 - 152+ hours

8.) Grand Turismo 6 - PS3 - 81+ hours (including Senna Master DLC)

9) Demon's Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

10) Tales of Graces f - PS3 - 337+ hours

11) Star Ocean: The Last Hope International - PS3 - 750+ hours

12) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 127+ hours

13) Soulcalibur V - PS3 - 73+ hours

14) Gran Turismo 5 - PS3 - 600+ hours

15) Tales of Xillia 2 - PS3 - 302+ hours

16) Mortal Kombat XL - PS4 - 95+ hours

17) Project CARS Game of the Year Edition - PS4 - 120+ hours

18) Dark Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

19) Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory - PS3 - 238+ hours

20) Final Fantasy Type-0 - PS4 - 58+ hours

21) Journey - PS4 - 9+ hours

22) Dark Souls II - PS3 - 210+ hours

23) Fairy Fencer F - PS3 - 215+ hours

24) Megadimension Neptunia VII - PS4 - 160 hours

25) Super Neptunia RPG - PS4 - 44+ hours

26) Journey - PS3 - 22+ hours

27) Final Fantasy XV - PS4 - 263+ hours (including all DLCs)

28) Tales of Arise - PS4 - 111+ hours

29) Dark Souls: Remastered - PS4 - 121+ hours

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Now I am in the period of not able to pick up anything I want to play, despite still having few games on backlog... eew


So I am only turning on my PS3 for hour or less in a day and trying to farm Arumat's battle trophy for 30k kills... 1000 encounters to go... I should be finished in about month with my current "speed"...


I really need to get over this stupid distaste for gaming as soon as possible... else I have to start to date again... what a horrible outcome out of this situation!!!

Sent from my Stone Tablet, using Chisel-a-Talk 2000BC.

My youtube channel: MamoulianFH
Latest Let's Play Tales of Arise (completed)
Latest Bossfight Compilation Dark Souls Remastered - New Game (completed)

Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 1: Austria Grand Campaign (completed)
Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 2: Xhosa Grand Campaign (completed)
My PS Platinums and 100% - 29 games so far (my PSN profile)



1) God of War III - PS3 - 24+ hours

2) Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 130+ hours

3) White Knight Chronicles International Edition - PS3 - 525+ hours

4) Hyperdimension Neptunia - PS3 - 80+ hours

5) Final Fantasy XIII-2 - PS3 - 200+ hours

6) Tales of Xillia - PS3 - 135+ hours

7) Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 - PS3 - 152+ hours

8.) Grand Turismo 6 - PS3 - 81+ hours (including Senna Master DLC)

9) Demon's Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

10) Tales of Graces f - PS3 - 337+ hours

11) Star Ocean: The Last Hope International - PS3 - 750+ hours

12) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 127+ hours

13) Soulcalibur V - PS3 - 73+ hours

14) Gran Turismo 5 - PS3 - 600+ hours

15) Tales of Xillia 2 - PS3 - 302+ hours

16) Mortal Kombat XL - PS4 - 95+ hours

17) Project CARS Game of the Year Edition - PS4 - 120+ hours

18) Dark Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

19) Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory - PS3 - 238+ hours

20) Final Fantasy Type-0 - PS4 - 58+ hours

21) Journey - PS4 - 9+ hours

22) Dark Souls II - PS3 - 210+ hours

23) Fairy Fencer F - PS3 - 215+ hours

24) Megadimension Neptunia VII - PS4 - 160 hours

25) Super Neptunia RPG - PS4 - 44+ hours

26) Journey - PS3 - 22+ hours

27) Final Fantasy XV - PS4 - 263+ hours (including all DLCs)

28) Tales of Arise - PS4 - 111+ hours

29) Dark Souls: Remastered - PS4 - 121+ hours

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Trying to play NWN2 but I am hating the combat.




It is being very uncooperative. If I don't turn the AI completly off, the party is acting extremly stupidly. If I do turn it off, they very often refuse to take orders at all.

I don't remember having so much trouble with it when I played it back when.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Trying to play NWN2 but I am hating the combat.




It is being very uncooperative. If I don't turn the AI completly off, the party is acting extremly stupidly. If I do turn it off, they very often refuse to take orders at all.

I don't remember having so much trouble with it when I played it back when.



I do. I left the party AI on because I could not be bothered. And...given how easy the game is (on core), it's especially not worth the effort. And this coming from a guy who never used party AI in BG/IWD except by mistake...


How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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I think I've got just about everything finished up that I need to complete for my first run of Dark Souls. Finally got around to heading back into the Depths to kill the Gaping Dragon, got the last few items I was missing in Blighttown, killed Dark Sun Gwyndolin and I think that's it. Other than collecting a bunch of souls to buy up the last of the armour sets I'm missing and/or upgrading some more items, I'm pretty sure I've beaten everything except the final boss now.


No wait! I still have to beat up Kalameet!

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